Here we go!! How about milk really cheap! Check your Kroger ad and see if you have milk for $2.69 (if you don’t it might be in the new ad tomorrow) You can shop at Kroger or Walmart and do this deal.
There is a Ibotta rebate that you can submit for. There is also a $2 bonus for new users! This will get you really cheap milk!
:: Kroger ::
Gallon of Milk-$2.69
Submit for $.50 iBotta Offer
Submit for $2.00 Bonus Offer for submitting your first offer- for new customers (Milk)
Total: =$.19 after iBotta!
:: Walmart Deal ::
Gallon of Milk-$2.68
Submit for $.50 iBotta Offer
Submit for $2.00 Bonus Offer for submitting your first offer- for new customers (Milk)
Total: =$.18 after iBotta!
(Thanks Mojosavings)
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