I just wanted to post the successes and not so successful trips trying to get the Clean and Clear. You can see my original post HERE. It has been interesting to see how different Walmarts have handled it. In my area I have had a few people price match them successfully at the 242 Walmart.
Has anyone has any luck?
Kristin – I tried to price match these this morning and the cashier was price matching them to 2.99 each. She said she was supposed to do it like that. Is this right?? I have never price matched a bogo deal before.
Sonja: In dallas, the price is $4.96. They rang up one at the reg price, and priced the other at $1.07 to bring the total to 5.99. Then they only took off $4.96.. oh well, guess I only paid about 50 cents per bottle, which is still good
Kendall: I tried this today in Dallas and she rang up each one for $2.99. After the BOGO coupons, she took off $2.99. Oh well. :/
Michelle: I tried to purchase these this morning. After a HORRIBLE experience and the gal wanting to charge me $3.50 for 6, a manager came in and told her to just do it. She argued with me as though I was “stealing”. I remained cool and somewhat calm and held my ground. She called another manager who said not to do it. I have attempted to call Coorporate as well and they don’t open until noon.
Linda: i went this morning & my dh talked to the customer service manager, but when i was all said & done i still paid a dollar a bottle. still a good deal! walgreens was all sold out & by the time they get more in, my coupon will be expired!
Carla: Got very lucky in Ozark, Missouri this morning, I had 4 BOGO coupons, so I bought 8 bottles of Clean & Clear and 2 Nivea ($3.00, w/ $3.oo Q’s they had been out of stock for weeks!) …and checked out at the service desk because there was no line. There was no hassle at all and my total for 10 bottles of body wash was $0.00. Happy Mother’s Day to me!
They rang them up $5.99 and zero for each BOGO and then took 5.99 for each coupon. Woohoo!
Michelle: I did this today at our Walmart in MO. Both the cashier and CSM were very friendly but confused. Although they weren’t sure how to do it, they worked with me and put one bottle through for $4, and the other for $0.97. Then they scanned the coupon for $4.97. It worked but the 3 transactions (6 bottles free) took about 20 minutes. The CSM told me she would rather have the sale then for me to go to another store!!
H: Yesterday I went to 3 Walgreens 2 were sold out and the one that had it in stock told me I could not use the bogo coupon with the sale. I told her I had done it at other stores and the corporate policy does not prohibit it. She called their store manager and he said no this store does not allow it and they can make their own decision on coupons. I went to Walmart not expecting to have much luck but my cashier was nice and did the price match on 4 no problem, she rang it two for 4.96 and 2 for 0.01, then when she saw my coupons she said she didn’t know if it would take it but she would try. The register took it with no problems of course and she entered 4.96 as the amount so I got 4 for $0.02! Way to go Walmart!
No problem for price match for me. Rang up at 4.96 and then it showed up as a manufacturer coupon and then I was able to use the $2 off coupon on both.
I successfully priced matched these at Walmart, and had 2 BOGO coupons. However, the cashier was confused since they were ringing up cheaper than the Walgreens price, so she called a CSM. The CSM told me it wasn’t Walmart’s policy to price match a competitor’s BOGO sale, even though I showed her the coupon policy that stated it was okay if there was a price listed. She proceeded to tell the cashier to just take off the cost using “vendor coupon” and told me this was a one-time courtesy she would allow, thus making me feel like I was trying to steal. Ugh.
My wamart priced matched it with total confusion ~~ after working though most all of the confusion ~~ I found that they are suppose to ring the first one whatever it comes up (4.97) then comp the next one to make the difference(1.02) and then take the full 5.99 off when they enter the coupon. Atleast that was what I was told by the morning manager.The night shift managers idea was completely different BUT the first one makes sence to me so that is what I will be telling my cashiers from now on.
I’m too scared to try it 🙂 lol I’m guessing I’m probably not the only one though! It’s hit and miss at my Walmart here in GA.
I am also scared to try it. I am afraid I am going to get labeled or marked as “the one”… You know what I mean? *whispers in a hushed tone* “There… that’s the one!”
I successfully price matched these at two different Walmarts in Eastern, Washington. The first store no problem even with my BOGO coupon added in the mix, the second store there was a lot of confusion and a supervisor had to come they overrode their $4.97 price to $5.98 for the 1st bottle and a .01 for the second one and then took my coupon so I got 2 for .01 it seemed strange and complicated, but I got my bodywash so I am happy!
I tried a BOGO sale at Walgreens before with a BOGO coupon and the store manager told me no, but other Wags in our areas did it with no problem. It all really depends on the manager and cashier I think-frustrating though!
Walmart in Tampa told me their policy was either to match the bogo ad or accept the bogo coupon, wanting to charge me $4.99 for 2. Therefore, I did not purchase them 🙁
The store manager of a walmart in Texas City, TX told me the same thing! That they either price match or accept a coupon but not both.. I have been too scared to try but I will have my hubby try.. 🙂
I was NOT successful today 🙁 the cashier said no we can’t use it , then the manager said “you’re trying to get these free, yea that’s not gonna happen” and storms off. Old fart, ahhh he made me so mad!!! Went to Walgreens and had no problems using the coupon. Too bad they only had a limit of 2.
You need to get his name and “report” him!!! You are not stealing or getting it for free, your coupon is money to the store as they get the money from the manufaturer! uuuhhggg.. A walmart store manager once told me proudly that her store makes a total of over $18,000 in coupons alone in a single day!!!!
I called the 2 local Walmarts to see what their position would be when a store has a BOGO promotion and I have a BOGO coupon (specifically for and noting the C&C sale). They both said the same thing:
“The ad has to have the price on it and we’ll match their price split, so you’ll buy one and get the other one free…”
In other words, they don’t ‘cancel each other out’ so that all you pay is sales tax, as is the case at Walgreens…good thing that even while the four local Walgreens are emptied, I still have a year’s worth of other body washes, else I’d be putting up a fight if Walmart’s promoting the “we’ll match” when they really…don’t (or at least, not in this case.
seems like a lotta huba-balew and potential embarassment for some free body wash 😉
Just wondering if you ever got an answer from corporate? I called today, and the girl I talked to would not give a straight answer. I asked, can you price match and use a coupon. She wanted to have store manager call me. I said that is not what I am needing, I know the coupon policy, just wanted to know if this was a rule, or if, like most are saying, you could price match or use coupon, not both. She would not answer, she said it was up to each store manager. I said, so the coupon policy really is no good then, each manager can do as they want. Makes no sense to me.
I’d be to scared to try it lol would be awsome but I need to go to walmart way too often to have them remember me as the weird person who tries to get away with stuff lol does anyone know if this is on sale anywhere else? I don’t have a Walgreens.
I had no problem price matching these. I got 10. Instead of price matching them at $5.99 they just price matched the store price of $4.98 and then BOGO coupon for 4.98 and they where free. I only paid the sales tax. My checker was SUPER friendly – However the Manager had to approve my transaction due to the number of coupons and she was NOT friendly at all. She told me she did not approve of this – I smiled & left.
Just tried today and they tried the $3/$2.99 split on me… BUT they were only going to take $2.99 off for the bogo coupon. I wasn’t happy. Called corporate but they said I won’t hear back for a few days. Sigh
Spent waaaaay too long at walmart with an assistant manager talking him through matching the wags bodywash deal! Holy cow! Granted now I am now known as the coupon lady to that manager and csr (book not the crazy coupon lady!!). The manager sounded like he knew what was going on and how to honor it. But I get there and it was square one again. Final walked out with 4 bottles paying only tax and $.01 each. Fine with me! Perfect for donating! He said he would honor the bogo ad match for me but they aren’t supposed to. What!? I showed him the policy and he said it was different. The ad in the example showed $2.49 for each item vs $5.99 and get one free. Ok if you look at the ad and the example they are saying the same thing!!
Ok vent over.
I tried this today at two different walmarts in Fishkill and Newburgh in upstate NY, I was told at the first location That I am not allowed to use a B1G1 coupon on a B1G1 sale. The second location said that their store was not allowed to price match B1G1 at all, that their store has not been updated for that yet. Whatever that means. Im so disappointed with walmart. It seems like everyone who works there has no clue about how their stores work or what their policies are. After I visited both locations I called 1800walmart to see what they would say about the lack of knowledge at these locations, and she proceeded to tell me that walmart does not take B1G1 coupons at all, I asked to speak with a manager, she took down my phone number and said someone would call me back. Highly doubt i’ll be getting that call.
Thought walmart was going to make my life easier with the price matching and coupon taking but I guess not.
Tried to do the price match at my Walmart in Missouri. The checker was obviously confused. She called management over and they did a price override for my four bottles. They priced 2 bottles at 3 dollars each and two bottles at 2.99 each to equal the sale price. Then they did the BOGO which canceled out the 3 dollar bottles. I got 4 bottles for 5.98. Not bad, but not the result I was hoping for. Is it really that hard for all the stores to come to a consensus on the coupons?
I had success at a Walgreens in the next town over from me, I got the BOGO and the cashier gave me $5.99 off on the coupon. Free!! I was able to find as many as I needed.
Sadly, my Walmart doesn’t carry this bodywash.
At what store? huh, i’ve never heard of it.
I had success but it took 45 minutes to get 8 bottles after speaking with 3 managers.
My whole deal is this… They offer price matching to be competitive. This BOGO sale meets their requirements outlined in the coupon policy. But they also accept coupons… How come they won’t accept both? The managers tried telling me that that is considered ‘stacking’ which it IS NOT. Stacking is using 2 manufacturer coupons! They are offering the price matching, not the manufacturer… And they will be getting reimbursed by the manuf on the coupon. They should not offer price matching if they aren’t going to honor it. Plain and simple. I’m ALMOST to the point that I won’t shop there because there is NO consistency. I’d rather shop at my local grocery stores and pharmacies.
With that said… The manager of the store was trying to compare it to honoring RR. It’s not the same thing AT ALL. I can see not honoring RR prices because RR are put out BY THE MANUFACTURER. They can be considered a manuf coupon. NOT THE SAME THING!
They flat out treated me like I was stealing something and I have NO tolerance for that. I work my butt off and they are getting reimbursed for the coupon PLUS $.08 handling. Give me a break!
I am in Texas, wasn’t able to score any either. I asked a manager about price matching and this is what she said we could do:
BUY 1 @ 3.00
BUY 1 @ 2.99
MINUS (1) @ 3.00
Also, in the past, I have had no problems using a coupon with price matching. It just seems that when the item is blatantly free, it ruffles some feathers.
Well, after reading all of this yesterday I was determined to go to my walmart and try my luck. I got 10 of the body washes, and planned use my 5 BOGO coupons in attempt to get them for free. To my surprise, it worked! YES, a manager had to be called over …YES- there were about 5 annoyed customers behind me… and YES, I got some grief by her telling me I couldn’t use a coupon and a price match together…………I told her that I have done it before and then I started to pull out my coupon policy and I said it doesn’t state anything in here about not being able to… and she said well, ok then, go ahead… and she proceeded to show the cashier how to put it in 🙂 Needless to say… I’m happy!
PS- if this is their new coupon policy- they should have an easier way yo put in BOGO item in the registers. Everyone is always confused. I wonder if they were even trained or educated on any of this?! Oh well!
I did this deal early Sunday morning..I didn’t even bother going to Walgreens, I just went straight to Walmart. I got 14 bodywash and had them price match the bogo sale. Weird though-the cashier insisted on price matching at Walmarts price on the bodywash not Walgreens. So she rang them all up and then subtracted the price of 7 of them off the total and she was not sure if she could do the bogo coupons and was about to tell me no, luckily there was a CSM standing nearby and he told her as long as its was a manuf Q & still good she HAD to scan it. She scanned it, it worked & I also bought other free & overage producing items & was PAID $13 to take 14 bodywash, 26 floss & 2 Tylenol Precise. no probs at all!
The checker at my Walmart told me that she could mathc the $5.99 price but that she couldn’t do the B1G1 free, so I didn’t even bother to try to use a coupon too. I’m sure I could have tried harder, but I had a 2 year-old in tow and didn’t feel like the hassle. I got a raincheck from Walgreens because they are currently out of stock and I’ll just go there next week.
i had some success with a super walmart here in north alabama. it took some time though. i went straight to the customer service desk. first i started with the price match part. their price was $4.97. to make it BOGO they charged me $4 for one and $.97 for the other. after that was decided we addressed the coupon. she scanned it and typed $4.00 in – it went through. then she typed $.97 manufacturer coupon manually equalling the price that was written in the space on the coupon. i got about nine deals for a total of 18 free bottles of bodywash. i was pleased but it took some time. LOL.
I had a problem at walmart and after an hour on the phone with customer service and was able to get them for free…..went to another walmart and the manager there had no problems with it and said she had done it earlier this week and did it exactly right!
I tried Davenport IA (elmore) tonight and was told they would be more than happy to, at half price each! Then she proceeded to tell me I couldn’t use a coupon too. One or the other.. Ummm I don’t think so! She called aMgr and he stated that they have to match BOGOS at 50% for each one, something about accounting and too many flags being raised if they price something over 75% off regular retail. So I said then you really dont honor BOGO, you offer 50% off.. He kinda stammered on that one, but said he would be happy to give me the BOGO their way and let me use my coupons..I walked out with no bodywash 🙁 Oh well, I did at least do the JMS Deal and they paid me about a dollar to take 3 shirts 2 pants and 4 All yous out of the store 🙂
I did this deal yesterday at my local Wal Mart, and after about 30 minutes at checkout, I walked out with 10 Clean and Clear for a total of $2.51 (the tax on it). They had to ring in the first at $4.97, price override the second at $1.02, then scan the coupon which took off $4.97. The manager then had to manually enter a manufacturer coupon for the additional $1.02. Had to do separate transactions, as the computer would have issues when she tried to enter more than one deal. The cashier who was helping me before the manager kept saying, “I don’t know why we have to do it this way. It’s so complicated.” They did have a ‘cheat sheet’ at the register to be able to enter the deals, but the manager did say that they were supposed to get training on these types of deals and entering the coupons soon.
I didn’t have a good day. The manager told me I could use the Walgreens price match OR the BOGO coupon….not both! So I didn’t get any of it. I called Corporate and she basically said the store could do whatever they wanted…regardless of the coupon policy. She told me the policy was simply a guideline and the stores could over-ride or make their own decisions.
No luck for me! Sunday 2 Walgreen’s only 1 bottle on each shelf!! UGH I was told that @ 7PM Saturday evening a group of ladies goes and clears the shelves of the BOGO deals without RR!! Same group all the time! So I went to check again today and same still only 1 Clean & Clear! But Schick Hydro & Fusion Razors(with samples!) stocked!!! 🙂 I was in a hurry so I just did 2 quick transactions! So then I go to Walmart which happens to be right next to Walgreens and get 4 bottles of Clean and Clear…@ check out the girl tried to tell me that it has to be a coupon for her to price match the BOGO!! I told her no she can ring on up reg price and the other a penny…No she can’t sorry!! I just didn’t have time to argue or explain to her. So I said ok well then you can keep them and left the store. I wasn’t paying $10 for 4 body washes! NO WAY!! I have 12 NIVEA for FREE!!!
Well, I gave this a shot for the 2nd time this week! The first time they told me if they price matched then I couldn’t use the coupon, so I just left. When I went back tonight I went to the customer service desk. She also told me that I couldn’t do both and I whipped out the coupon and ad match policies and nicely showed her that it didn’t say that anywhere in the policy. She was very nice, but even after all that she rang it up $3/$2.99. She let me use my $1 off coupon too. So, 2 bottles were $2.36 with tax. Not free, but better than retail!