$1.00 off one Cutter Product makes for FREE Citronella Candles at Walmart. These are great for the backyard or for a covered deck. The mosquitos are bad this season so these are great! I printed it and there are no restrictions at all. I LOVE FREE STUFF!!
Cutter Citronella Candles: $.97
$1.00 off one Cutter Product
Total: FREE + $.03 overage
Limit of 2x printing.
I’m sure “no restrictions” means any amount of these coupons for the product can be used in any one transaction! Is this correct?
Thanks, I’m really happy to have came across your site!
Yes, and I was saying that by no restrictions that there wasn’t a $ amount that you had to spend.
Thank u , I just love it when u share good deals with us, Thank’s!
If I wanted to purchase 10 of these cutters..do I have to print 10 coupons?
Many thanks for responding!
you would need ten but you generally cannot print that many
Unless you have more then one computer. I use my teenagers laptops, e-reader’s and anything that you can use online. Or… run to the library and pay a minimal donation, like .10, to print them out there before others do! Where theres a will, theres a way!
Thanks for the great job you do. My Walmart in a suburb of Los Angeles doesn’t have the same Cutter candle you show in the picture. They have adorable red, white and blue little bucket candles that cost $1.99. Wish they had the ones that would make this a free deal.
Thanks Val, sorry you don’t have them either. It is a great high value coupon though!