Click to get a copy of the Walmart Ad Match Policy and the Walmart Coupon Policy
I was checking out the other day at Walmart and I noticed I was in the line of a cashier that gives people a little trouble about price matching. Now this woman has no idea who I am, (not that i’m important, but I spend so much time in the store it is darn near impossible to not know me) so I decide to price match something without my ads. Just as has been reported she asks me for the ads and just looks completely confused when I say “Sorry, I don’t have them but the price of X is Y at Kroger”. She replies well I can’t PM without an ad, and the woman behind me chimes in, “yeah how are they supposed to know the price, are they just gonna take your word for it”. I smile, and say It’s not my job to know how they are supposed to do it, I just know what the policy says and I dont need my ad. The lady then says “there’s no way you are right about this”. And then the roof came off the building and the sun(really the moon it was late) beams lit up the glorious sign that is now sitting on all the registers. Oh it was sweet, I can still taste it.
Ok, I still say you should have your ads to avoid that problem. But I can also tell you that these problems can be avoided if you do your cashier profiling like I have told you time and time again. Any of my readers that have had an issue with this particular cashier it is your fault(no I won’t disclose her name) you should know better. We don’t check out with 40+ white Female cashiers, that is unless you have 40 + minutes to kill and are looking for a problem.
LOL I could almost hear the angels singing LOL I love your writing!
Walmart told me on Saturday they will NO LONGER take internet coupons….regardless of what their coupon policy clearly states. I spoke with the manager and she said NO internet coupons anymore.
I too had a cashier at my Walmart tell me they won’t take internet coupons. They said they have been getting a lot of counterfit coupons and copies of coupons. They had to take my coupons over to customer service to verify they were valid (how they do that I’m not exactly sure). Another Walmart in my area has no problem with taking coupons, so I will be going to that one from now on!
EGAD! What part of the country are you in? Is there another Wal-mart nearby?
I just used my internet coupons this morning! I say find a new Walmart.
Can they do that? I would contact corporate.
Ive had My walmart say the same thing, They also stopped giving overage.
also ive called corp. and they say they leave that up to the store.. i think it was a bull answer myself
This is the part I have the biggest problem with. They can make up all the awesome sounding policies they want and get us into the door and then turn around and say “well, it’s up to the cashier if they want to abide by them”! Sounds sneaky and just plain rediculous to me, why make them up or post them if the casheirs don’t have to go by them? A cashier can decide for one person that they want to accept their coupons and PM and then the next person if they don’t like the looks of them they can refuse them!
Seems to me that the Walmart policies are only worth the paper they’re printed on, to be honest. It’s the only company I’ve ever seen that puts out corporation wide policies and then says that their employees can choose whether or not they’d like to follow them.
Nah. Cub foods does this too they have a corporate policy, but it only applies at corporately owned stores and then they give the managers latitude too. The coporate poilicy says they take Qs expired 90 days but some Mpls/St.Paul metro stores will take them 6 months past date. On the other hand, the outstate stores either shorten the past expiration date acceptance to 60 or 30 days or refuse to take expireds at all. Some of the managers won’t even order items that they know are going on sale as loss leaders if they’re in an area with a shortage of competition. Really not impressed withthe managers who won’t follow policy because they think they’re the only game in town.
Danielle, they can stop accepting certain types of coupons. They cannot stop giving overage if they accept the coupon.
I think its strange that they don’t just take the coupon, regardless if it is copied or not, cuz here is what will happen to anyone who copies a coupon from sites like and such. Walmart will scan the coupon, take it, and turn it in to the manufacturer, who will then verify the unique barcode that was printed, and if it indeed was copied, then it reflects on the IP address that did the printing to begin with, and sites like, etc, will ban that IP address from using the site….therefore the person will have to then go purchase a new LAPTOP….and where do you think they will be going to do that???? hummm, let me guess….WALMART! So go ahead Walmart, take that counterfiet coupon, give the customer their product at a discount, just know that they will more than likely be coming back to your store to purchase a new laptop. lol.
the problem is the amount of it that is being done. they don’t need a new laptop they can just get a new router. or new Internet provider. the amount of fraud is mind bogling even for someone that deals with it everyday like Ido.
There is a way to know if coupons have been copied. They all will have the same number on them. Walmart should know this. One of the cashiers showed me how they know.
Please you have got to call corporate or email them via the WM website !!!! they cant put that store in their place if they dont know about the problem, trust me they WILL call u AND u may even end up with a $25 gc like I did when the cashier AND CSM gave me hassle on all my coupons & wouldnt take any of them for the dumbest reasons, when I got my call on a sunday morning the supervisor told me to bring them all in & ask for the mgr(by name), he review all of them & agreed this was a horrible experience for me, told his assistant to have a $25 gc ready for me when I finished my shop using ALL of those coupons & then told him to personally ring me up. Corporate needs to know or they cant do anything about it if people just complain on here, its a corporate policy & they have to follow the policy, no matter what they tell u, they are not allowed to make up rules as they go along on a per store basis. Since I had my horrible experience I have not had 1 issue, but then again I am sure to avoid the cashier who gave me trouble & I DO profile cashiers now, apologies to those WM cashiers not male or under 25 or over 50, nothing personal against u, I just find it a breeze to stick with cashiers in this category.
Sounds like you got lucky. I have never had any real issues, other than a cashier once telling me you couldn’t price match an item AND use a coupon on the same item…she said they were already giving me a “deal” by price matching it….never even got a response from corporate on that one! I think you were the exception and not the norm as far as Walmart customer service goes…I have a few great cashiers at mine, but more clueless ones than good. Glad you got your issue worked out though! Maybe there’s hope afterall!
Diane is right. I had a very similar experience a few weeks ago at my local Walmart and I contacted them through their FB page. They were very quick to resolve it and make sure I had no more problems. I was sure glad too, because 2 days ago I almost went through it again and I told the CSM that I had already spoken to the asst mgr and then it went fine. I am seeing a big improvement in our local stores and it looks like they are trying to get everyone on the same page, but they don’t know if you don’t say something.
I used internet coupons yesterday just fine at our walmart – maybe it’s just a regional thing. But that still doesn’t excuse the fact that it states they do in their CORPORATE policy.
Haha! I love the way you wrote this! but it is so true, even if they’re not 40+ and white female, I still have that problem
so, i just take my ads, it’s easier 
Does this mean walmart will take target store couons?
L M F A O! This is the best! Good for you… I live for those little moments!
Bhahahahaha. I totally agree. 40+ is a huge pain. Normally I profile successfully, but one day I mistakenly had a cashier that was at least 65 and had worked at Wal-Mart for 30 years (her button said so!). I also made a huge mistake by taking my almost 2 year old and 5 month old with me. All of this equals ALMOST LOST MY EVER LOVIN’ MIND.
i always have the ad with me when i price match. but, i did try what you done without an ad. the cashier was glad to take my word for it. but, the only problem was she didn’t know how to do it. so i had to tell her what to do step by step. she said, how do you know how to do this? do you work here? i said no i just price match a lot! lol please wal-mart train your cashiers so i don’t have to anymore. lol
I recently did this same thing and pointed to the sign at the register and the cashier replied ‘well you could say anything’- uh…not my problem when you’re running national television ads saying you don’t need the ad. Argh!
So how are they supposed to price match with no ad in hand?
They are supposed to have the ads and train the cashiers. I told one cashier if he couldn’t figure out where to get them AND he insisted on being the Ad Match police I would come in on Sunday Morning and walk him all the way over to the newspaper rack and buy him one.
I have ad matched and had no problem, except I have been asked for the ad to verify when the price is significantly different. The other week I ad matched to Albies for TP and papertowels. The price was half as much, I gladly showed the ad, no problem. HOwever, their policy does state you dont have to show it.
LOL!! I love it!! I NEVER, EVER go to “those” cashiers! I prefer the young males; as they really don’t care! It all pays them the same..
Sometimes even Cashier Profiling isn’t good enough, if for some reason they call in a CSM.
I went to one of my “Coupon-Smart” cashiers; she had a question about the $3 Tyson Q and called over a HORRIBLE csm who gave me the 3rd degree on every coupon I had. I left the store with half of what I wanted because she told me that so many of my (perfectly valid) internet Qs were not valid – including the Tyson Qs. I was so pissed off that I went to to verify the Tyson Qs, then went back with proof in hand and bought the dern things!!!
I dont have a problem with the over 40 white female cashiers. I have problems with the young ones who are scared of everything and dont know dont know dont know….and the retired guys who are back to work and not liking it…..and the spacey guy from Africa who I can barely understand who doesnt seem to know his job and just takes everything….those are the ones I have problems with.
Most of the good cashiers know who I am.
I have had bad luck at my local walmart with younger cashiers. Go figure.
it is true. the 40+ white females are the ONLY ones who have given me any troubles. Males & younger females usually do not.
How funny I took a pic of this same
Exact sign last night cause I was told I could
PM and use coupons.
So what exactly does it mean that they will match “loyalty card” prices.
CVS has card prices as do all the major grocery stores. ECB and other similar items are not loyalty card pricing, they are basically catalinas and are covered by the coupon policy.
I recently saw a lady PM by getting some sort of binder from the front of the store that had all the ads in it – I didn’t ask questions, just noticed, and wished I’d gone to another line – I wasn’t PM-ing anything that day, and this took FOREVER w/this particular woman looking through the ads in this binder, like she was hoping to find a good deal to PM or something. Maybe each store has this binder up front now to make sure/verify the prices someone quotes? Who knows. I also take my ad if I want to PM – just makes life simpler.
My grandma is a 40+ white cashier and she hates couponers! I always tease her about coupons!lol
If it were not for Walmart allowing overage I would not shop there at all but I have to say I can’t stop because the deals are to good and the overage has provided my family with much needed food items due to our financial situation changing for the worse. Also I know never to go in lines with older cashiers but I have found the young ladies to be better then the young men in my area. I have a few cashiers I try to shoot for every time I go and sometimes I can only get the older ones but I got at night where I know the manager is great!!! Walgreens has some sucky customer service but if you complain to them at least they give you gift cards LOL. Good luck with the walmart shopping!!!
I always go to the younger cashiers or ones i know that will be nice to me, and if i don’t have the ad i do profile them, but if i do have it, i don’t bug with it.
And As for the binder thing, i’ve had them get it out to verify my quotes yes thats what its there for and its there if they DON’T believe you, But keep in mind that if the stores apparently more than 20 miles away they don’t get the ad, We travel about 30 miles from home 2 days a week, to go give plasma, and there’s stores in independence, mo that blue springs, mo doesn’t have but its not that far of a distance, maybe 10 miles, And she opened the binder, and they weren’t there, i told her she was just going to have to take my word for it, And if i wanted to rip her off i would have gotten a lot more than i did(which i wouldn’t do ) and the bigger bags of the products.
I really love what you do here, but am taking some exception with your profiling. I have no problems with the 40+ anybody at the walmarts in my area. There are some employees at each walmart that do not like scanning coupons. I think that happens everywhere. Pointing out their policy and standing firm is enough to get the job done.
I understand Terry, I think we have turned that word into a taboo word. i am simply stating that if I am going to go to the time and trouble of planning a coupo trip that I know is good, I am not going to check out with someone that I am more likely to get harrassed by. It was actually a middle aged white woman that first pointed it out to me. I have simply found it to be true.
Love it !!!
most Wal-marts have the ads up front. I had them verify my PMs before. I do profile my cashiers. I had a couple of +40 white cashiers and here recently I noticed the males are easier to deal with. I’ve tried going to cashier’s that have been around longer I don’t like the new ones they don’t know policies and question everything. I had one tell me I couldn’t PM and use a coupon at the same time. I told her to call her CSM and she fixed the problem. Waiting to see how they will handle the holidays with everyone coming in challenging their prices.
I am kind of new to the price match Wal- Mart thing. Recently near by they opened a new Wal-Mart whoo!! I should mention I live in Chicago and the Wal-Mart is technically consider Hammond,IN (the border to Indiana is like less then 5 mintues from my house) So I was wondering if I can price match to say my local store here in chicago that is about the same distance or another that is in the same state how does it work I am a little confused on the distance we can price match if that makes any sense thank you soo much for your help and advance
Any word from Walmart on bring back the double coupons?
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that’s picky when it comes to selecting a cashier. I’m new to the whole couponing scene and I’m already a nervous wreck because I’m afraid my math’s wrong, I certainly don’t need any trouble from picky cashiers!
I have price matched without the ads for several weeks now with no problem. Some cashiers have given me trouble with internet coupons and even one I got directly from the manufacturer (if you remember the one for free Advil), but they usually eventually accept them. I will admit to looking for one particular cashier who is quick and patient. I don’t profile, but I do know of several specific ones I try to avoid, lol. If the price for an item is significantly different, I usually take the ad with me, just because it’s faster than waiting on a CSM in my store. Nataly…as far as I can tell there is no specific corporate policy on a radius from the store as it applies to price matching. I use ads from stores in my general area, no more than twenty minutes from my house (I live in the suburbs so this is about ten stores, which works well for me). If there is a question about the ads being from a different state….I’d call and ask the manager. My guess is they won’t have a problem with national chain ads, but you might have trouble with small local stores.
It’s funny because even with all these signs up… mine will STILL give me a hard time. They will find every loophole in it and use it to their advantage. There are 2 cashiers at my store that will abide by the company rules… all the rest find it funny to run out couponers. If my two GUYS aren’t there, I shop elsewhere!
Problem 1) The sign doesn’t dictate how many items you can price match. If the ad you’re price matching only shows 1 can of Libby’s pumpkin then you can only price match 1 can at my store. My store actually takes that as their price matching for the day and will not go on to price match anything else for you that day so everything else in your order and any future orders is full price.
Problem 2) The sign says that they accept coupons but doesn’t specifically say which items you can use coupons on. My store feels that you are ripping them off if you price match something and then try to use a coupon on it aswell. SO.. if you have a $1/2 Libby pumpkin coupon (remember, they’ll only price match 1 can), you better make sure to buy 3 cans to use that coupon because they WILL NOT apply that coupon to the first PM’d can because “they are already giving you a discount on that first can”! And all this because they do not specifically spell out that they should do so in their policy.
Problem 3) The policy says that you do not need the ad that you’re matching….. my store says that’s not the case. Yes, the policy says that BUT, supposedly, the cashier has the right to refuse any coupon or price match they feel is warrented. So if they don’t trust you then they don’t have to do it, per store policy.
Complaining to corporate doesn’t work, bringing the policy with you doesn’t work, and sometimes cashier profiling doesn’t work because if the manager see’s you going to through line more than once in a day,,,, they’ll come over and scrutinize every coupon and refuse every PM or coupon. I’m so glad the experience was good for you…. I think the only thing that could fix my store is corporate coming in with a can of WhoopA** for management AND cashiers!
But only ONE can of WhoopA**! Sorry, I couldn’t resist!
I’m sorry this is happening to you! Bummer!
I hope there is another WM close by that won’t give you as much trouble! We have two stores near us, and one is more coupon-friendly than the other.
Last time I price matched, the cashier (not the one I wanted to pick as she fit the before mentioned profile lol) asked if I had the ads. Before I could finish my sentence – Walmart policy doesnt require – she got rude and said I know that just tell me what you want.
I used the same sign to defend my transactions at Wal Mart. I was using Target coupons, Super Target is less than a mile down the road. I was told by the cashier and the CSM brought over by the cashier that they do not accept competitor coupons. I pointed to the sign and it says that you do. Then the store manager was brought in on the debate because I was not taking no for an answer. He said ring them through but didn’t look very happy about it. Well a week later at the same store ALL those signs were GONE !!!! I couldn’t believe it. I guess store managers are gods and they have all the power in how they accept coupons and how they practice the policies., Total BS if you ask me.
They are talking about the catalina coupons that say valid only at a different store. The coupons MUST say manufacturer’s coupon.
Here is a new one for you. Last week I had the Walgreen’s ad for the bo/go free oatmeal for the price of $5.29. The customer behind me was right up on me reading my ads of price matching the whole time. She suddenly stated that she had worked at Walmart before and they did not do price matching. I said well they will if they have a price in the ad. She continued to argue with me and shake her head at the cashier until a manager came over. The manager said they could not do it because they could not charge me more than the oatmeal sold for at the store (their’s was $4.00), I said well you could split the price but still they wouldn’t do it. The customer behind me continued to talk over me about how ridiculous the “coupon craze” had gotten and about how we tried to rip off stores. I couldn’t believe it! What do you think of this?
I’ve seen where the manager told the cashier to minus the price match amount. So in this scenario, the cashier would have taken $5.29 off your purchase when you bought two oatmeal. As for the lady behind you, you should have farted at her.
ROFLOL – Seriously!! LOVE the idea – I’ll have to remember that one!
The second time I tried price matching, I brought my winn-dixie ad with me. I used post it notes and wrote “bogo @ $2.59, $1.30 each” The cashier had never done the bogo price match before, but once a manager confirmed they can do it as long as the price is listed, I had no problem. (It also helped that I had a copy of the price match and coupon policy with me.)The cashier just rang in each item for $1.30 since I’d already done the math for her.
As for the lady behind you, I’m not sure I’d have been able to keep my mouth shut. How the heck are you ripping the store off when they’ll get paid back by the manufacturer? You’re just trying to save money and feed your family, if she doesn’t feel like taking the time to do the same for hers, that’s her problem! She should mind her own business, and shut up about what I do for yours!
ahhhh.. i love it when that happens.. even when they didn’t have them @ their registers.. i always have their policies in my binder.. & i just LOVE the look on their faces when i bring it out & say.. BAMMMM!!! lol.. it’s only when the cashiers give me a hard time & have a bad attitude.. & it is very frequent @ our superwalmart out here.. i even had to file a complaint because they were really bad!! so i got a courtesy call from the assistant mgr asking for details & then gave me his name & number.. & said if i ever ran into any other problems when i was there.. either ask for him.. or just call him up while i’m in front of them! i REFUSE to go back there.. but – one of these days i will. i know the cashiers have to do their job.. but there’s NO REASON to give me a bad attitude & basically tell me that i’m LYING!! i don’t get why some cashiers act that way.. it’s like they’re going to LOSE money from their paychecks when i pull coupons out.. like an INSTANT mood changer. i’ve been on many runs @ walmart.. & so far have only had 2 pleasant cashiers.. & i agree.. stay away from female cashiers over 40.. cause in my experience.. they’re the worst ones
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I am so sick of going to walmart and having these b*&^%’s tell me i cant take your coupon or we dont ad match here or you have to have your ad… couponers are not doing anything wrong all we are trying to do is save our familys money i hope the next time i go in walmart those signs are up at my store in texas!! They need them
The first time I tried to price match at Walmart without the ad, I told the cashier that their tv commercial says you don’t need to show the competitor’s ad, and she said she had not been told or seen the commercial. I still had to show her the ad, and it just so happened I had it with me. I asked a Walmart cashier about double coupons the other day, and she told me that if you ask, the manager will give them permission to double. But, she said she just does it anyway if someone has 2 coupons for the same item. To me, that is being dishonest and I wouldn’t do it. They should have to double for everyone or no one the same.
Isn’t that the truth. What is it with 40+ white female cashiers? I look for the youngest, most inexperienced cashier I can find. Not because I am trying to get away with anything, I follow the rules, but I don’t appreciate being treated like I am a thief!
I’m new to the couponing world and “I LOVE IT”. I don’t shop at WalMart as much as I used to because they ALWAYS give me a hard time when I PM or use a coupon. The 4 times I’ve been to WalMart in the last month or so I’ve had to call for a manager to resolve issues with PM and Q’s. I’m working on TOTALLY getting WalMart off my shopping trips. Love your site and visit everyday. They just opened a New Target in my town and I LOVE shopping in the store. They encourage me to use coupons and go out of the way to point out at check-out they are happy I shopped with them and always welcome me back. WalMart can’t get me out of the door fast enough. Target is giving WalMart a run for the money…. even better now since they built the new store across the street from them. LOL
I love this site….I too have some much needed venting to do. I went to Walmart yesterday and got the things I wanted and went to the check out, I always do my cashier profiling unfortunately I could not find one I liked. So I just had to pick one. So I bought the travel size tide (no restrictions) and travel size crest complete (no restrictions). I gave her my $2.00 off Q’s for the tide and $2.00 off Crest. When she rang up the first Q it went through and the next one beeped. When she called for assistance there were three people that actually showed up. One of them was actually trying to tell me that I had to buy the produce that was pictured. I know this was not true but I was wondering why one coupon scanned fine and the others would not. Also I went the week before and used the same coupons and they worked just fine. Any answers and suggestions would be helpful. Thanks to all who listened!!!
The first thing I do is profile my cashier. The cashier pulled that “u need your ad” on me last week. I set her straight verbally and I pulled down the “new” policy stating no ads needed. I had the CSM call a Walgreens on the Ester C that was BOGO last week. Boy that “p—–” me off. I have felt as though I am watched when I hit the checkout as it seems that the CSM comes to the cashier and watches. I also had the I
Can’t Believe it’s not Butter coupon where you get $1.50 off two and another coupon for when you buy two you get a free bread. She said I couldn’t do that. Well I had her eating crow when I requested the manager to come on out and talk some sense into her. I SAY, SEND THEM TO THE SCHOOL OF COUPONING BEFORE YOU PUT THEM ON THE REGISTER! Thanks for the vent time!
The manager of the Target noticed me shopping in the store alot and gave me 2 FREE Target Red Bags to put all my purchases in. I don’t have any of the WalMart bags and always take my Target Red Bag to put my purchases in at WalMart. I gave the Target Bag to the cashier and she said…. This is a Target Bag! I said yes, the manager of the Target store gave it to me FREE beacause I shop there so much. I asked her if WalMart would give me a FREE shopping bag? She started to laugh and said…. Ummm I don’t think so… we have them for .97. I told her until WalMart gave me a FREE shopping bag I would continue to use my Target Bag in WalMart stores to carry my pruchases in. As I walked away I could hear her face crack from what I had told her.
Okay so I am curious if anyone can answer this question…..since Walmart says on their sign that they accept comeptitor store coupons, does that mean they will take the RR from Walgreens? Their coupons say Manufactor on it, but then say Walgreens. Just curious before I try it!
if they are or a specific item they will take them. If theyare a $ amount off of an item they will not. theya re covered under the catalina part of the coupon policy
I have started to use Register Rewards at Walmart, and I have YET to encounter a cashier who has EVER heard that Register Rewards can be used at Walmart. I bring the coupon policy with me and explain that a Register Reward is a Catalina, and Walmart accepts them. Then a HUGE encounter begins, the CSM is called, many cashiers converge on our checkout to discuss the matter, it might as well be a treaty signing for WWIII. It’s unbelievable. I only wish Walmart would TRAIN their cashiers so I don’t have to.
Wal-mart does not take Register rewards coupons (meaning $ off your next purchase-not specifying a specific product). Per their coupon policy-they do take Catalina coupons which are manufacturers coupons that specify a certain amount off of a specific product(which do come from the same machines as the Register Rewards). Just wanted to clarify this for you and any others who might have questions.
Doesn’t matter their age. If I watch them and their super slow, I move along. Sorry…I never go to to any female with gray hair; sometimes I skip the males with gray hair as well. There is this awesome African American male cashier at my Target who I love!!! He’s probably around 50. He gives free stickers to kids.
I’m thinking that the “Christmas Price Gaurantee” policy that Walmart just rolled out is going to be REALLY frustrating for these non-policy abiding stores.
The new “Christmas Price Gaurantee” policy says that you can buy items and if you find it elsewhere cheaper you can bring it back to Walmart and they’ll price match and give you the difference in the form of a gift card, even if a few weeks has gone by. So if you know that say an Acer Aspire computer is going to be on sale for Black Friday at Frys for half price,,,,, instead of fighting those nutty crowds on Black Friday to get the limited amount ,, just buy it in advance at Walmart and then go back on Friday evening to WM and get the money back! They’re really going to hate handing out $50-$100 gift cards to people for items bought weeks ago!
While this would be nice that actually won’t apply as the deal has to be current for the week and times. That means we would only match that price for the date and time specified on that item and ad.
actually the walmart corporate website’s press release page says this:
BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Oct. 24, 2011– It’s a Christmas nightmare for shoppers: They buy a present or something nice for their family and THREE WEEKS LATER find it on sale somewhere else. Bah, humbug!
This year, Walmart turns that nightmare into a holiday dream with the Christmas Price Guarantee. Here’s how it works: If a customer buys an eligible product at Walmart anytime between Nov. 1 and Dec. 25, and then finds that same product advertised for less at another store, Walmart will give the customer a gift card for the difference through Dec. 25. Guaranteed.
I take this to mean that you can buy items anytime during the holiday shopping season (11-1 through 12-25) and if you find it at a better price anytime during the shopping season you can get the difference as long as you have your receipt. Most likely this will end up being a YMMV item as well though because we all know Walmart cashiers won’t be notified of it!
While the DATE won’t matter, I truly doubt that Walmart will have the “same” item as other stores – check it out! Walmart almost always carries a different UPC/item number on their products – because they have products (especially electronics) specifically manufactured for them. Therefore, the item is not the “same” and it won’t count for the guarantee.
I actually just watched the video that goes along with it and it says you can bring your reciept for anytime during that 8 week period and an ad for anytime within that 8 week period (as long as it’s a local competitor) and they’ll give you the difference EXCEPT if it’s a Black Friday price or internet ad,,, anything else is a green light, even layaway items.
It clearly states that Black Friday sales items at other store don”t count for ad matching during this period.
oh my gosh love it! love it! LOVE IT! AHH! I HATE checking out out at Walmart. I had six items the other day with six simple coupons (not all of them were printed) and the cashier took 15 minutes (LITERALLY! I LOOKED AT MY PHONE!) to verify every single coupon. I was in the express lane. I wanted to smack her on the forehead and tell her she’s an idiot. So did the guy behind me.
Ok, it has to be said, people often type “LOL” without actually “Laughing Out Loud”. However, that being said, this article literally made me physically “Laugh Out Loud”! Thank you for the post!
I think it depends on the cashiers training and sometimes disposition. My Mom is a cashier at Walmart and although she says coupons and pm takes longer, you are smart for doing it. She never questions anyone. I have even gotten her to use a few herself recently. The only reason a cashier may have problems with this is that they are monitored for quickness and the amount of transactions they process. However, training and understanding of the policies by the cashiers is essential. Mom is white, 67 years old and easy going. (that helps)
LOVE IT HA HA HA HA!!! I have the biggest smile.
I ALWAYS carry my ads but I want to give it a try without my ads just to see.ROTFL!
I want to get the same feeling as you LOL!!!!
I find the older ones are eaiser to work with. Maybe because I am a 40+ white female. Well what works the best for me was when I moved here was to shop my cashiers. I found the most outgoing and friendly ones. Made friends with them and most of all, Call them by name. I have been in customer service for many years and we always had to call our customers by name and it was really nice to have them walk in the bank and yell “Hi Shirley, How are you today?” it makes people feel that they are noticed. My Walmart in AZ always had binders of the ads at the registers and this one doesnt in this state. I find it hard because Walgreens and CVS dont put ads in our papers we have to go to the stores on Sunday and pick up one so I dont price match unless CVS or Walgreens is out of stock
All of the cashiers at my walmart are horrible! The first time I price matched anything was the worst experience I’ve ever had at walmart! I tried to price match the big lots operation game ad, and they matched it at first. Then when I tried to use a coupon on top of it, one lady went to ask the costumer service desk if that was allowed. She came back and said I can use the coupon, but they couldnt price match the ad. Then I had other coupons that would give me overage. They tried to tell me that since the coupons said “one per purchase” that I could only use one. I told them as nicely as possible that I was purchasing two, therefore I could use two coupons. The lady had to go BACK to customer service and ask if that were true. They were taking so long that a long line had formed behind me. A man yelled out, “JUST GIVE HER THE DAMN THING! HELL, ILL GIVE YOU THE FIVE DOLLARS!” The cashier replied that she couldnt. The man then told her she could keep all the groceries he’d put on the check-out belt.
When walking out, I stopped a manager and asked if Big Lots was allowed to be price matched. She said no b/c they only have certain stores they’re allowed to match. I asked if she had a list and she said no she couldnt give me one. If it wasnt for some of the coupons that give overage, Id never step foot in walmart again! (Oh, and if I wouldn’t have found this site with awesome deals. lol)
I actually have found a 40+ at the Sawdust Walmart in The Woodlands that is amazing. She knows it better than anyone and she said she even once had to show one of the managers where in the policy they do B1G1 as long as it has a price. I was telling a group of friends about price-matching and about finding a cashier you trust knows the policy and try to shop on days you know they are there. This cashier actually knows it all, and will even say “Oh I know your price-matching this from Kroger” and she sometimes even knows how much they are.
What I found is most of the people who also price-match at this same Walmart all knew who she is and also look for her. I will walk the front of the store for 30 minutes waiting for her to come off her break on Saturdays just to get her! There are a few 40+ that are doing it right…..That said, if for whatever reason she is not there my next step is to find a young person as Paul mentions. I usually have good luck except my last experience I got a brand new girl and she actually said to my face she thought my internet coupons were fraudulent and she had to call her manager. My advise, find the magic cashier and ask what their schedule is. Try to shop on days they are there and your life will be so easy. And you can make a friend too. We look forward to our 10 minute chat each week now and catch up!
Danielle, I love your advice!
paul i have a question for you i went into walmart last night to pm target which they did but then they refused to take my coupons after i pm the items one of the mangers came up to and said you pick one or the other and i told him it was no where in there policys that i couldnt do both and i would like to understand y i couldnt and he said good for you….you still cnt use both. was i wrong in the situation or was walmart
they were, you are allowed to do both
Maddy- I had this issue at my store as well- I sent an email to corporate asking them to clarify if this were true (even though I knew it wasn’t, that would make NO sense if it were, and defeat the purprose of pm to begin with) I NEVER got a response from them, but I did go to their FB page and post about it there. I did get a response that way, which I printed out- Regina from the FB page said that as long as you are following both the PM policy and the coupon policy you can do both.
I was told by a friend and manager that my walmart would no longer accept internet coupons either so I called corporate and my store manager called me the next day and said it was a misunderstanding. They were all confused, but its fixed now
I had to crack up when I read this post today….My spouse and I decided to add match at Walmart this weekend because of the overage…It was our first time and we knew we didnt have the ad. The cashier had to ask her manager what to do because we didnt have the ad…the manager (white 40+) was not happy to let us do it but said she would allow it “this one time” I told her look either way im gonna get the money because if not I will go buy it from CVS and bring u the reciept and u gonna give me a gift card for the difference in price….what I think actually happened is she didnt even know what the policy was herself thats why she allowed it “this one time” so she could go read up on it for the next time. Honestly I hate shopping Wlamart but the prices and the overage make it impossible not to so I kind of just go in with my mind set up its gonna be a battle and Im ready for it lol!!!
I use coupons but have never priced matched. What I can say is, ” when you know you are right and even show the cashier the policy and they still refuse. First talk to the manager, if that doesn’t work you may want to contact corporate”. They have this policy for a reason and should know when there is a problem.
I had my worst shopping trip ever yesterday. The csm came over to approve all of my coupons and informed me that I can’t use more than ONE coupon per transaction. I had 37 items with 37 coupons (28 different products).
She went into her argument that the coupons say one per purchase and how that meant each and every coupon. I said okay void the transaction and we will start over and check out 37 x’s. This was Sunday at 2pm. You all know what the lines look like right! I decided, since I was checking out 37 x’s I was not going to use my debit card so I dumbed my purse out into a grocery bag and I paid for EVERY transaction in pennies. My purse is so much lighter now. If they are going to make up rules, I will play along. I just will make it as much hell on them as it is on me.
Is a matter of fact, I am planning a trip to this store with 15 of my coupon friends for black friday. We are going to come in with every coupon and checkout as many times as we can and pay with pennies. I don’t think this will make the CSM very happy when we tie up every line they have open.
I don’t usually like to be negative as I work for Walmart but dont you think that is a little childish? I am a cashier at a walmart and I hate this “US vs THEM” mentality. We (the cashiers) are not out to get you (the couponers) and most of the time if we are concerned it is because we have been cheated. My store lost a lot of money last quarter to Fraudulent coupons and bogus matches, your attitude goin in will set the tone and both sides of this new way of shopping should try to act like adults.
It absolutely may be a little childish, it was meant as humor. I can promise you that I give it both ways. I am give it to the people who do things thewrong way as well. Please keep in mind the name of my site, it’s true I heart the mart. It doesn’t mean that Walmart doesn’t have some serious training and rehabilitaion to do with couponers.
I USED to work at Walmart (best thing I ever did was quit after 12 years). YOU are not being cheated – at best, there are a few cheaters who make it hard for the rest of us.
While it may be a little childish, it was totally ridiculous that the customer was treated like she was. READ your values statement (I’m posting it because some associates seem to have forgotten it!!).
3 Basic Beliefs & Values
Three simple things that make us great:
Our unique culture has helped make Walmart one of the world’s most admired companies. Since Sam Walton opened the first Walmart in 1962, our culture has rested on three basic beliefs. We live out these beliefs every day in the way we serve our customers and each other.
1. Respect for the Individual
We’re hardworking, ordinary people who’ve teamed up to accomplish extraordinary things. While our backgrounds and personal beliefs are very different, we never take each other for granted. We encourage those around us to express their thoughts and ideas. We treat each other with dignity. This is the most basic way we show respect.
2. Service to our Customers
Our customers are the reason we’re in business, so we should treat them that way. We offer quality merchandise at the lowest prices, and we do it with the best customer service possible. We look for every opportunity where we can exceed our customers’ expectations. That’s when we’re at our very best.
3. Striving for Excellence
We’re proud of our accomplishments but never satisfied. We constantly reach further to bring new ideas and goals to life. We model ourselves after Sam Walton, who was never satisfied until prices were as low as they could be or that a product’s quality was as high as customers deserved and expected. We always ask: Is this the best I can do? This demonstrates the passion we have for our business, for our customers and for our communities.
I actually re-read this for the first time in a LONG time – I am absolutely certain that Mr. Sam is NOT resting in peace. He was a very good man who treated his employees and customers well and would be APPALLED at the way his stores are being run now.
Well said. It seems that many of the customers has “Let’s get Walmart” attitude. Like I said before, when Walmart loses money so do the associates. But I don’t expect the customer actually cares about that as long as they get their way. Internet coupons should not be allowed anywhere.
Can i just say your are AWESOME!!! I f’n love it!! I am so sick of walmart cashiers doing this crap to people i love that you did it back to them… I love the idea so much i will be doing this the next time i go the bottom of my purse is full of change and i wont have to use my debit card 20 times lol this is great im going to tell all my couponing friends about this i love it GREAT JOB BY THE WAY!!!
I seriously thought it was just our walmart in MS. If i go in the morning, only 50 plus white ladies were at the checkouts and rude as all getout! But if i wait til a younger person arrives or if they are a different race, i get treated as a valued customer. Seriously what is the problem with the 50 yrs (or older) white ladies? Its not like it’s coming from their paychecks!!!!!
See i fell the same way…it is NOT coming out of there paycheck it doesnt even involve them so i dont know why they have to act like that… for me i look for in there 20’s guys i WILL NOT go to a lane where there is a older women i dont care what race she is she will give me the hardest time about using coupons… and i never have a problem with the younger guys but then again i am a girl so idk if that has something to do with it or not lol but they dont care they never even look at my coupons they just scan them and send me on my way
But it does come out of their paychecks. The less profit that is made by a store the less the bonuses and raises. As for older cashiers being rude, they are probably just plain fed up with all the uppity, rude customers they have to deal with day after day. If the younger cashiers stay long enough they will learn to be that way too. The customer just thinks they are always right.
I love it when the light shines down from above … even moonlight!
I have to laugh too because I was just at WM in Charlotte tonight and would have had overage for several qs for the same item but was told I couldn’t. The woman behind me actually pulled up the policy on her smartphone and agreed with me but the cashier looked at me like I had two heads. She said that would be crazy to give us money because a coupon isn’t really worth anything. I asked if she could confirm with a manager and she was fine with checking. She did and after almost 10 minutes standing there with several customers getting none too happy, she came back with the manager and he said, no, I could not get the overage but I would get them for free with the coupon. No thanks I said. Ughhhhh! I hate when I’m right but there’s nothing to be done about it in the given situation.
I also hate to say that it was a 40 something woman cashier and I knew better than to get in her line but every cashier they had was a 40 something woman!!!! I’m scared they are onto us and profiling their cashiers too! Lol.
You are not the only one that had problems with trying to pricematch at walmart. I had the worst time I think I’ve ever had! I WILL be calling corporate!!The cashier had only been there 4 months, had already had one repremand for price matching at such big savings. They wanted to call every store, check every ad, and they still wouldn’t give me all my items at the matched price. On top of that the assistant manager, of all people, made a racial remark! It took 3 hrs if not longer to get what I finally walked out with! I’m almost 8 months pregnant, had my 8 yr old & 14 month old with me. If I didn’t want my items so bad for my stockpile I’d left it all there!!!
Went to my walmart last night i live in southeast texas and the sign was up on all the cash registers ours are blue signs not like the one in the picture on here but says all the same stuff i was so happy to see that…im hoping the next time i check out it will go better then usual because of the new signs
I work at wal-mart…NO, not cashiering, but when I shop at my own I tend to not have any problems…but when I go to the other one in town it seems like they don’t want me to get anything on sale! They have lied to me about several policies and I always state I am a Wal-mart employee across town and know how the policies are…..bottom line, I stick with my store, but if I have to go to the other I never back down, because people are just plain uneducated. We shouldn’t feel bad for following Wal-Mart’s policy. After all, customer service is number one.
I had to roll around on the floor & laugh when I saw the policy above for Walmart. It goes against almost everything that my local WM will allow (OH). Some cashiers are decent about PM’ing but I “NEVER” attempt it w/o my ads in hand, because they always ask for them. They also almost, blowed a gasket when I had the nerve to ask them about accepting a competitor’s loyalty card price & coupon. They will not match loyalty card prices & will only take competitor’s coupons that state they are a manufacturers coupon with a remittance address. As for making sure you coupons are legit, you can, as they do, check them out at: Just enter the information it asks for. Very easy. I haven’t had them stop me from using internet printed coupons yet & I will remind them if they ever do, that some of the internet coupons I print come directly from “their” site! LOL. Can’t hardly wait to see how they handle all of the price matching madness this holiday season.
I’m sorry to see all the complaints and cashiers treating customers bad. The only problem I have is finding the free things in stock. I get cashiers in bad moods but never have problems with my coupons.
I have the same problems with ALL the cashiers at my preferred WM (Central TX), not just the 40+ ladies. They make up “loop-holes” around their policies all the time. When I asked this last cashier why she was scrutinizing every coupon sooooo much, she said that the managers had had a big meeting with all of the cashiers and told them they would get written up if they took any “fraudulent” coupons. After how ever many write ups it was, they get fired. So she was a nervous wreck about taking ANY coupons. I felt bad for her…but at the same time, I KNOW none of my coupons are fraudulent and it still makes me very angry, because it made me feel like I was doing something wrong by trying to save money! Frustrating.
I too have had problems with walmart. Studid me 2x did not have they policy with me. The 1st time young male cashier said I couldn’t use my $2 off 1 pk shick diposable razors on the 2 pack. I told him it was for the 12 pack and there was 2 free inside (DUH) 2nd trip 40+ female. Would not give overage on same schick razors, because Q says no cash back, told her I wasn’t getting cash it was going to the basket items, supervisor said no also. I have something to return and will bring they policy with me and demand my 6 cents back!
i am currently on my lunch @ Wal~Mart, and I just accepted about 9 coupons. I have yet to have anyone tell me not to do so. I would find a new Wal~Mart.
My last trip was not easy either. I probably had 10 coupons and 2 were the same or cat food and 2 were the same for fabric softener. The lady briefing viewed onne coupon and said it says one per purchase meaning u can only use one of these same coupons. Rather than get angry and correct her termology I said ok and went on. She then said the same for the other coupon without even reading it. Note this is the first time I’ve seen this cashier. So i ask if i can do a seperate transaction. I told my husband as we walked out “remember her face, we will not check out with her again”. I can’t tell you how many times I used more the one of the same coupon. In fact that same trip I bought some first aid kits(4 total) using 2 identical coupons and the express chheck out lady didn’t even flintch at the coupons- as long as they didn’t beep, she didn’t find the need to review it. I dislike hostel cashiers, if I was trying to steal from you I’d just do like joe in the back and cut items out of packages & shove them down my pants. (i use to work at wags & we’d find empty packages frequently)
I sadly went to a 40+ white female cashier the other night. I only had 6 items and 4 coupons. 3 were for $1 off items that were on sale for $0.97-0.99. She would not take them. The CSM finally came over and told her to take them. The other coupon was for $2 off any tide, of course I had the travel size. I got lectured about how I was stealing from the company and she has stock invested. Blah blah blah. 40 minutes later she still refused to take my tide coupon. The one time I didn’t have my coupon policy with me! I came home and ordered 20 more from Ebay and I think I’m going to seek her out – just to be spiteful. Of course I’ll take my policy with me this time!
Isn’t it so funny when they say that!
I have a hard time believing that Walmart doesn’t know that people are using these Tide coupons on the trial sizes…. IF Walmart wasn’t getting reimbursed by the manufacturer then why the heck would they keep putting in more and more orders for the product and keep stocking it at all of their billion gazillion stores. In the same respect, I have a hard time believing that Procter and Gamble doesn’t know that people are using their coupons for trial sizes…. YET, they keep putting coupons out every single month leaving off the size restrictions. Both P&G and Walmart are smart enough to know whats going on here; obviously they are ok with it and cashiers should let the company take care of the company! IMO
I totally agree. In fact I think they would rather have us use the Q on a trial size item and get it free than not use the Q at all. Especially for something we have never tried.
I went out of town one week with all my Qs and happened to find some of those trial-sized Dial body wash to use with my $2/1 Q. Of course they gave me a hard time but they did it. Turns out I love the scent! I used all of them up quickly and ack! actually bought a bottle later without a Q! Next time of course I will have the Qs and use them on the larger size. And I’m now converted.
Can someone tell me do they really not price match reward items? I was able to do it at my store for a short time but one of the csm’s who hate me put a stop to that, I tried to contact corporate but it sent me back to my store, and store manager says no, that it is like a gift card and they don’t price match gift card purchases.
They do not match after RR prices. RR are basically catalinas and are part of the coupon policy, not the Ad match policy.
What really gets me is that the cashiers and well, everyone else, who think that we are stealing. I understand being careful not to take fraudulent Qs and worrying that couponing makes their stock go down. They r wrong but I understand. They r trying to do what they think is the right thing.
Why can’t Walmart just tell their employees – look – its an experiment. We need to see IF it works. Just like all ad campaigns. So please cooperate. If we lose customers because u r giving them poor cstmr svc, then this will affect ur stock price!!
Anyway I was really upset, Paul, that last week or so when Tiffany was on ch11 at 10pm news? They had the lady on after that stated the stores r glad everyone doesn’t coupon or they would go broke!!! And ch11 just aired it – what? Without checking? Or stating that (giving her credit) she was referring to overages or possibly price matching? Ugh! I’m still upset thinking about that!
My mom and I always joke. I always say … now for the most important seletion of the night, a cashier
Because even if your right, you are only as good as what you have to work with 
I have read many negative remarks by customers who don”t have a clue. When WM takes phony coupons and ad matches for less, all associates lose boneses and raises. It seems like almost all these customers really hate WM and just have a vendetta. If they don’t like it then stay out and go somewhere else to shop. This would make everybody happy. They couldn’t get by with this crap at other stores or they would go there to begin with.
I don’t know anything about phony coupons, but I do know I don’t use them. As for price matching and getting overage, that is Walmart’s policy. It’s how they’re trying to compete with local competition. We’re doing nothing wrong when we price match. If all the cashiers are so worried about taking “phony ad matches” then they should educate themselves on what is on sale. Not all coupon users are awful liars, so we shouldn’t all be treated harshly for trying to save money & support our families. It’s not that I don’t like Walmart, I don’t like most of the people that work there. Do you realize that by being mean toward coupon users, you’re ruining what Walmart is trying to do with the whole competitor price matching thing? They want to gain new customers, not lose them all. They’re not losing money with coupons either (unless phone, but again, I don’t use phony coupons), or they probably would stop accepting them!
One of my all time favorite stores to shop at is Publix. They may not price match, but they take my coupons, competitor coupons, and they give me overage with a SMILE. So I am able to “get by with that crap” there, and usually do most of my shopping trip there. I avoid Walmart as much as possible, but when I do go, I profile cashiers and hope for the best.
If you don’t like reading negative remarks about Walmart, don’t read them. Simple as that.
I have nothing against using legitimate coupons, it’s the counterfeit internet coupons that I have a problem with. Cashiers are expected to take anything the customer offers and price match anything the customer says. The cashiers are held accountable for all their bad transactions and that is the reason most older cashiers are cautious. Most cashiers are not “mean” to customers but I have seen a lot of customers mean to cashiers and treat them like they are idiots.
Not all internet coupons are counterfeit though. Are there not ways to verify if they’re fake? As for the phony price matches, like I said before, if the cashier cares THAT much, then they should educate themselves about whats on sale. If I worked at Walmart and if it caused problems for me every time someone lied about a price match, I’d probably carry the ads with me so even if they don’t have the ad, I would. I get what you’re saying about rude coupon users that lie and cheat, but they aren’t all like that. Just like not all cashiers are rude and act like you’re only there to give them a hard time, but majority at my store are like that.
I have a legit question and I’m not trying to be rude/mean, but if you’re so against internet coupons & price matching, why are you on this site? No offense, like I said, its a legit question.
I am not against Internet coupons when they are used right and I’m not against ad matching either if done right. I happen to be a cashier and you wouldn’t believe what some of the customers do trying to get merchandise cheaper or for free. As a matter of fact a lady today brought in counterfeit coupons and copied coupons and used them successfully because the male cashier didn’t question her when she said a friend had given them to her. It spoils it for everyone and WM is thinking about not taking Internet coupons anymore because of incidents like this. The younger cashiers and cashiers who care need to be more on their toes. Also everyone needs to get on the same page.
I just came from WalMart and was told that their PM policy have changed. WalMart will only PM if the store is within 10 miles of that particular store. Has anyone heard this?
In order to get a store like Publix and or Winn Dixie or Walmart to give you the overage on an item does the coupon “have to state” overage on the coupon itself and or is it the policy that if the item is less then the total amount of the coupon the additional credit will be applied to the rest of the groceries. Your help and clarification is greatly appreciated… I’ve had ConAgra coupons good for a $7.99 value (for Swiss Miss, PAM, Egg Beaters, Hebrew National) and the highest price item was only $3.99 and I had no way to max out the value of the coupon. The coupon did not state overage on it as some do…but would I get the overage on this? Thanks for your help and I enjoyed reading every comment!
Mike I am not sure about Publix or Winn Dixie. At Walmart the coupon will be automatically applied to the basket.
I don’t have time to look through all the comments. I have a question that has to do with Walmart honoring stores other than grocery stores. Target, Kmart, Dollar General, Walgreens and CVS are the ones we have available in my area. I also was given an idea to take a sharpie along with you and write the matching price on it with the name of the store who’s ad you’re using. Anyone try this? I don’t normally go to Walmart but am going to attempt it. Like others have mentioned, I get a lot of grief from cashiers. Not from just one chain, but all. I do not cheat, forge, or make fake coupons. I spend so much time doing this that I’m beginning to wonder if it’s really worth it. Plus, all the ink, paper and newspapers I buy. Times are hard for all of us. The manufacturer’s want us to buy their items so they provide ways for us to get coupons. The stores come up with their OWN policies to get us to shop in them. Walmart is trying to get as many people to come there as they can. Please, be patient with us. We are patient with you….
Lori, you can use my price match list also. I create lists for all those stores with the prices that are cheaper from their ads.
That store is a joke well I got a phone call telling me that we are being watched because they think we use old ads wedonot plus the take what ever you tellnthem that is walmarts fault yhey hire stupid Ass people