Hot off the presses, I just got confirmation from Walmart on which markets are part of the Double Coupon Pilot Program. I unfortunately was not able to get a breakdown of individual stores but there are some areas I was unaware of. If you live in these regions please let me know which stores are doubling. Here is a copy of the email she sent to me:
Hi! I was able to get confirmation on the markets, but I don’t have the complete list by individual stores.
The markets are: Provo UT, Boise ID, Charleston WV, Charleston SC and Tucson AZ.
Bentonville, AR 72716-0350
Do you know anything else like days or policy? I don’t want to make a speacial trip unless I know more. Thanks so much for doing this.
I live within the area of the Charleston WV division. They are doubling the coupons everyday and they are doing them manually. The computers were not setup to double them. Also, we have to hand the individual coupon to the cashier with each item. They scan the item to get the price. Then they use a calculator to substract cost of coupon from product price. They then delete the item and manually punch in the adjusted cost. After that they scan the coupon thus in effect doubling your coupon. This takes forever and is a real mess. ALSO, they are doubling all coupons no limit to the value.
Charleston, SC is doubling only to .60. But still a mess with the calculator….should just scan the q twice….
They can’t scan the coupon twice because then they would be short on mfg’s to send off. Each one scanned has to be accounted for. They could however use a store code to punch in to indicate they matched a coupon. So… scan a mfg and then right after use the store code and enter the value to match. It would be faster then what they currently are doing and the line items could match for any loss prevention issues.
Do you know if the mount pleasent walmart doubles coupons to? Or is it just ones in Charleston?
which store in tucson!!!!!!!??????? I live in tucson
Hi Heather I am in Tucson too and on a mission to find out :0)
Paul– How do when know which ones do it? and are they maually done or the computer just pickes it up and doubles? Thanks!
it is manually done. You must give the coupon with each item because they are price matching the item down the amount of the coupon to make the double.
I would like to know which 1 in Tuscon as well my BFF lives there
I work at the Walmart in Marana (Cortaro Farms exit) and we have been given the go ahead to double coupons and …….accept competitor coupons!
No way!?!?! That’s awesome. That’s MY Walmart! Wow, small world 🙂
careful tho. Some of our cashiers are not happy with this new policy. If you see me on the register definitely come thru my line and don’t forget we have to hand key everything in so hand over your coupons for doubling and ad matchs togetherbefore we ring you up, as we can’t go back thru and double coupons on items in your order. Happy Shopping!!
So, I have a question, are they going to price match the coupon with say safeway, where all coupons are worth a dollar? Sahuarita says they are waiting on manager approval, but on w. valencia they are doubling.
is there any hhope for wyoming?
Wish they would come to Houston wow how wild would that be?
Finally I have one nice thing to say about Provo! tee hee But, dang for us in HOUSTON!
woot-woot! go Boise! 🙂 can’t wait to see what their policy will be. i just picked up cheap canadian bacon and powdered mashed potatos today.
I live in WV, and all of our 13 stores in WV are doing it and it is beyond amazing! Some bugs need worked out, but so far it’s been a blessing to have them doubling!
Hey! I called the Wal-Mart on Mountaineer Blvd. in Charleston and they said they are doubling. Where in WV do you live? I’m between Williamson and Logan and neither of them are doubling. How do I prove to my poor Wal-Marts to follow their coupon policy?
Woo! I live in Charleston. I hope they get an updated coupon policy soon.
Not ALL Walmarts in WV are doing it. I personally know that Hurricane is not but Barboursville, Huntington, AND Wayne are.
According to other posts Hurricane is but when I was there on July 31st, they weren’t… I haven’t been back since then.
Hurricane is doing it, i was there yesterday
Spencer, WV is as well.
Vienna/Parkersburg is doubling up to $1. They also special cash registers set up with “coupon specialists”.
Walmart in Easly South Carolina doubles to 60 cents.
Thanks for this information! I am a blogger based out of Tucson and I am very excited about this news. One of the reasons that I don’t shop at Walmart very often is because other stores in our market have been making coupons worth $1 for quite some time now. This is going to make a HUGE difference in how I plan my shopping trips since Walmart tends to have lower prices than other grocery stores.
Definitely keep us posted as you hear more I live in one of the suburbs of Boise and am very interested in how this will all work out!
Thanks for all the info so far!
any word on when this will happen in boise? called both store managers and they have not heard this yet.
Headquarters in Arkansas, but no double coupons in AR, still hoping!!!
Please dbl in Arkansas. Would be awesome.
My store in Nitro WV (about 10 miles outside of Charleston WV) is doubling. It started July 31st.
The store in Hurricane and in Barboursville, WV is also doubling everyday.
stores in Parkersburg (south side), Vienna, and Ripley WV are also doubling.
I was wondering. I live in Nitro myself. I haven’t been to the Walmart yet. Do you know exactly how the coupon policy is working? What coupons are they doubling? Thanks.
I am in Boise and I heard they were doubling in Utah county, but I have never heard anything about doubling here. Maybe I am going to the wrong Walmart!
I live in the Boise area, the stores in Nampa have been doubling when Albies does there doublers. Is this the same thing or is this the “new” double program? Everyday etc??????
I think this is different, all coupons up to a $1.00. I am going to check the Walmart on State St and on Overland and see if they are doing it. I go to the one in Meridian and they are like Nampa, just doing the Albies TTV.
I mean “their”, not” there”. Sigh……
LOVE IT and hope it spreads! I am a 20 year Walmart associate and would love love love for this to come to our area!! Here is hoping!!!!
A pilot program? What’s to test?
Cost versus value…
Wally World in Tucson on Cortaro Rd started doubling coupons today
Wow! I need to get over there. Stat!
Just went today and the cashiers are hating everything about it.
Their main gripe is it’s not set up automatically in the computer
and they have to manually do it.
Can you say awww …
No offense but lets be nice. I work at that store and happen to be a cashier. We aren’t all that bad, r we? I try very hard to help my customers save every penny, but it can be tough during busy times to hand key everything in. This is new to everyone…including the cashiers and it will take some time to adjust….patience on both sides will make this a lot easier for everyone involved.
I appreciate the Walmart cashiers, most are very nice, and just trying to do their job. I found this very helpful:
Hopefully I wasn’t the only one totally confused!
I wish they would add Medina Ohio to that list!! 🙂 One can dream!
Any hope for us in the Houston area??? 🙁
please, please, please double at all your stores. I don’t buy anything from Walmart that I have a coupon for. Publix and Kroger double – plus Publix accepts competitor coupons, lets me use in store and manufacturer coupons and sends me a $5.oo off of $30.00 coupon weekly in the mail.
Do you know if its the walmart only in boise, id or the ones surrounding. If I called customer service would they know at Walmart?
Thanks 🙂
one of the Mgr’s from Cypress, TX Walmart told me that they will be doubling coupons soon. She didn’t have an exact date but it was soon.
When they do start doubling in Cypress can you email me? I’m so excited!!
Which store in cypress?
Hwy 290 at Cypress Rosehill
Is it possible they would ever start doubling in Indiana? I’m in Evansville and we only one store that doubles one week every month.
Are you talking about Buehler’s IGA? I didn’t realize that it was once a month….just thought it was random. There is also and IGA in Boonville that doubles up the $.50 everyday. Their prices are a bit high but they sometimes have really good sales. You can find their ad online and it typically runs for two weeks.
yes I was talking about Buehler Buylow (that’s what it’s called in Evansville).
This is a double coupon week in Evansville. I am stocking up on Old Orchard juice this week, it is 3/5 this week and there are .50/1 coupons on the Old Orchard website, so you can get them for .65 (only the juice blends). Good to talk to a fellow couponer in my area!
any hope of them doing it here IN CALIFORNIA?
Stinks that as soon as I move from Tucson, they start doubling at Walmart. Will pass that onto my parents, they don’t live too far from the one that is doubling.
I’m not sure if it has been previously noted in the comments and I don’t have time to go through all of them, but Madison, Ohio definitely does doubles! It’s anytime or day but the cashier has to manually double each coupon. I recommend knowing exactly what you are buying and exactly what it should cost so you will know if a mistake is made.
Idaho walmarts has all ready been accepting albertsons doubler coupons when ever they come out!! What does this new stuff mean? Will we still need the doublers from the papers to use at walmart or will they just be “doing” it???
I live near San Antonio, TX and when I was in Walmart last night, I mentioned it to the cashier and she said, “Oh yes, we were all informed about the program, It looks like all Walmarts will be doing it by the end of the year”! Yay!
I sure hope they bring this to western PA. In our town, Walmart is the *ONLY* major grocery store that does not double. We have 3 other grocery stores that all double coupons up to 99 cents (meaning a 99 cent coupon would be worth $1.98) and occasionally double dollar coupons as well. And we have a KMart too that does the doubles sometimes.
I think it hurts Walmart’s grocery business in our town for them to not double, especially since the grocery stores also all have gas stations and one’s grocery purchases earn points toward gas discounts–and our Walmart doesn’t have gas (I fill the 30-gallon tank on our van FREE about once a month thanks to one store’s gas points). When I’m saving with coupon doubling *and* getting over $100 in free gas…makes it hard for me to choose to shop Walmart.
I did notice they’ve brought back the FABRIC department after it disappeared when we went from a regular to a SuperWalmart last year. Apparently enough shoppers complained (and apparently there are a lot of people who sew in our area!) that they did this.
Does it do any good to speak to the individual managers to encourage them to consider participating, or is this something that only comes down from Corporate?
Does anyone know if they are doubling in the Chicagoland area?
Please, please, please come to Kentucky with the doubling!! 🙂
i just wanted to share my walmart experiance, concord nh. i called to see if they were doubling and i was told yes! so i went 2 different times and they did it no problem called over a manager to verify and all was good! well today i went to do it and had the rudest people ive ever met! i was told they never doubled coupons for me and i was making it all up, they said why would we ever double your coupons? a couple different managers told me they didnt! so i called corporate and they told me theyve never doubled either!! such a big messs! i just wanted everyone to know, to be careful when going to get them doubled! and if this happens to you too call corporate! maybe if enough people call theyll start beliving us!!
I’d love to see South Williamson,Ky. start doubling or Logan,Wv ither one..Please Head doubling our Way!!! this is a tiny town and we need ALL the help we can get here.
I live in Utah. All stores in the Utah County are double every Tuesday 🙂 Payson, Springville, Provo, Orem, American Fork, Saratoga Springs.
Oh and even though it’s awesome that they double, I often find myself very dissapointed as they are never well stocked on items until after the coupon has expired 🙁
Any word about Missouri walmarts?
Huntington, WV & Wayne, WV
I just saved an extra $12 today at the one in Huntington. It was a slow process because they are taking the double amount off the price of the product, so they have to price check first, subtract, then key adjusted price in, then they scan the coupon. I just hope it works out and they will all start doubling.
Findlay Ohio is NOT offering double coupons
Is any un Ohio doubling ?
I think it is a shame that they are not running the Pilot in Arkansas. I mean come on, that’s Wal-mart’s home state!