Reader M. had an experience at her store that was very frustrating. This is her question and my advice. What advice do YOU have for her?
Reader Question:
PLEASE correct me if I’m wrong: remember that $5/2 almay cosmetics coupon? Walmart manager told me that I could only use 1 per transaction because that’s what “one per purchase” means. So if I wanted to keep using them then I’d have to do them 1 at a time. Seems pointless and I know it will make check out way longer. Is he wrong? And if he is, do I just let it go?
My Answer:
OMG what a mess… nope you are NOT wrong they need basic COUPON 101 classes. There is a BIG difference between 1 per purchase, and 1 per transaction. I usually ask, “how many am I purchasing?” and try to go from there. But sometimes they just don’t get it. If that is the case just do them 1 at a time and most of the time, they will say, “fine, just this ONE TIME I will allow you to do more then one.” LOL!
It also helps to have a coupon where you can show them the wording when they say “4 per transaction, or 1 per transaction” if all else fails, call 1-800-walmart.
What is YOUR advice? What do YOU do when you get the 1 per purchase comment??
I recent had something similar to happen to me at Wal-mart. I had the following coupons:
(5x) $.45/1 Off Any One Pack of Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, (exp. 8/28/13)
(5x) $.50/1 Off Any One Angle Soft Facial Tissue Item, (exp. 8/28/13)
(5x) $.50/1 Off One Sparkle Package, (exp. 8/18/13)
The CSM immediately told me in a very condescending voice “you can’t use all of these coupons” and that their Wal-Mart only allows 4 coupons per like item. It did not state anywhere on any of the coupons that there was a 4 coupon limit per like item per transition. She also tells me my coupon for angel soft bathroom tissue could only be used on double rolls, which really confused me because it did not state that anywhere on the coupon. When I told the CSM the coupon does not request the angel soft tissue to be a double roll in order to be valid. In a loud and sarcastic tone of voice, She disagreeably tells me I can only use 4 each of my other coupons and I couldn’t use my angel soft bathroom tissue coupon at all unless I went to get the double rolls. I tried to supply her with details about my concerns and expectations, and she would only interrupt me.
My partner called the assistant store manager after I got home, he invited us back to the store to use our coupons and confirmed that they do follow the online coupon policy. When we got there, he tried to show the CSM what she did wrong, she had an attitude with him and said she’s only doing what she’s been told and walked away. She didn’t say for longer than 15 secs. The assistant manager made excuses for her saying that she was being trained on something different.
After this whole ordeal, I mailed a letter to corporate Wal-mart:
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: Customer Service
702 S.W. 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716
I choose this because when writing a letter, I can choose as many words to explain my situation, but if I choose to do this complaint online or through the phone, I didn’t think they would get the big picture. I don’t feel comfortable going to Wal-Mart with coupons anymore. -Fant
Wow! just wow! Thank you for sharing!
My first question would be, is the ” manager” you talked to a CSS, meaning someone who manages the cashiers and front end? Or was he an assistant manager? I have run into problems more times then I am able to admit since I have certain relations working at Walmart! :0 And when it comes to dealing with the coupon illiterate cashier, especially with the CSS managment at Walmart, it does take quite a bit of control to not reach over the counter and smack them! My “relations at Walmart” told me no matter how hard he tries to train his associates some still feel they need to take on the role of “coupon police”! He says the best way to fight this is to have a coupon policy on hand at all times ready to go with your coupons and like Paul said, have a couple examples of different coupons to help them. Basically have a couponing 101 mini class handout on hand ready when you enter the checkout! On that handout, type up all the terminology of couponing, and add a couple examples, then make some copies. When you run into a cashier or situation like this, your prepared and you can leave a copy with the cashier as well. Doing so will not only help your future shopping trips but will help lots of other componers as well! Then when all else fails, demand to talk to the store manager! A lot of times they don’t know this in going on up front! Hope this helps! =D
Well at our Wal-Mart, they called this woman the CSM, customer service manager, and she was in charge of cashiers and customer service. Now I don’t know managing the cashiers is her normal daily job, but this is what she was doing on that day I was there. This was the person I had problems with. The person who tried solving the problem and let me use my coupons was the assistant store manager. Thanks for the advice! -Fant
Do you have a list of those words and how to interpret the coupon wording?
GREAT idea!
I also cary one that says “one per customer”.I feel bad for cashiers as stores are makining them the coupon police. You can see their fear if they’re not sure. I make an attempt to explain then ask them to invite the csm over if they still look scared. I look at it as an opportunity to educate them since their training doesn’t seem to cover this. So far it’s been successfull but……..
PS thank you mr heart the mart for teaching me your price matching ways. Being rural I have saved so much gas and time. Also, driving 40 min to the actual store haveing the sale only to find they’re wiped out, is now a thing of the past.
One per purchase. Not one per transaction. Each purchase, according to the coupon, is TWO items. You may only use ONE coupon per TWO items as stated.
I have had several problems with a certain Walmart in my area….I do not shop there anymore that is for sure. I had a price match on pickles one time (I brought my ad even though it says that I do not have to) and I told the cashier that I had the price match. He did it without a problem. Then it came to my coupons (which it was a large haul so it was a large stack) and he began scanning….the coupon I had to make an even better deal on the 6 jars of pickles I was buying wouldn’t scan so he called the CSM over. He explained to her what was going on and she looked at the coupon, looked at me, deleted my pickles from my order and handed my coupons back to me and said “We will no longer take coupons if they do not scan in our system”. The cashiers jaw just dropped as did the couple that was standing behind me. She just took off the pickles that I wanted to buy (even if my coupons wouldn’t scan I still wanted the pickles!) and basically told me that I was SOL for my coupons. I asked to speak to HER manager and she said “You can call the store manager if you would like” and she walked off. I left my large haul sitting there at the cashier….I was not going to give that Walmart a dime of my money after such a bad experience. I did call the store manager when I got home and explained to him what had happened and he was completely amazed that I maintained my composure with this “CSM manager”. He invited me back to the store, told me to get what it was that I had in my entire order and ask for him at the front desk so I did later that day…he rang through my entire transaction himself, hand keyed in my coupons and told me that I was welcome back anytime. He asked me to wait there with him while the CSM was called up front. I did and he pretty much went off on her actions, told her that she was going to given a written warning and any further problems such as I had been put through then she would be finding employment elsewhere.
I’ve had that happen to me before…I was quick to think about those “Limit 4 like coupons in one trip”…they usually state Limit one coupon per purchase, then 2 sentences later it states “Limit 4 like coupons in the same shopping trip”. So…when the cashier told me I could only use one coupon, I pulled out one of the coupons with the bold red lettering and asked her to read the coupon. She read the first couple sentences, and when she realized she was wrong, she quietly apologized and finished ringing me up. 🙂
There is one store in Denver that will only allow 1 coupon per transaction. It use to be my favorite store to go to now I mostly go to the stores that have self checkout and do it myself. I do have to break up my transaction to 35 items but I can get multiple items and use the same amount of coupons. There are some stores that are really good. Now there seem to be some stores that have very impolite and rogue CSM’s.
Please take into consideration that policies change constantly in the retail worldnand the stores and their associates have nothing to do with it other than adapt as the same policy changes time and time again. The coupon policy has changed three times since the beginning of the year. A major reason for the changes; rampant coupon fraud trending for all retailers. Counterfeit coupons cost not just the stores, but the employees big money. The policy is one coupon per item, not to exceed the cost of the item, ie. coupon is for $1.50 and item is $1.25. You get the item for free, but you do not get cash or credit for the unused $.25. Multiple coupons may be used in a transaction. There is a limit of items that can be rung per transaction also, to include merchandise and coupons as separate items. Yes, the stores themselves pay for the difference if they are shorted (fake or abused coupons, wages,building repairs, bad checks, theft, fraudulent refunds, accidental walk out of items like soda on the bottom of your cart, the cost of the accidents, ect. The stores pay not the corporation. After the store has paid for all these things and many more and the associates loose dollars off of their profit share corporate gets the rest. So please before you walk into any retail store to shop, think, did you put that shirt back neatly, or did you just toss it back on the rack or table and walk away, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake as the associate who has already folded that same shirtt twelve times that day forces herself to smile rather than face the degradation already dished out by seven customers just that morning. Have you ever discarded items you selected on the other side of the store by dumping them on the nearest shelf? How about when you check out and that new nervous cashier is having a difficult time trying to apply your coupon and she has five other people in her line. Due to turn over it is nearly impossible to train new associates on every thing they need to know. #1 reason for cashier turnover (most last less than 6 months) is not the wage or “Walmart”. They can’tdon’t deal with being treated poorly by customers who for what ever reason are unhappy. Maybe they did not find what they needed, are having a bad day, or had to wait in line when crunched for time (which I will say due work hours being cut, cheching out can be frustrating). As for the the rudeness the from associate you wrote of it is disappointing to hear of. I wonder what other issues she had already dealt with that day?
Just happened to me at the Lexington, Virginia WalMart. I was soooo embarrassed. A 364.00 order and a problem with two .75 coupons on Ragu spaghetti sauce. If I didn’t spend so much time shopping, I would have left the whole order there.