Here are the Top Price Match Deals at Walmart this week. There are some crazy good deals out there. The Nivea is my favorite, love the overage baby!
These are Deals From My Local Ad.
Click On Your Kroger Affilliate to See Your Local Ad
Kroger Dillon’s Ralph’s Fry’s Smith’s Pay Less King Soopers Gerbes Baker’sCity Market
Hilander– (not working) Owen’sScott’s– (under construction) QFC Jay C Kroger Fresh Fare
Warehouse Stores
Food 4 Less Foods Co
Click on Your Safeway Affiliate to See Your Local Ad.
Dominick’sRandallsVonsGenuardi’sSafeway CanadaCarr-Gottstein
Thanks Kristi from Frugally Thrifty for help with Foot Town, Fiesta and Brookshire Bros!
Click on Your Supervalue (Albertson’s) Affiliate to See Your Local Ad.
Acme Market Shaw’s Supermarket Cub Foods Shop ‘n Save Shoppers Food & Pharmacy
Diane Wood says
My Walmart in San Marcos only matches to stores within 30miles. Do any other. Couponers have that issue?
Becky says
Many of them have “sister” stores…. where the ads are the same…. FOr me Kroger is Frys, Randels is Safeway etc….
Kristina says
They all do this, some less mileage than others. Mine is about that too.
Letty says
One cashier told me they couldn’t price match a “per pound” price… only a unit price (for example: can’t price match lettuce $0.50/lb, but they can price match 3/$1). Is this true? Has anyone had this problem?!
Brooke says
So frustrated with my walmart, waiting to hear back from them, had to call corporate this morning as the assistant manager and three checkers were rudely telling me I cannot price match and use a coupon. 🙁 just wish all Wal marts were on the same page!
bargainue says
Christina M says
There’s a snackwells peelie for $1 off that makes those only .99 each! I snagged my peelies at Target but used them with my price match deal at Walmart 🙂
Mikey says
Wanted to let you know that the print function on you “My I Heat the Mart List” is not working. The first time I clicked on it, it took me to a staples website and the 2nd and 3rd time it took me to some printables website. I’ve printed before but no such luck this time. Had to hand write it.
Paul says
It sounds like we have 2 things here. if you are clicking on links in the deal that will take you to the place you can print the coupon from. To print items from or the whole list you have to click the box next to the deals you want to print. When you click on an item a box should come upin the bottom right hand corner of the page. I will check to see if it is working on other computers, it is working on mine but Ihave a mac and they don’t always act the same as a PC. Thanks!
Leah says
Not one of those price matching stores are near me lol. Does anyone know their sister stores? I am in Attleboro, MA.
Chris says
Have you gone to the Super Walmart near Emerald Square?
Ann says
I am so confused…. I have been using competitors coupons at walmart for 7 mnths and now there is this 1 lady that works there telling me that they do not take competitors coupons if they do not have the stores price & address on them. I have never seen this on any comp coupons because they know who they are and dont need an address. She said that instead of taking the comp coupon they will price match the item to whatever the comps price is but they cannot price match and take a coupon on same item. None of this makes since to me, I think i will call corp Monday and see what they tell me. I love walmart and hope that I can make sense of all of this before I decide to give up on them 🙁
emily says
Brooke- I work at wal mart & you can use coupons with a price match, you need to call 1-800-wal-mart & report this. You can also tell the manager that he can find it in their training policy on the wire (walmart internet).
Jamie says*C2ngiKkrWg&sourceid=26200172571712298994
Here is the Wal-Mart coupon policy straight from their website. I would suggest printing it, learning it and taking it with you when you shop at Walmart.
Rachel says
Hi Paul,
Just wondering about something. I have a few local grocery stores around that you don’t have here. My question is if there is a 10 for 10 sale do I have to purchase 10 to get the deal. (Price matching)