Well, mark this one down in the books! A REAL clearance sale! My Walmart had this flannel sheet set marked down from $14.96 to $4!
I just got a little excited as I have only been seeing “clearance” that looked like… Was $15, marked down to $14.97. 🙁
What have you found in YOUR store??
Our walmart has a bunch of clothes on clearance. Winter coats for 3.00 as well as snowsuits! Kids and adults. Also, hats and gloves for .50 and kids misc clothes for 1.00 or less! Great chance to buy for next winter season.
ours had the coats, sweaters, etc. clearly on a good clearance price. i agree about the “real” clearance, we have one walmart with a “clearance” aisle $5 down from $5.97 is not clearance, lol.
My store has had awesome clearance on clothes! I got all my kids winter stuff for next year for around $1 or less each piece. The only thing I didnt find were snow boots but oh well. Plus my husband found a ton of funny t shirts for $1. The womens stuff is $3 a piece which isnt bad at all in my opinion so I got a bunch of new clothes too! Even better is they’ve been adding new stuff every week and a friend of mine who works there told me they put new stuff on the racks every Wednsday! Yay me and my new wardrobe, good luck everyone!