$2.00 off Glidden Brilliance Paint Testers. These are carried in virtually every color at Walmart!
When Tiffany whips out the paint 7/7 times it meant there was gonna be an Ivanovsky added to the world population. She is a “nester”, I can tell you that more than a couple times a paint tester would have been handy. Those little sample cards just aren’t good enough.I remember coming home from work one day and I could smell the paint fumes outside. I walk in and there she is painting away, I stopped in the doorway and watched her for a while without her noticing. She finally realized I was standing there staring at her and it both hit us at the same time. We ran into the bathroom without a word being said, she grabbed the pregnancy test out of the medicine cabinet (yes, we just carried spares) and of course BAM, big blue + sign. What’s amazing is the paint fumes don’t cause brain damage in children until they are teenagers.
Glidden Brilliance Color Testers $2.94
Use $2.00 off Glidden Brilliance Paint Testers
Total: $.94!
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