I am seeing a lot of posts and getting questions on deals that are not real deals. I can not say if they “will work” or not. I can just tell you that it is not proper use. I unknowingly started one of the rumors myself so let’s start with that one.
Oral-B Rechargeable Toothbrush. You cannot combine the $10 off coupon and the $20 MIR. The coupon will work at the register with no problem. Your purchase will then be ineligible for the rebate according to the wording and Oral-B Promotions team.
Norelco 7000 Series Razors:$30 off SensoTouch Razors. These are NOT SensoTouch Razors, this is Coupon Fraud. Anyone that tells you different is not correct. This also applies to the rebate that is out there. I have verified this with Phillips Norelco. There are $10 coupons for this model:
$10/1 Philips Norelco Speed XL Series Electric Razor or Nivea for Men Electric Razor printable
$10/1 Philips Norelco 7000 Series or Nivea for Men Razor, exp. 1/31/12 (ALL YOU Dec ’11).
Arm & Hammer Classic SpinBrush at Dollar General Ad Match this Week: This is only a valid deal if your Walmart has the “CLASSIC CLEAN” not the Pro Clean or any other SpinBrush that doesn’t say “Classic Clean”. I am posting a deal with a Mali in Rebate for a great deal with this Price Match Deal or if you get them from DG. So Stay Tuned.
The bottom line is that I want the great deals as bad as anyone, but they have to be legit. There are a lot of things that you can get away with but in the long run all couponers will get hurt. I am not saying it is the end of the coupon world, but it is changing and fast.
What are some of the most questionable deals that you have seen out there. I will post my opinion on them if you are interested!
Tide says “The $2 Tide coupon does not have a size restriction and is valid on all Tide detergent that is distributed by Procter & Gamble.” The single use packets are N0T distributed by P&G!!! Tide does license the Tide name and actual product to another company (in this case Cotton Buds) to distribute one use packets of the product. It is actually Tide in the package but it is distributed by the other company. Since that product isn’t distributed by P&G- the $2 P&G coupon is N0T allowed on the Cotton Buds single packs!!!” But people are still being told “Its up to the cashier” You can get a big size bottle for $5, or $3 with the $2 coupon. But it should N0T be up to a cashier- its up to Tide & they made their point very clear on their Facebook page.
Stephanie, I posted the Tide response to this on my site. They never to my knowledge stated the stores would not get reimbursed. they state it was up to the discretion of the store, not the cashier.
Ps… Because the Tide is (still) on sale right now…
Not that I’ve used it or plan to use it, but Tide has said they WILL reimburse stores for this.
Hmmm… Thats N0T what they announced on their Facebook page when the coupon 1st came out… just sayin…
I was told last night at the Wal-Mart in my area that I could not use the $2.00 Tide coupon on the 97cent travel size Tide because it exceed the amount of the item and that some of the cashiers had been written up this week because of accepting coupons that exceeded the price of the item purchased. I was also told that Wal-Mart will no longer price match store brand for store brand. Example: Wal-Mart brand for same price as Target brand.
I mean, Tide is giving everyone a GREAT deal with the $2 coupon… Its on sale for $5 (64 loads, I believe) so it’d be $3 with the $2 coupon! Why would anyone in their right mind use this coupon for only 1 load of clothes? & U only get $1 in overage anyways- we got more overage than that with the $8/2 CoverGirl items! Some people just wana ruin it for everyone.
Ps. & Tide normally around $12
I agree with you about using the coupon on the larger size is a better value for sure. Everyone has different circumstances and I will not judge based on peoples need. This is a YMMV deal for sure. Tide has also been putting out the $1 coupons for a long time and are would have to be aware they were being used on the travel size. It was very dumb for them to put out a $2 coupon with no restrictions. The store or consumers had no way of knowing this wasn’t distributed by tide.
I have in the past used the $1.00 off tide coupon for the single use tide to get it for free. I get these single use tides because we use them when we go camping!! They are great to use at the campground laundromats!! I have an HE machine at home so it is not worth it to purchase a whole bottle of detergent just for a camping trip and also the single use packages take up less room while packing when space is a premium. Just my thoughts. 🙂
The $2 Tide coupon (have yet to use them) for me is ONLY for overage. My family does not use tide. For some reason it makes us itch and the little ones tend to get rashes, so buying single load tide for $1 overage for say gain, or purex which we do use helps us. I don’t think its using the coupon incorrectly, I just don’t want to buy a big size of a detergent that I know my family and friends do not use!
Who has the Tide on sale for $5?
According to Walmarts own coupon policy, they do accept coupons that exceed the price of an item. The overage can be applied to the basket purchase, or given as cash back. Always take a copy of WM coupon policy with you when you shop there to avoid this issue. As for the tide coupon…. thats always a ymmv. But for others that exceed product price, they should be giving you full value on those coupons.
Yes I know WM’s coupon policy like the back of my hand… I was just trying to make a point from the status update Tide made on Facebook about the $2 coupon. But I give up.
Stephanie, lvshell wasn’t talking to you, she was talking to Lisa regarding what she was told at her local Wal-Mart.
I totally appreciate the status updates. It seems like you are adding words that aren’t there. I am not sure why people are getting so hot over this. This is CLEARLY a P&G problem. 98% of the people out there including store employees will have no way to know anything they put on their Facebook page. The only reason we know is because we live and breathe coupons. I took a screen shot of their response and posted a link to them above. This in my opinion is not a case of coupon fraud when the company states repeatedly that is up to the store to decide. I don’t promote any kind of coupon fraud. this is a very unique situation that if based on history of previous coupon offers and unique distribution method they should have foreseen and prevented.
I don’t follow Tide on facebook. I wasn’t aware they didn’t want them used on the trial size. I think that one is on the manufacturer. How hard is it to put the “not for use on trial size” on the coupon? As a consumer, it is not my job to research every tidbit of data in regards to a coupon. It should be clear within the print of the contract. And that particular contract entitles me to $2 off ANY Tide.
Hey Paul, just wondering if you had seen the email going around with coupons for Dr Pepper, Nestle water, and Oscar Mayer? It’s a PDF file going around and the coupons are high dollar (like $4 off Dr Pepper 12-pks), making the items free or almost free, and the expiration date is 12/31/11. A relative of mine came over telling me about it and when we pulled up the email we could tell immediately that it was fraud. He said he had already used some of them at 2 different stores. One store overrode it because it wouldn’t scan, and Walmart scanned it and it came up expired but they overrode it too (something they’d NEVER do for me, ha ha). Anyway, I hadn’t seen any posts on this, but I decided on my own these were not legit so I didn’t use them.
I saw a lady with some the other day and she was really sad when they said they could not take it. They were really cool and showed her what was wrong with the coupons. I hope no one else uses them.
You can go here: http://www.couponinformationcenter.com/ and click on counterfeit notifications to view the fraudulent coupons.
At all of my local Walmarts they have the fraudulent Dr Pepper $4 off coupon TAPED TO THE REGISTERS so that cashiers will remember not to take them. I haven’t seen the water coupon but a cashier at Randalls told me this week that she had a customer with a pile of water coupons and she scanned them all in, not knowing they were fraudulent. And then the poor cashier is in trouble! We ALL must avoid coupon fraud so that we don’t ruin couponing for everyone!
For the Norelco 7000 Series, when you go to website and click on sensotouch and sensotouch 3D razors only it comes up in the list. But they are still not? Just want to make sure I have all facts straight. Thank You Paul 🙂
No, it is not. I tried it and it didn’t come up when I did it. I also called and confirmed that it was not a SensoTouch Product
The 7000 Series is not a SensoTouch. I am completely positive. I confirmed it with Phillips Norelco and the 7000 series has its own coupon.
Okay thanks, I just thought it was weird mine brought it up. As I see your’s did not. That is what kept me curious. Is why it would show up on a website under those titles. Sorry to be a pain! I do appreciate your site and all you do.
Hello Paul. I was wondering if the deal at wal-mart on the electric razor that you posted earlier worked or didn’t. My 11 year old is comeing into puberty and i thought this would be awesome for him. But didn’t know if it was a good deal or if it wasn’t a good match up. Please let me know-Thanks for all your time and help. Our house certaintly appreciates it!
chandra which one?
I can’t seem to find my notes..lol but it was a razor that was on rollback fro 34.95 then you said minus a 30.00 coupon that you stated wasn’t sure if it matched or not. You would let us know if the deal worked. I didn’t know if this was the fradulant coupon or if it was a different one i had cuz I have a couple. thanks- I hope this helped.
I often hear people saying….well, the coupon scanned without a problem so you can get away with it. That really bothers me….just because a coupon scans doesn’t make it right to use it. Like using the tuna pouch coupons on the cans because they are cheaper and you can get them free.
Another thing I see posted a lot is people asking other people for PDF files of a coupon that has been removed by the manufacturer because it has reached it’s limit…that is dishonesty at it’s best! It’s considered illegal and fraudulant to do so.
I couldn’t agree with you more!!
I often seem to hear that too-well it scanned, so it must be okay…umm no not really-did you read the coupon?!
where is tide $5?
wish someone sould answer this….. I’d like to get some Tide for $3 after coupon….. where is tide on sale for $5? please?
Kroger had them on sale in certain areas for $5.00, also check family dollar if you have one. Three of my family dollars had gain AND tide on clearance for $4.75 for the larger boxes. ( dont remember the load, but it was a pretty big box)
hey paul being really researching this and heres what i found out
the norelco 7310 does indeed use sensotouch technology as per this item description on their website :
also if you do a search under mens shaving at the philips website using restriction of sensotouch/sensotouch 3d both the 7310 and the other comes up as results.
so although it is not “labeled” sensotouch as the more pricey kinds are the description itself and philips websites attest that these are indeed sensotouch razors
It is not a sensotouch razor. I have talked to Phillips and confirmed this. The 7000 series razors do not use SensoTouch Technology. There are $10 off coupons for the 7000 series razors. I asked specifically about the section you are referring to. I found it earlier and they said that this coupon is not to be used for the SensoTouch Razor. I would be all over this deal if it could be done. I promise.
When I opened the manual for the 7000 it says right on the top that it is a sensotouch razor??? The manager was standing right there with me?
Why would the manual state this?
On the walmart website… “SensoTouch Shavers with patented Super Lift&Cut Action
The dual blade system built into our electric shaver lifts hairs to cut comfortably below skin level for a closer shave.”
This was under the link you provided?
It says the same thing in the description of the 6000 series razor. I promise if you try and submit the rebate on anything but a product labeled as SensoTouch it will not be honored, therefore making the coupon improper use as well. I only write a website I cannot make you do what I think is right. I am merely informing you of what I have found directly from the manufacturer.
Had a problem at my store with people using the $10 off crest whitestrips to buy toothpaste and get $7 overage per coupon. The coupon scanned at the resister without beeping. What’s your opinion on this? Couldn’t p&g have stopped this problem by writing the word whitestrips after each variety listed on the coupon?
no, the wording is pretty clear on this one. It is for whitest rips. It doesn’t mention toothpaste anywhere on the coupon.
It wouldn’t have mattered what they wrote if the coupon scanned. What those people are doing is fraud plain and simple and they know it. The coupon states Whitestrips and no where on it does it say toothpaste. If it was good on toothpaste it would have said toothpaste as well as whitestrips. We are having this problem where I’m from…people are actually having classes where they are teaching people how to defraud the stores by using inappropriate coupons that they know will scan ok at the register even though it’s not for the product they’re buying.
I believe it states excludes “vivid white”
Thank you Paul (and Tiffany) for explaining and giving examples of confusing deals. I am still learning how to find and buy the best deals for my family. I started this past April and I am still learning how to find the matchups with the coupons and finding the items at the store. I agree with you and believe that I am following an idea of couponing using appropriate legal measures as my guidance in judgement while I shop. I do not willing want to commit coupon fraud. That’s also why I like reading your blogs—I can trust your information.
I just want to say THANK YOU. I get discouraged with other boards promoting the BEST deal when it isn’t even a legitimate deal. I had to break away from a site that was posting deals that were unethical. I am so happy that there are still honest people around. Thank you – for all you do! It is greatly appreciated. 🙂
Now everyone who appreciates this honesty please go to the right column and vote in the CHEAP SALLY contest for him. He deserves it! 🙂
About the Tide $2 coupon. I had no idea they said anything on their Facebook page about it. I don’t use Tide, it is too harsh for my skin. So I usually buy the travel size for my son. I did end up giving the $2 coupon to my son though since he does buy Tide and with the sales he got a good deal.
The cheap schick razors. The pack has a bonus two free razors which are the st2 but the real razors you buy in the pack are not. But people still use the $3/1 st2 razor coupons on them to get them free plus overage!
yeah that one was a bit confusing, at first until I finally found some the razors in stock. Then I could clearly get that it wasn’t the st2s.
GREAT POST!!! Thanks for all your info!!
Thank you very much for clarifying the Norelco 7000 Series Razors:$30 off Senso Touch Razors deal. I even went online to Philiips site and it list the 7310xl as a Senso Touch 3D – but the store would not accept the coupon. I didn’t press the issue because I wasn’t sure & was going to call the mfg to verify. Really nice having a site that you can trust! THANK YOU!!