Walmart is “cleaning house” and it will be perfect time to score awesome clearance deals. Be sure to always check end caps, inside aisles, the lawn & garden department, and even each department may have a certain spot for clearance items!
NOTE: Not all clearance items or prices will be at every store, so be on the look out for great deals at your Walmart.
If your little one has the MobiGO system then you are going to love these games we found for only $1. That’s right only one dollar!
These are great to help your little one prepare for school or learning games.
I know we found a lot of toy deals this week but we also have something for the grown ups. The Hamilton Beach Sports Blender regularly $29.96 is marked down to only $15! These are great for on the go healthy smoothies and so much more. It comes with a 20 oz insulated bottle.
What better way to learn to read then with this electronic reader and 8 exciting, Star Wars adventures. If that’s not enough they even have the sound effects to go with it to make you feel you are in a galaxy far far away.
This “retro handset” makes me smile. I just had to explain to my kids that our land line has a corded phone, in case of an emergency. I showed them how to plug it in and use it. It was hilarious to see their faces. Poor kids have never seen one before. You can score your little one the Bratz Lip phone for only $5. It is not only stylish but they might look at you like you are a little crazy.
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