There are several new rebates available on Here is a list of Gift baskets that can make really great inexpensive gifts.You may be someone that just loves Olay Products, you may need something for the guy in your life, kids need teacher gifts? There is something for everyone in this list!
AWESOME UPDATE: CLICK HERE for a $10 Rebate web $30 of Olay Products! This is now a MONEY MAKER Thanks, Candace
**Important** When you click on the link just type in the name of the Gift Pack you want to see in the search bar on
$10- Olay Luscious Holiday Gift Sets (available in 2 scents) + FREE Subscription to Allure magazine
(Billy Mays Voice) Wait, that’s not all, there will be a small card inside these gift sets with the magazine offer info as well as details on how to receive a $9.99 cash rebate instead the magazine subscription! If you’ve already done the Olay rebates in the past, that you can also do this rebate too!
*You’ll need to pay $1.97 shipping to your home(free with site to store), but you will only paying $11.97 (plus tax) and you’ll be able to get back a $9.99 rebate! Awesome!
Luscious Indulgence (Silk Whimsy Scent) Set Includes:
*Olay Collections Silk Whimsy Hand and Body Lotion
*Silk Whimsy Body Wash
*Silk Whimsy Massaging Bar Soap
*Trial size Secret Scent Expressions Orchid Body Spray
*Bath puff
*Coupon book
*Bonus one-year subscription to Allure magazine or any one of five other publications
Luscious Indulgence (Luscious Embrace Scent) Set Includes:
*Olay Collections Luscious Embrace Hand and Body Lotion
*Luscious Embrace Body Wash
*Luscious Embrace Massaging Bar Soap
*Trial-size Secret Scent Expressions Lavender Body Spray
*Bath puff
*Coupon book
*Bonus One-year subscription to Allure magazine or any one of five other publications
$10- Venus Embrace Beautifully Smoothing Gift Set with Bonus Magazine Subscription
$15- The Best in Beauty Allure Award-Winners Gift Set with Bonus Magazine Subscription
$15- Gillette Men’s Total Grooming Gift Set with Bonus 4-issue Sports Illustrated
$10- Teen Vogue Gift Set with Bonus Magazine Subscription
You wil be able to submit for various rebates!
(Thanks, Hip & The Frugal Pinoy! )
can you do more then one gift set and get more than one rebate back?
There’s a good Olay Rebate!
I’m getting 3 of these Olay gift sets so I can get this rebate as well as the other ones for a money maker!
Hi Paul,
I was looking into these neat Olay and Old Spice Gift Baskets. My question is, if we order several of these for gifts are we able to do multiple rebates or just one? Thanks so much.
I bought one and read through the rebate information. There is no mention of “one per household” or anything like that on the form, but it was a little iffy on how whether you fill out anything online at all to skip the subscription so I called and spoke with a supervisor with the subscription company. She told me that it was one per household. Didn’t think to ask if that was per set or if you could only have one rebate at all.
Google Chrome won’t let you print it, you need to go there with internet explorer so that you have the file up at the top of the web browser that you can click on for the drop down menu to hit print. I had the same problem and figured it out. I have mine now by using internet explorer.
how is this a money maker??? you have to spend $30 to make $10.
you can get a rebate or free magazine subscription with each of those purchases. This is a separate rebate form
Go to
There you will get a rebate just make sure you don’t submit or fill anything out. Make sure you use internet explorer as google chrome wont let you print out the form. Print out the form and follow the directions at the very bottom for the rebate. This will give you back your $10.00 for 1 venus holiday product from Walmart.
Even if it’s one rebate…still a good deal. I’m thinking to buy three Olay gift sets, submit one $9.99 rebate, then submit the $10 Olay rebate. So three baskets for 10 bucks. But I’m seeing a lot of conflicting information over the internet about how many rebates from the baskets you can submit.
which other rebate are you referring to Julie? I printed the one for Olay but do not see a second one….
Is the other rebate form inside the actual basket? Where do you find that one?
Combining the buy $30, get $10 rebate with the magazine/$9.99 rebate seems a little iffy. Plus when I clicked on the link and looked at the Walmart website it didn’t say anything about a cash rebate – it just talked about the magazines. I’m really unsure about it. Not that I don’t believe you, Paul but it seems like a lot of risks to take.
If you read the fine print at the bottom of the Allure rebate page, it says that you fill out the form and mail it, the card from the gift box, and a “copy” of the original receipt. The Olay refund asks for the original receipt. Since you can do one of the Allure rebates per gift basket, you should be able to do all of them.
On the Olay rebate form, it clearly states one rebate per name, address, or envelope. Multiple submissions will not be acknowledged….would be fraud, etc…etc…
That’s the okay rebate but you can do multiple “magazine” rebates. Or at least one of each since they are apparently coming from 2 different places.
There is an offer for a magazine OR a $9.99 rebate inside each basket. The question is whether or not you can submit three different rebates if you buy three different baskets. And yes, only one Olay $10 off $30 allowed.
I picked up the old spice gift basket available at in my store yesterday. I got the card for the magazine subscription, it says to go to However, this website is not working. Did anyone else have this same problem? Does anyone have the old spice rebate form?
I am having the same issue. I don’t know what to do.
I am having the same problem! There is no information on the card other than that website. I plan to call p&g monday.
UPDATE: The website is now valid. Once you click on it, it says that the four free magazines will be available soon, and to check back.
So how does the rebate work, I understand the rebate form about if you spend $30 you get $10, but which rebate is the other one??? Does it come inside the gift set?? I’m new to this and still learning 🙂 Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
There is a small card in the bottom of the basket. It would be easy to miss/throw out. Mine was under all of the cardboard they used to hold up the items in the basket. There is a website on the card, you go there and fill out the third page. The third page has all the details where to mail the rebate to.
How much are the rebates for the other gift baskets? Ex. Old Spice? Just wondering if they are worth buying.
I applied for my magazine and it said my redemption code had already been used!
My stores didn’t have any of the Olay gift boxes so I ordered 1 online. It was $10 plus $2.97 for shipping and $.82 for tax, a total of $13.79 and the magazine rebate is only for $9. So, I paid $4.79 assuming I’ll get the $9 back. I would much rather have gotten it for free than had to pay 🙁
you could have it shipped to the store for free.
Site to Store was not available. Believe me, I checked. I could have gotten free shipping to my home had I spent $45 or more. Thank you for posting this offer.
The website are gone or down right now. Any word on that? I’ll hold off on it for a bit but I was sure they had extended the dates for the promo 🙁
does any one know if they promo is still valid?
Can you use individual coupons for the gift baskets? i.e. Olay body wash $1 coupon, Olay lotion $1 coupon. They told me I couldn’t at my local Walmart.
ynnqc4yftrd9dgs..Where do I insert this code to get the 4 free issues from the Old spice package? Be real..
The above post with code should be deleted or editted!