Hi! Welcome to I Heart the Mart. I am really glad you stopped by. We have an exciting announcement for our awesome readers! We are thrilled to tell you that we are the new ABC 13 Supersaver Couple! We will be doing a live Skype segment every Monday morning at 6:15 and do some twitter chats, so join us each week for some fun!
Be sure to check back for hot deals and fun savings! Check out our announcement today at 4:00 on ABC 13 News!
Here is a little about me and I Heart the Mart: I am a guy, I use coupons and do most of my shopping at Walmart. When I am not helping all of my awesome readers save 40-60% off their grocery budget every month, I am a Dad, Coach, Husband and Zookeeper for my (and my awesome wife’s) seven kids. I hope you see something that grabs your attention and makes you want to come back.
I spend so much time in Walmart, the employee’s ask me for help. I should have an aisle named after me or at least one of the car shopping carts! Walmart gets a bad rap. Most of us have one within a mile and run in repeatedly throughout the week.
Here are some of the most popular places on I Heart the Mart:
Walmart Under a Dollar List– Over 100 items!
Latest Under a Dollar Deals
Hot Printable Coupons
How to Shop at and other Walmart Videos
I Heart The Mart is the place where I can show you how to save a ton of money at Walmart, using coupons, rebates and price matching. It is a place for all you to help each other, link up your finds and your price matches, share you great deals and have a little bit of fun!
If you want all the deals emailed to you daily just enter your email address up in the top corner and you are on your way to saving BIG money each month!
Congratulations Paul and Tiffany on becoming ABC’s Supersaver Couple!!! Keep up the great work. P.S. Nice Pic you guys look like yall just fell in love. TOO Cute.