- Kids can pour layers of glowing sand into the ornate bottles to create the brightest sand art ever
- 3 unique sculpture shapes
- 2 sand collection trays
- Brushes and glue
- 4 colors of glowing sand
- 6 sand art scenes
- 4 plastic mix and pour trays
- Tamping stick
would anyon recommend buying these for next years christmas presents or will they not work by then?
just so you know if you buy these and send in the rebate by the 15th I think this particular one is a 3 dollar rebate not sure, But yes I bought these for my three kids ranging from 2-8 and they all loved em… good Christmas presents
My local store in SE CT had the Disney Princess Color Wonder Booklet and marker set for $5 but inside contained $15 in coupons. So, with my $1 Off coupon the total became $4. This will be a great gift next Christmas.
Thanks for this!
@Sarai – where is the rebate? Thanks!!!
Blessed, we got a set on clearance once and you have to add an included “activator” to the sand to get it to glow. I think as long as you can keep all the packets sealed, you’ll be able to keep them for quite a while.