I am not sure if this is a Houston only deal or not. I ran into the Nabisco guy at my store and he told me about these peelies he put out. He said that he had to place them on the Oreo display in the dairy section because the store wants to move milk. He also placed some on the milk containers themselves.
I would suggest using it for the $1.98 Oreo Mini bag. If you’re buying milk anyway its like you’re getting them for $.98. I like buying the minis so my little ones can pop them in their mouths instead of tearing the top off and licking it to death while watching it crumble wherever they may roam.
Either way you can’t go wrong with Oreo’s and milk!
Here’s my scenario Houston.
Price match Oak Farms Milk to CVS for $2.99
Buy Oreo Mini’s for $1.98
Use $1.00 Peelie
Total: $3.97 for both.
That’s less than the regular price of Oak Farms Milk!
Note: Do not steal peelies off the packages for future use. This is stealing and not acceptable. One peelie per specified product combination on that trip! Thanks
I love your description of the kiddos eating the cookies! Too funny!
We have $1 off Oreo peelies on the Great Value milk here.
I second the motion of the way your kids eat oreos. My daughter just started doing that with Keebler Peanut Butter Crackers and OH MY GOSH its driving me nuts. LOL I keep finding random crackers around the house with the peanut butter eaten out of the middle i’m like “Oh for the love of…” LOL
The Facebook page will give out prints like this once a month and if is the same and doesn’t have any size requirement I get the little containers by the register for free. It’s great if inwas going to buy milk anyways!
Ditto on the little $1 containers by the register…my kids are always begging for them. 😐 Oreo, Chips A’Hoy, or Nutter Butter. I’ve done that twice now with the $1 off Nabisco wyb milk. Works great!
If you are going to tell people that it is “stealing” to take off peelies then I hope you don’t encourage printing internet coupons with mulitple computers either.
I spotted those peelies in Idaho as well. Good deal!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Hey I love the fact you and your wife have a sense of humor, couponing can be tough especially these days. Policy is Policy and I to would have stood my ground on PRINCIPLE as well, it is not just about being right. (MOST Couponers know this) When I saw the Oak Farms mentioned I got a little laugh. Life could always be a whole lot worst, I agree pick your battles.
These peelies have been available here in Florida for several weeks.
Speaking of Peelies, although I know now is not really the time but when I went to my Wal-mart today (Springfield Oregon) I noticed that 13 oz Axe Shower gels had a $2.00 peelie on them…and they are only 3.97 before you use the peelie! $1.97 is an awsome deal even though I got a better one a couple of weeks ago at Fred Meyer (Kroger for some.) Also if you haven’t used it yet, you could use the bogo coupon from last month … .99 each!