$1.00 off one Cutter Product makes for FREE Citronella Candles at Walmart. I know that some people don’t check the site out everyday, I don’t know why, I just know it happens. I want to make sure that even though you aren’t totally dedicated to I Heart the Mart, that I am dedicated to you and I wouldn’t want you to miss a killer deal!
So here is your chance for some free Cutter Citronella Candles! These are great for the backyard or for a covered deck. The mosquitos are bad this season so these are great! I printed it and there are no size restrictions at all.
Cutter Citronella Candles: $.97
$1.00 off one Cutter Product
Total: FREE + $.03 overage
Tried to use the Cutter cpn Monday at my local Walmart. Would not work on the small citronella candles.