Head over to Coupons.com to print this really high value coupon for $1.50 off Sunsweet Prune Juice Light. The coupon mentions a lot of stores, I am pretty sure Walmart will carry it also. The regular prune juice is $3.48 at Walmart so this will probably be close to that. I think this is under many Zip Codes but I know it is under 77380 for sure. Click the “Beverages” tab.
This is off topic but Id like to know if anyone has been having trouble using internet printed coupons lately? I have just read on another blog that her store is only allowing 2 printed coupons per transaction. I don’t see an updated coupon policy. Is this worldwide or just that state?? Please help?
it may be just in that store. it is not company wide. it would make a little sense if they limited it 2 like internet printed coupons since that is all you are supposed to be able to print.