If you hurry you can score FREE Tetra Fish Food at Walmart. I have been told that the overage can be as much as $.68 but I found it for $1.62 at my Walmart. It almost makes we want to go buy a couple beta fish and but their jars next to each other!
Tetra Tank Nibblers: $1.62
$2.00 off any Tetra Food or Water Care (Zip 51101)
Total: FREE + $.32 overage
Hey thats my Zip! Finally something from Sioux City, IA! (:
The price is just $1.27 at my store. I’m slightly annoyed that we now have to scroll through all 14 pages of coupons all the way to the bottom just to print the coupon we want twice.
I was able to use these coupons on the large Tetra water filters. They were $2.08 at my Walmart, so just 8 cents for my aquarium filters. Also, used the Kaytee $2.00 coupons from insert a few weeks ago and got fruit/ bird seed sticks in the pet isle for free. Hang them outside for the wild birds.
The small jar of goldfish flakes at my walmart were $1.23. so .77cents overage!! 🙂
I can no longer see the coupon in that zip code. Please advise as my mother has fish.
it may be gone now. sorry.