$1.00 off two BAGS of NESTLE NestEggs: I found a great Price Match Deal to Toys R Us. In this weeks ad they have all bagged candy price at $3.49 for $1.99. The Nestle NestEggs are in the sale and it will make them only $1.49 each after Printable Coupon.
Nestle Nest Eggs: $1.99 (PM to Toys R Us)
Use $1.00 off two BAGS of NESTLE NestEggs
Total: $1.49 each
Wonka Jelly Beans $2
Use $1.00 off two bags of Wonka Jelly Beans
Total: $1.50
I used the toys r us ad also to comp the chutes and ladders game. Used the three dollar off coupon(I didn’t get to target last week) then used the Allegra coupon overage to pay for most of the game. So in all I bought game and allergy pills for 77 cents! I work for Wal-mart so that’s including my associate discount…