The insert is a little depressing this weekend, so don’t let that get you down! This might be a week to look for some printable coupons. The reason that printable coupons are nice is because you can pick and choose the ones that you want according to what your family likes. Also, I know that it can be frustrating when different regions get different coupons. With printable coupons we can all get the same coupons.
Mambo Sprouts – Organic coupons! They have Clif, Kiss my Face, and many more brands. You can also sign up to get coupons in the mail from them each month.
Walmart Price Match Policy
Walmart Coupon Policy
Here are some more good deals to do this weekend:
Hostess Sweet Rolls: $1.50
$0.50 off HOSTESS multi-pack breakfast product
Total: $1.00
DiGiorno Pizza: $4.98
$1.50/2 DiGiornos Pizzas under zip 77380
Total: $4.23 each
Magnum Minis Ice Cream 6-Packs $3.88
Use $1.50/1 Magnum Minis Ice Cream coupon found here
Total: $2.38
Pampers Wipes 72 ct: $1.97
Use $0.75/1 Pampers Wipes
Total: $1.22
Buy 2 Dole Smoothie Shakers: $1.50 each
Use $1.25 off printable coupon (watch video!)
Total: $.87 each!
Buy Dole Frozen Fruit: $1.88
Use $0.55 Dole Frozen Fruit
Total: $1.33!
Price Match Deals to NOT miss:
Whole Pineapple $1.00 ea (Kroger price match)
Walmart Price: $2.78
Walmart Price: $2.28
Total: $1.27
Walmart Price: $0.98
$1/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables, Tomatoes or Fruit printable
Total: $0.44
Use $1/1 Ken’s Dressing, exp. 4/30/12 (SS 03/11/12 R)
Total: $.01 money maker!
Another price match…Sellers Bros. has Hillshire Farms smoked sausage links (13 & 14oz pkg.) for $1.37 ea & there is coupon (exp 5/15/2012) for $0.55. $0.88 for sausage 🙂
if you have a shoprite in your area the digiorno pizzas are 4.47. after the 1.50 coupon it is 3.62. I already did the price match at walmart because shoprite was out of pizza 🙁