If you’re looking for high value P&G coupons, be sure to check the latest issue of Ebony Magazine. Inside you should find a P&G Coupon Booklet. There are some great high value coupons that don’t have size restrictions. With those coupons you can score deals like this Cascade money maker at Walmart.
Cascade 3pk: $0.97
Use $1/1 Cascade coupon in P&G booklet
Total: FREE + $0.03 overage!
If you don’t have an Ebony Magazine Subscription you get one HERE for only $11.97.
Thanks Frugal Reality.
My store completely stopped selling these after couponers like myself started buyin em up with coupons 🙁 I even contacted them about bringing them back and they claimed that no Walmarts carry these anymore, what a load. Oh well 🙁
yes amber i agree with you, mine did the same thing. if a coupon is out where you can get something for free plus overage my walmart lets their stock run out. then they won’t order anymore till the coupon expires. they are really bad when it comes to razors. oh, now they like to do it on the ky jelly coupon. they also raised their prices so you can get an overage. i think i might start going to a different walmart in the next state over. craziness..
My walmart is doing the same thing. Once they get a hint on what you can get overage with, they dont restock!!! Very frustrating!!! I wanted to get the oral b floss, I kept checking for like 3 weeks. Went to walmart the day after the coupon expired. Guess what….they were restocked!!!!! Grrrrr..
My 2 walmarts had these on clearance for 50 cents.
My Walmart does not carry these either. I have also noticed my Walmart pulls alot of the things that have coupons for. 🙁
I’ve stopped shopping at Wal-Mart b/c they don’t restock anything I have coupons for.* I’m about to get an All You magazine subscription just so I wont have to go to Wal-Mart for that. Not to mention, its cheaper for the subscription.
*That’s not the only reason I don’t shop at Wal-Mart anymore. At my Wal-Mart ALL of the cashiers are down right rude to me. Even if I’m just using one coupon that’s not even going to give me overage. I go if I need something that I cant get at a regular grocery store.
I found these also at Target and had no problems with using my coupons. I seen these at my Walmart but they have them sitting next to the big packs.
Samething in my Walmart and if i found there are a huge different on the price