The 2013 Walmart Layaway Program (2015 Walmart Layaway Program has started – grab the info here!)for the Holiday Season starts today and I have some really exciting news for you. I think it is awesome! There are some key changes that make it a no brainer for this Holiday Season.
Walmart has announced that they have eliminated the fees for Layaway this year! My favorite part about the layaway program is that it is backed by ad match! Yes Walmart will price match during the holiday season just like normal, including black friday deals(not eligible for Layaway, I just wanted to let you know they would be doing it). They will be time sensitive and items much match exactly. If there are any changes I will update you as I get it.
Here is how it works to Get Started:
No opening fee!
Down payment – $10 or 10%, whichever is greater
Minimums: Individual items must be $15 or greater, total purchase must be $50 or greater
Terms: Layaway begins September 13.
Final payment and pickup must be made on or before December 13 at the same store layaway was initiated.
Cancellation: If account is cancelled, items will be returned to inventory. Down payments made will be refunded, less a $10 cancellation fee.
Returns: Walmart Returns policy applies to all layaway transactions.
Pickup & Pay:
Location: Layaway is initiated and picked up at the Service Desk. Payments can be made at any register.
Timing: Some layaway items may be stored at a location other than where the layaway account was opened. All items stored remotely will be available for pickup within 10 days of paying the balance due, but no later than 12/13/2013.
Sooo, What do you think?
Please leave comments with your feedback and share this with all your friends!
Here are the 2015 Walmart Layaway Program details!
So my question is, you can ad match, do you have the have the ad match when you put it on layway, or if when you go pick it up..can you ad match it then?
the answer is yes, you can do it either way.
Your Layaway might be a good thing for some.. I was in one of your stores and was planning on doing the layaway thing.. (was it on T.V.) was going to do 90% of my Christmas shopping. being a single Mom w/ part time job and kids, buggy full of kids stuff ( cloths, undies and stuff like that) Santa was even going to bring Mom some things& Bedding things for my daughters. Then I went to the layaway desk/room and waited to get waited on for like 10 minutes with employees and what look like a manager walking by to say not a word.. then I saw the sign… Sad to say I left the buggy with around 300.00 of merchandise that was going to be gifts for my children sitting there to all be shopped back.. I guess I don’t understand the whole 15.00 per item thing when Walmart brags about their low prices……………….
I agree on the 15 dollar part. My wife and I just came back after leaving around 200 dollars there. How stupid it is. I guess we will shop where layaways include all items. I ll shop at Target or Kmart. Goodbye walmart this Christmas season.
Not impressed with Walmart….went up to put on a layaway of the things that MIGHT be hard to find closer to Christmas (Ninja turtles, etc.) and was told that if the individual toy is LESS than $15 (which they were) I couldn’t put THEM on layaway.. REALLY?? So my layaway will now be elsewhere and so will the rest of my Christmas shopping. I could understand if I wanted to layaway one item less than $15, but my layaway would’ve been around $200+. What a joke…but then, we ARE talking about a major retailer more interested in the almighty dollar than their employees spending the holidays with their families like the big wigs get to do. Public be warned about Walmart’s layaway policy…it SUCKS! KMart was more than happy to accommodate my layaway….Stupid rule that will cost Walmart money and customers…..
I had the same problem at one Walmart but when I went to the other I had a buggy with my kids stuff and the girl was so nice she just went ahead and put all my stuff in layaway…didnt even ask about the whole $15 thing. Now a piece of advice if you do get that problem get a store supervisor and manager and complain and you’ll get your layaway. It works
I have shopped at Wal Mart for many years and this policy of minimum $ 15.00 per item is rediculous for instance , even the little wrestlers that all the little boys want are only $10.00 ! You are loosing out on millions by your new rules, I wouldnt shop at Wal Mart for Christmas, you couldnt pay me too !!!!! And not to mention you cant put clothes in lay a way ! you are rediculous !!!! KMART HERE I COME !!!!!!!
Can I place an item on layaway now and if that item goes on sale during Black Friday will they honor that price when I take it out later in December?
only if you are in the store during the black friday sale to get the price match. you can then pay it off by Dec 14
so, if you put something in layaway now and come black Friday, same exact item is on sale, you can get that black Friday price.
yes, you get the best available price when you pay for it.
I was just at my walmart to ask about layaway ON Black Friday and on Thanksgiving. There will be NO Layaway during the Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales! They told me layaway will not be open.. until after the sales are over. And “if by some chance there is something still laying around you can put it on layaway”. But the thing is, those sale prices are only good during certain hours. You can’t walk around with the stuff in your cart for 6 hours and still get that door buster price. So check with YOUR local walmart. I know mine will not get my business! I shopped walmart on Black Friday for more than 15 years shopping as a single mom for my 2 kids. These are new policies. I will be driving 45 minutes to a Kmart to use layaway. I spend way more money when I can pay it out after I get paid on the first. Walmart will lose a lot of business over this new policy.
So you can put the item on layaway and price match for Black Friday… but my question is, do you have to pay for the item in full that day to get the price?
And, do they price match to online prices. Thanks, Paul!
You can put it on layaway during the time the item is on sale or pay for it when it is on sale while you have it on layaway. I think they will price match online prices of brick and mortar competitors in that area.
There are some toys that are not at my stores, but they are shown online as Ship-to-store items. Can I include them in my layaway? They meet/exceed the $15.00 cost per item.
Thanks for your reply.
I don’t think so, I think it has to be in store items. As wierd as it sounds online and the stores are almost completely different companies.
So can I get just one item out of my layaway on Black Friday if its on sale? Or do I need to pay for the entire thing? Thanks!
I am not sure, I will check that out and get back to you. My guess would be that you can pay off an item to get it out of layaway and still leave something else there.
You cannot open or receive layaway items on black Friday. Period. Its in the small print.
How does the down payment work? If the 10% is greater than $10 is the 10% from the total price of your layaway items including/excluding taxes or is it 10% of each item in your layaway order including/excluding taxes? Thanks!
it is 10% of the total, not each individual item.
10 % of each item is the same as 10 % of the total… Come on people.
If you have an item in layaway then it shows up as a deal of the day on another website, will Walmart price match that?
I think it should be $10. And up and clothing should be allowed. If the account is opened for free then it really isn’t for a down payment…not particular about it all…$15 and up either… I will stick with other discount stores.
I was wondering what all u can put on layaway? Like is it just jewelry and toys? or can u do anything in the store?
it is almost everything. They have like 35,500 items eligible for layaway.
Can’t believe clothes are not allowed on layaway, very disapointing!! Last time I checked all walks of life need clothing and are happy to get new clothing for christmas!! Lost our business here we come KMART!!
When do the black friday ads start leaking? This is exciting!
Please note that you can only put specific items in layaway. They won’t allow clothing, shoes, linens, dishes, and a lot of other items…THEY HAVE A LIST of allowed items. I had a cart full of about $2,000 worth of stuff and let them restock it all because I found this rule ridiculous!!
How is the payment plan set up? I know in the past I have done Kmart lay away and payment was due bi-weekly over a ten week period (I think).
Okay, so how can I find the list of items that are included?? Does each individual item have to be $15.00 and over?? Are Cosmetics, perfume, food, clothing/shoes, jewelry, perfumes, hair accessories and products, pet goods, etc. included??? Do you have to have atleast $50.00 worth of goods to open a Layaway account?? So, if a product is under $15.00…. Can it not be added to my Layaway account??
each item does have to be $15.00 or more. The items included are electronics, auto electronics, toys, infant toys, Select sporting goods, Small appliances and jewelry. I hope that helps!
Yea Paul 15 dollars each. Again a stupid rule. It s obvious Walmart only wants big tickets items on layaway. So much for kids and their smaller wishlist items. I guess Santa doesn’t t deliver smaller items. I ll shop other stores. Poor poor policy for a store that brags about low prices.
Does the $10/10% & following payment have to be made in cash, or can credit/debit be used?
Credit cards can be used. Thanks!
I think clothes should be an item available for lay away and there should NOT be a minimum price for each individual item that is put on lay away. Because of these two conditions, I will use K-Mart for my lay away.
I just put a special edition video game console on layaway a few days ago. They scanned the barcode, of course, and the serial number as well so that gives me peace of mind that I will be picking up the EXACT item I put on layaway that day, correct? I would be so disappointed if I go and pickup the non-special edition version of the console. They did tape up a huge label on it with a number, so that makes me feel better about that.
As far as the return policy goes, I’m guessing that it begins when you pick up the item, and not when you put it on layaway. The 15 day return policy on electronics is short as it is.
does this apply to canada as well?
I have Virgin Mobile and Walmart offers the iPhone 5 on their website can I put the phone on Layaway?
no, nothing with a contract. sorry!
But what about straight talk phones?
I Just put a straight talk Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone on layaway today in my local walmart.
I wanted to put a crib in layaway can I do this if not I will have to go elsewhere.
Yes, I am pretty sure you can
Can u make a layaway payment online?
” Can u make a layaway payment online? ”
” Yes, I am pretty sure you can ”
OK, how?
Actually talked with a regional Wal Mart manager and he did clarify that you CAN NOT make payments online for your layaway items. Any payment made HAS to be paid AT THE STORE YOU PLACED IT ON LAYAWAY AT!!! However you can go to any register in the Wal Mart location you placed your items on layaway and make a payment. Mailing your payment in is an option as well however im afraid online payments aren’t.
How do I layaway something online. Like a refurbished tv?
You can’t put anything on layaway online. It is for in store only. Thanks!
I don’t like that you can’t put anything you want on lay away. I also don’t like that the items have to be a min of $15 each. I can’t afford much and lay away would help but i want to be able to put anything on it. so i choose to go to k-mart where i can put anything i want on lay away.
Can you price match multiple times on the same item? For instance if I have a layaway and I have a bike in there. Next week it’s a lower price. . . .I price match. But 2 weeks before I get it out, there’s an even lower price somewhere else. . .. Can I price match again? Or is it one price match per item.
Yes, you are able to get it at the lowest price during the time it is on layaway. At the time of the second price match you would have to complete the purchase.
I went to put a pair of hunting coveralls on layaway at my local Walmart and they informed me that hunting stuff can’t be put on layaway. First off, Is this discrimination agaist hunters? Secondly, I will take all of my shopping to KMART now and I spend a lot of money in Walmart every week. I just placed a hunting coat on layaway there without any questions asked.
I wish walmart would let us make layaway payments online til we can get it paid off. Walmart is a good drive for me to get to. It would be really nice if I could shop for items and pay them off as I worked.
Do the powers that be not realize the working poor, the disabled on fixed incomes, and people with a limited amount of money to spend shop there? 15.00 min for EACH item put on layaway is ridiculous. When you are on a fixed or small income you look for great deals in order to get your kids or grand kids Christmas or birthday gifts. And with sale items or small items your are able to stretch your money more. To children, small ones in particular, appearance of getting “lots” of toys means more. Shame on you walmart!
Shame on you Marsha! Perpetuating the more is better mentality and focusing on quantity over quality or meaning of the season. I’m sure Wal-Mart is more than aware of its target group. While I agree that this policy is lack luster, it does have some merit (little as it might be). As for all of you who are crying about the minimum limit, I can sympathize with your view, but, let’s be truthful with one another here as well. There are very few items these days that our spoiled rotten children want, that are under that price (i.e. video games etc.). For the very small child who don’t care because they just want a toy, then you can go to any of the dollar stores out there and find a bunch of “stocking stuffers” or inexpensive toys at better prices than Wal-Mart. Mainly because they don’t carry those items or at least not in as big a selection and partly because their experts in this department know that it does little to affect there business. Kids like those I’m referring to are happy to get any toy and don’t care what it is or cost. Big business like Wal-Mart certainly understand this they just CHOOSE not to cater to this group. With all this said, I agree it is sad that they limit there layaway to the guidelines set forth in this discussion and yes I think K-Mart has a much better policy. Letting the representative know their down fall and informing them of the loss of sales to a competitor because of their policy, is a great thing! Don’t under value your contribution by trying to gain sympathy and making ineffectual comments. No one here is so disillusioned to believe Wal-Mart actually cares for it’s customers. We can all hope though, that with our intelligent input via this discussion board; the representative will take note and pass along our thoughts to his superiors.
I don’t work for nor am I compensated in any way by Walmart
@ MICHAEL – Your are an idiot!!!! Seriously.
I would love to shop at Walmart for Christmas using the layaway program
But the only problem I have with that is the items have to be $15.00 or more.
We have 17 grandchildren and 10 children. Walmart has so many awesome
Toys and such to satisfy a child of any age for 10.00 and under.
Last year my husband and I had well over $400.00 in our cart,
Not knowing there was a minimum of 15.00 per item, the first thing
I put on the counter was $9.99 and they stopped us right there and said
That was not allowed. We left our cart and walked out. We had spent
Hours picking out just the right gift for each child and adult, we were so
Frustrated we haven’t gone back there. We can’t afford $15.00 on each item.
That was or use to be the wonderful thing about layaway. Not now I guess.
I agree with the majority of you who are discusted and offended at the $15 limit per item that Wal-Mart has on thier “approved Layaway”. I am a single mother who tries to get the best for what little money I have and if I can find a present for one of my 3 children that is under $15 then I will get that item. I will not use Wal-Mart this year for the whole $15 min per item rule and because I cannot put clothing on the layaway plan. Clothing has always been something that most parents get for their children for Christmas presents. It is an item that is usually most needed at this time of year, esp if you live in a region where it gets cold.
I am going to take my money and business to K-Mart this year simply becaue they do not have rediculous rules about their layaway plan as Wal-mart does. I can put clothes and items under $15 in their layaway program. So all I have left to say is… TO BAD FOR WALMART! FOR SHAME, FOR SHAME WALMART!
I’m a little confused on a couple of your comments. You said in response to Melissa, “You can put it on layaway during the time the item is on sale or PAY FOR IT when it is on sale while you have it on layaway”. Then in a later response to esmommy, you said, “Yes, you are able to get it at the lowest price during the time it is on layaway. At the time of the SECOND price match you WOULD HAVE TO COMPLETE the purchase”.
So when doing a price match on an item already in layaway, do you have to pay off the item completely at the time of the price match, or can you keep paying on the item until it is either price matched a second time or the item is paid off as required by the terms agreement? Please clarify.
You can price match it at the time you are placing it on layaway. If you find another price that is lower after that you would have to pay it off at that time to get that price. It is a bit confusing,but I hope that helps!
Will not be shopping at Walmart this year for Christmas, my son went to layaway clothes and was told no clothes, so we will shop elsewhere this year and I am getting very disappointed with Walmart, the shelves are poorly at times.
I put an iPad on layaway a few weeks ago and just found out beginning November 1st the ipad 2 will be dropping down to $399 from the $499 that it was when I put it on layaway. Will I automatically get the new price and only have to pay off the $399 total now or will I still be charged the original $499?
you will get the lower price! YAY!!!
Not at all happy with Walmart’s $15.00 per item for Layaway. It’s bad enough they are limiting the types of items but now they have changed values.
My daughter and I spent an hour picking out perfect gifts and had about 30 items to place on layaway and when the clerk was finished, only 2 items were allowed per their layaway.
I am done with Walmart for Christmas shopping. I would much rather travelling an extra hour each day to go to K-Mart and place items on layaway there. Sorry, Walmart, you lost a good customer by your stupid layaway policies.
If I follow the $15/$50 total rule, what happens if the next weekend, I find a bunch more stuff. Do I add it to the first one or do I have to start a new one?
Hi Yvonne, you can add to your existing layaway account!
So i want a tv on 1100. So hoew much can i put on down and do i have to pay the full price on december 13…
Luis, you have to put 10% down, which would be $110, but that’s not including tax. Also, if you don’t make any payments while your tv is on layaway, then yes you would have to pay the full price when you got it out on Dec. 13th.
I’m sorry, but I am still confused about the ad match pricing… My husband and I have 5 boys and put almost $2,000 worth of merchandise in layaway for Christmas already. And I guess what my question is, if products that we have in layaway are on sale at walmart at a cheaper price at any time, including black Friday, will the items automatically go down to the cheaper price without bringing it to a sales persons attention? And will we have to pay for the item at the time of the sale in order to get it at the cheaper price?
If an item you have on layaway becomes cheaper while you have it on layaway, you have to go to the Layaway Department and get the price adjusted. It doesn’t do it automatically.
That’s not what our local store layaway person told us. She said that if the item changes price while in layaway the computer will automatically adjust the price to the new lower price so when you pay for it the cheaper price will be reflected.
I wish it was in writing, though. Lot’s of confusion on that one issue.
Are you allowed to put video games on layawy? Also, this may sound stupid, but I understand the $15.00 limit but what do you mean by $50.00?
the opening balance must exceed $50.00. you can do it with one item or many. Each item must be at least $15.00
what are the hours for layaway?
9am to 9pm but closed for the Black Friday event
Actually I do not see Walmart doing their customers any favors. During the year, they do not offer layaway however during the holiday when they want to make massive sales they come up with this hype and act like they are doing their customer a great huge favor. I would prefer to shop with a business that is loyal all the time, offering layaway to their customers all year because they know the need is there especially for low income families. Walmart sucks people in and then drops them like hot potatoes. I use to shop there all the time. I have tapered my shopping experience there until I see some management changes.
The reason they did away with year round Layaway was because they were losing money on people not getting their layaways and letting it get canceled. By that time the product has been off the shelf for 3 months so by then it is marked down drastically in price. So instead of the items being sold at full price, which they did at the time the layaway was started, now they have to sell all the items at a discounted price. And that’s where the money is lost. And at hundreds of layaways being done a month nationwide, that’s a lot of money being lost.
I think I’m confused. Did Walmart match black friday prices last year? I have a couple of things on layaway that I think may be cheaper on Black Friday so I’m waiting to pay off the balance.
If my item is on sale ON Black Friday, will Walmart match that price with an ad? If so, if the sale is from say 10pm to 12am, is that the only time I would be able to pay off my balance?
I also went to Kmart for my layaway Walmart is way too picky with the 15 dollar limit and no clothes policies
If the layaway department is closed on Black Friday, then how will the prices be adjusted for those items that are in layaway to reflect Black Friday sales prices?
Well i would understand the $15 dollar minimum if someone was putting 2 or 3 items on layaway but when my wife went up to the counter to put down a layaway of $700 to $800 and then clerk said oh unless each item is $15 or more we cant put that on your layaway that is retarded, you should have never brought back layaway and wasted my time with that crap, so needless to say my wife said well crap then i guess you can put all this crap back cause im going else where. Guess ill continue my christmas shopping some where else, pretty much got used to it since you take layaway away…Really dont mind spending my $1500 to $2000 for chistmas at kmart.
Could someone please clarify about the ad march for blackf today and how that works. For instance I have sky lander swap force on layaway and it will be on sale how do I ad match that?
you have to go to layaway while it is on slae. Layaway opens at 8:00 am on Friday.
I put an Ipad Mini on layaway at Walmart for our
Grandson. Then the Black Friday ad came out
Stating the same price but you get a $100 Walmart gift
Card. Do you think they will match this since it is from
Question. I am going to put an ipad mini on layaway the Friday BEFORE Black Friday. The bf price is $299 I believe and u get a $100 gift card ( I think) so my Q is: will I get the Black Friday price and deal even though I put it on layaway a week prior? Also, do I have to get it out of layaway on bf to get that deal or do I have until dec 15?? Thanks.
That is a one hour guarantee item so it is only good for that 1 hour. I do not believe that layaway will be open during that time period. Basically you will have to be in the store to get that item, but if you are there you are guaranteed to get one.
Ok so after reading all these layway comments I have come to the conclusion that the walmart I shop at apparently made a mistake letting me put mine in. Lucky for me they allowed me to put clothing in my layway and only two of the items I got were 15.00 dollars or more. Some of what I got were actually clearance items. So my question would be when I go to get my layway out will they check to see if any of my items are actually at a cheaper price now?
Okay just to be sure, if I put an Xbox 360 in layaway today at $179.99 and it goes on sale on Black Thursday / Black Friday or what have you for say $99 I would get it for $99 as long as I’m in the store while that price is active?
and layaway is open. Yes!
I’m a little confused. Walmart fine print says layaway isn’t available on The 29th. I read the service desk hours are open until 9 pm. Since they open at 8 pm on Thanksgiving (the 28th) does that mean layaway will be open from 8-9pm on Thanksgiving?
I have a few items on layaway that will be on sale during black friday. Do I have to pay my layaway off that day to get the prices? Or do I simply take my receipt to customer service or the layaway counter and have the price adjusyed. I’ve also heard that if you’ve purchased something before black friday and it goes on sale, you can take your receipt back within so many days and get the price difference. My cousin did this last year at target on a tv. Nowhere in the ad did it say she couldn’t do that so they had to give her the price difference.
If im within a layaway account with someone else and we have two items, but i pay for my item first before the other person in the account pays for theirs, can i pick up my item still? Do i really have to wait until they finish their payments? What if they cant finish paying but i can?
I don’t think so. I am not sure though, I would ask at the Layaway desk
K Mart will b getting my money…there is nothing convenient about walmarts layaway. …too many rules!!!
Indeed, I am pissed off with the whole Wal-mart Lay-a-way also. As is my father, he was going to finally get all of his grand-kids a gift this holiday season. We went I choose out what my daughter would get, my sister choose out what her four kids would get. He choose out what his other three grand-kids would get, my mother would get.. and all. Well, I hit the restroom and out for a smoke. I then was standing at the front of the store.. my sister called me to find out where I was at, then our eyes spotted each other, They were walking to the cash register.. My father informed me that we were not going to get any of that stuff.. I ask why, he tells me about the whole new lay-a-lay changes, shows me the paper with the new rules.. He was so pissed, he said he would never shop there again.. and he was going to take his business to Kmart.
Seems like many of people are moving their business to Kmart now, instead of Walmart because of this.. this move was a real horrible move for Kmart.. they will loose tons of money because of it. I hope that they realize their mistake soon, so that next year they change the messed up rules.
I hate the fact they limit you to $15. I think it should be less like $5 and up with a minimum of $50 to start. My girls want my little pony this year. Some of them cost $9.99, so they would not be illegible to layaway even if it was $10. And a My little Pony that was over $15 the computer said it wasn’t able to be layaway . Also my son wanted a Flashlight Friend As seen on TV toy. And the computer would NOT allow it even though it was over $15. It cost $19.99. Also they allow electronics and small appliances. I wanted to buy my teens their own hair dyers. Made sure they all were over $15. And again the computer would not allow. Hate the rules! I did put a few items on layaway but only $150 worth compared to $1200 last year because of the computer not allowing certain toys
Remember the walmart tv commercial bring Your receipt back in if something goes on sale somewhere else after you already bought it at Wal-Mart? They will giv e you a gift card for the difference? I tried bought a vacuum 22.00 then sale art jcpenny 199.00 black friday. Walmart refused to price match and said tv commervial doesn’t match black friday. What a crock walmart is entirely. No more shopping at Wal-Mart for me. They ran the commercial on tv to get everyone in there store to shop then refused adds.