This is a HOT Price Match Deal at Walmart. Kroger has the Compleats Kids on sale in a 10/$10 Sale. There is a $.55 coupon in the Get Moving Booklet that will bring it down to $.45. If you still have any of the $1.00 Printables for Hormel Compleats Kids then they will be FREE. I hope you saved them for a sale like this!
Hormel Compleat Kids: $1.00 after Price Match to Kroger
$0.55/1 Hormel Compleats, exp. 12/31/11 (Get Moving Booklet)
or $1.00 off Compleats Kids Printable (NLA)
Total: $.45 and possibly FREE
where can i get the “get moving” booklet? this is the first that I’ve heard of it. thanks.
They are randomly located in stores
oh okay, thanks
These are gross. Well, maybe just the ravioli. It was dry and tasteless.
My store does not have the booklets if anyone has extra please let me know.