- Walmart Layaway is SUPPOSED to be open from 9-9 on Black Friday. They do allow store managers to make adjustments based on store needs. If yours isn’t that sucks and I’m sorry!
- Walmart Black Friday “Special Buy” items will have different bar codes for the most part so items like TV’s Computers, Blu Ray Players and Movies will most likely not be able to use the Layaway Black Friday Strategy. It will work on Games and toys because those items should not have the special bar codes.
- Competitor Black Friday items that Walmart carries will be able to use this strategy. For example: Target has Model XOXO776 in their Black Friday ad AND walmart carries Model XOXO776, you can put that item on Layaway and Price Match ON Black Friday (if your store is open) provided the sale time has not ENDED. It will have to be deleted to get the lower price.
- Do not confuse start times with end times. Walmart will have 3 sales going on at the same time, they may run out of stock but the sale is still running. If your item is in Layaway it is IN stock.
- **Walmart Items** The registers are what determines what price the item is sold at, if an item is in Layaway you do not technically buy it until you pay off the layaway item. The registers AUTOMATICALLY give you the sale price if you close it out during a sale period. So do not worry about deleting items from layaway or any other nonsense, if you have it in layaway you have it in stock. The last two bullet points cover the ” Walmart will only PM BF items that start in Event 3″ Event 1 and 2 End Friday at Midnight, the registers don’t know anything except for the times the sales run, if you have the item you will get the lower price. Period.
- It is my understanding that Walmart sent a memo that they will Price Match Online Competitor Prices during the holiday season IF that competitor has a Brick and Mortar presence in that area. My store confirmed it, YMMV
Thanks to Debt Free Spending for the awesome Black Friday Spreadsheet!
CAUTION: This post will teach you how to save Time and Money Shopping for Christmas Gifts: Black Friday Shopping at Walmart is about to get a whole lot easier.
** A Lot of Questions have been raised, I am waiting on clarification**
Do you want to be waiting in Black Friday Shopping Lines on Thanksgiving Night? NO!
Do you want to be camped out on the sidewalks of BestBuy or Target in the middle of the night? NO!
I don’t know about you but I want to be watching Football on Thanksgiving and then I want to sleep off my Turkey Coma until about 9 on Friday. I’m gonna do it AND I’m still gonna get all the best Black Friday Deals of 2012!
We do a lot of crazy things to score the best deals for our family and friends for Christmas, but not anymore! This is a Game Changer!
I am going Black Friday Shopping this Week- I am sure you are wondering “how? ”
In an I Heart the Mart exclusive interview with the Director of Communications and Community Relations at Walmart, I asked some of the questions that my AWESOME I Heart the Mart readers had about Black Friday. I was floored at the answers so I asked them to write them down. This is EXACT text of the email I received:
- For items already on layaway, will Walmart price match those items if they have now gone on sale for Black Friday?
Items that have been put on layaway then are paid off on Black Friday will be sold at Black Friday pricing (i.e. If you place a LG Blu-ray player on layaway today and payoff the purchase on Black Friday, you will pay the $38 Black Friday price).
- Can you use coupons for layaway items?
Yes. Walmart is committed to providing our customers with the lowest prices. To back up our price leadership promise, we will match the price of any local competitor’s printed ad for an identical product right at the cash register even on layaway items.More information is available at walmartstores.com/download/4752.pdf.
- Are Black Friday deals online again?
Customers can also get a jump start on shopping from the comfort of their homes with a two day online-only event on Walmart.com starting early on Thanksgiving Day and extending through Black Friday. Savings on hundreds of the hottest toys and electronics include:· Samsung 50″ Class LED 1080p 60Hz HDTV – $698
· Ematic 7” Tablet Android 4.0 1GHz, 4GB – $49
· Dsi XL Ultimate Bundle – $129
· Razor A Kick Scooter, Multiple Colors – $25
Walmart.com shoppers can choose free shipping to home on eligible $45 orders with Home Free or free store pickup with Site To Store and also use Pay with Cash.
- Is Walmart price-matching Black Friday ads?
Our long standing ad match guarantee will be in effect throughout the 2012 holiday season – including on Black Friday. The ad match guarantee ensures that customers get the best prices on toys and other items throughout the store. We will match the price of any local competitor’s printed ad for an identical product right at the cash register. Walmart’s ad match guarantee does not include online prices. -END OF QUESTIONS-
great minds think alike!! ive already done this with items that will be on sale at best buy!! 🙂
On my Walmarts website it says there will be limited hours for layaway on Nov. 23rd. Do you think you can still do it after the hours?
I called my walmart and was told that the layaway department will be CLOSED on Thanksgiving and Black Friday! So I guess that I will miss out on the deals 🙁
Ours will be closed the evening of Thanksgiving during the first 2 events as well. Maybe we can get some online deals Mary. I was so excited to hear this news initially but now I am thinking it may not work out for some of us. Maybe others can cash in!
I am wondering the same as Jane. If there is a black Friday deal during certain hours in which layaway is not open then does that exclude you from price matching? For example, deals between 10-11 pm Thanksgiving night?
That’s what I was wondering as well!
I have the same question as Kristi. Mainly — I want to know about the iPad, and will this be available online?
I called my local Walmart and I was told that layaway will be open from 9am-9pm. BUT items on Layaway can not be changed for a sale price. When you put things on layaway the price is locked. 🙁
they are wrong, the system automatically changes it.
great idea but not gonna work since the big items are going to be on sale starting at 8pm on Thanksgiving night and layaway will be closing at 5pm.
i have an ipad on layaway and saw that they are giving away a $75 gift card but unfortunately i wont be getting it. can’t stand in line to pick one up since i work the next morning.
The sales don’t end on thursday night, they start then they go until supply runs out and if you have yours on Layaway then you will have stock!
Will they match Gift card deals? Target has the Ipod touch with a $40 gift card with purchase. Will they offer Wal Mart gift cards?
No, sorry all the regular price match rules apply and WM doesn’t PM gift card promos
Paul, I am just wanting to clarify. If I put an item in layaway at Wal-mart and I am wanting to price match it to say Best Buy’s Black Friday’s ad do I need to pay it off at Wal-mart during the time it is being offered at Best Buy or do I need to pay it off sometime on black Friday?
Thanks for all that you do!
It has to be during the offer period in the ad.
Last year my friend tried to do the layaway thing with one of the TV’s…it backfired and she had to pay pre BF price…they are putting the Black Friday things in different boxes than the one’s that are reg. in the store. Even though it was the exact same thing…it was in a different box so the could not price match the layaway…just a heads up. GL all.
Wow I’m confused. Sorry Paul.
I don’t understand how this works. If it states on walmart.com that layaway is only open limited hours on friday and closed by 5pm on thursday how is it that you get the prices when its open on friday for thursday? sounds confusing =(
or is it that what you have on layaway that u pay for on friday they will still give the sale price for 8pm thursday?
If you put the items on layaway to pay off on Black Friday at the Black Friday prices, but the price is for Walmart’s ad, do you need the ad with you to verify the price or can you just be like “Hey this is x amount of dollars now.”
Another question. It seems that the waiting line for layaway might be really long now if that is when we have to come in & pay off our layaway items for the BF price right? Trying not to be Debbie Downer. Just trying to figure it all out & if its going to be worth waiting in line forever at layaway. Make sense or do I have this wrong?
Hi all, I am an assistant manager for Wal-Mart (please do not ask me anymore questions beyond what I am going to answer for you all here). First off, company directive is that layaway is closed from 5p.m. on Thursday until 9a.m. Friday. If you have black Friday merchandise in you cart at 9a.m. it is eligiable for layaway. Certain items do have a time frame (most items go back to regular price at 12 (noon) on Friday unless stated otherwise. The comment about most black friday items coming in with a different upc than the regular items we carry is correct, (trust me I spent a 12hr day opening and scanning these items today), so the idea of putting on layaway before, may not work, these keeps customers from loading items into their carts before the sales begin. Please keep in mind every store runs a little different and state laws factor into sale price, and what not. Store managers can make some changes in certain cases. Also please be very careful, at my store we are concerned with the number of young children who may be out with parents due to the earlier sale times, I’ve worked in stores where customers have passed out, and other customers have walked over them, I would hate to see a child hurt because a person was that selfish to get the item. Also we are there to help, but please remember we are extremely stress, and are taking a lot from the customers, along with running a business, with that being said, if you treat me with nice, I will go the extra mile for you, but if you are one of my ugly customers, I won’t. Last year in my store we had a fist fight over $1.48 towels, before the sale started. This year towels will be an item you wait in line for due to this (yes store managers can make changes like this when it concerns safety). I have 12 Black Friday’s under my belt, and I can honestly say it isn’t always the best day to shop, as we have to keep sale up all season long, so sometimes its better to wait. I also suggest checking on line daily as they run special, and with PUT (pick up today) and S2S (site to store), these deals can be awesome. As for the Layaways, the price do adjust if the item does within the store, the other day I gave a customer $73.50 back, when she came to pay her remaining $51.50, thats almost $125 in price adjustments.
good point melly will the layaway department be open then?
So for those of us going out of town and to a completely other state – does layaway still work from one Walmart to the next. For example – I’m in WA traveling to OR, can I pay it off in OR then how would I get it?
not sure on that one, I will find out today.
My store just told me that layaway won’t be open at all on BF. 🙁
Walmart Corporate says they will, I am not sure what to say.
Our Wal-Mart layaway will be closed as well. If their system automatically adjusts to sale price when paid in full and since you can make layaway payments at any checkout register, would it be possible to pay it off at the register, get sale price and pick up items the next day when layaway opens?
I guess I’m kind of confused. What about the items that go on sale at 8 and 10pm Thursday night? My mom wants a tv. Should she go in now and put it on layaway, and then go back in Thursday night or Friday during the day, price match it to BF and then pay it off?? Or does this only apply to items sold on Friday?
Layaway will be closed all day on Thursday andn open at 9:00 on Friday. The sales Start on Thursday but run through Friday.
I just contacted several of my local Walmarts and they said layaway will be be closed all day on Black Friday.
They are not supposed to be. They will be closed all day on Thanksgiving, they should be open at 9:00 on Friday.
What can we do if they are not supposed to be but are? My co-worker also works at a Wal-Mart as a second job and just got a text from the manager that said they would be closed. ???
Hey Paul! First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for going that extra mile to help people save money! It really is an awesome thing!
Second, I do want to say that one of my readers has informed me that our local Walmart has signs up that our LAYAWAY DEPARTMENT WILL BE OPEN on Black Friday. Now, I am not 100% positive that it will be open to PLACE things on Layaway, but I am sure it will be open to pick up layaways… because why else would it be open, if not to place things on Layaway…KWIM?
To everyone: As with ALL Walmarts, it seems their employees/managers are NEVER on the same page… so I would only contact Walmart Corporate when it concerns this issue. Even with a HUGE retailer like Walmart, it still takes time for BIG NEWS to reach EVERY. SINGLE. STORE.
What if you buy an item ahead of time. Does Walmart honor the sale price within a certain time period like other companies if you bring in the receipt?
I’ve been wondering how to tell if ad items will be available to purchase online or in-store only. Specifically the 1 hour guarantee items for 10pm Thursday. Anyone know?
I just spoke with my local walmart manager of layaway – the layaway is closed “during the event” and I referenced him to your site. He’s going to look into it for me & call me back. So far, sounds like I’m going to have my booty up at Wallyworld at 8pm on Thursday to get my item…
Hi Paul,
I am having trouble reading the spreadsheet. Would you mind posting a printable version or a download? Thanks for all you do. You are my favorite blogger!
Our local Wal-Mart layaway department will be closed from 5pm Thanksgiving until 9 am Friday morning, per the store manager that I spoke with yesterday. I currently have two of the Nabi 2 tablets in layaway at our local store. These are included in the Event 1 that starts at 8pm. How long are the prices good for? If I am at my local Wal-Mart at 9 am on Friday morning and I cancel the layaway at that time, can I get the $129 price??
my understanding is yes, but there is some conflicting info. I am trying to get clarification.
Hi I have a question. I’m going tomorrow to do my Black friday shopping:) is there a sale time limit on black friday? example: sale till 11pm-11am. If i do Black Friday afternoon (after the crowds) can i still get the black friday prices from layaway? Have a great day!
it is whatever times are listed in the ads. keep in mind that another sale start time does not mean that one ends.
I called our local walmart and they said that their layaway department will be closed. I emailed corporate and I’ll let you know what they say.
So – I have been on the phone with the Garrity Walmart (my local Nampa, ID WM) as well as corp Walmart. First things first. Layaway will be open until 9pm on Thanksgiving. Will reopen on Friday at 9am. What is important to know and grasp here is that all THREE events at Walmart are START times, not end times which means the sale runs until the items are out of stock. Make sense? With that being said .. if you have an item on layaway – for example the iPad and pay to pick it up Friday – it’s still in stock -its in your layaway! Therefore, you will get the giftcard. The giftcard is not just from 10-11, they are just guaranteeing these items to be in stock during these hours. Now – on to PMing. After reading all of the WM garb on their FB page which is a straight up copy and paste each time – if you have an item on layaway that you are intending to PM once BF gets here… you can still do this as well. When you go to pick up the item – they will have to remove it from your layaway at the WM price to adjust it to the other stores BF price. Keep in mind that this must be apples for apples and if its a sale like Gordmans for example only 12am-2am – you cant layaway pm this but you can pm this during that time at your WM. Now if you are wanting WM items – as long as you have APPLES FOR APPLES items that are going to be on sale at BF – like the shop vac for example, when you go to pick up your item from layaway, Walmarts system will automatically adjust to the lowest price (which would be the WM BF ad price.) This is only true if you are taking out your layaway that day though. This is all the info I have gathered this morning so far, hope you get some more clarifying info Paul!
Thanks Amber! I am working on it.
Thanks Amber! What you explained here is exactly what I was hoping to hear! Let’s just hope this works out on Friday! 🙂
just came from walmart they told me that many of the items on sale for black friday are specially marked (upc) and have been ordered that way special for the sale so the items you put on layaway today will not be “the exact same ” item as is on sale that day..so you wont get the deal.. I did see a guy in electronics with a sticker sheet of neon orange with Ipad written in it couldnt talk to him but my guess is he was going to mark the “special buy ipads for the sale.. If you can get info on this it would be helpful to all thanks!
So I tried to do this this morning. None of the items I want are on the floor. Or if they are…they are slightly different…for example the 20″ Huffy bike is orange instead of green. They told me in Layaway they will not let me have the orange one for the green bike’s price on BF. UGHH! IT IS THE SAME BIKE!! I did put the Brave Blu Ray on Layaway. I also wanted the 700 count sheets and lots of other things that are not out. SO…I guess I am still standing in line!
Does anyone have a copy of an email from corporate stating they will for sure honor Black Friday AD prices for items on layaway??
that is a copy of the letter from Corporate.
The manager at my Walmart said layaway is closing 6pm Thanksgiving day, and reopening 9 am on Friday. So, all I have to do is go in Friday at 9 am to get my items, correct? The item I am going for is the 60″ Vizio LED Smart tv. Based on what I’ve read, this will work, correct? Thanks for the info and feedback Paul! Looking to also score a $38 blu-ray player possibly.
Also, the ad shows in the top left: Event 2 10 P.M. Thursday November 22. While supplies last.
Could they just say, sorry this isn’t in the original supply, the Black Friday sale supply is out? I would like this TV, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to even wait in line for it if I end up not being able to get it on layaway.
On Walmarts fb page only items in event 3 will be allowed to be price adjusted in layaway….
Heather they aren’t going to reprogram the registers. They are set to ring things up at a certain price each day.
I called corporate they just said they will not price match any layaway items unless it was from event 3 … But I did have to talk to 3 pple to even get that answer ….
Thanks, Paul, for going the extra mile to get things clarified and share the information with everyone!
My concern is that a lot of them say “Special Buy” so is that an “apple-apple” match?
UPDATE: this is the latest from Walmart on their Facebook page: “If you have an item on Layaway and would like to receive the reduced price during our Black Friday sale the item(s) would need to be deleted from the Layaway account and added back to receive the event price (or price matched whichever is lower). Keep in mind layaway will be closed until 9am on Friday. Layaway items in Event 3 that begins at 5am on Black Friday 11/23/12 will be the only items eligible and the adjustment must be made in our Layaway department on 11/23/12″
So basically everything Amber was just told isn’t true.
Brandy, I just read that comment on the Walmart FB page too, and the way I understand it, if you wanted to KEEP the item in Layaway after Black Friday and keep making payments on it, you’d have to delete it, then re-add it to your Layaway at that Black Friday price. But if you’re going in to pay off the Layaway and take it home that day, the lowest available price that’s currently in effect should work. But if you didn’t come in to the store at all that day, it’s not like your item would automatically drop to the Black Friday price and stay there when you picked it up a few weeks later.
I just called my local walmart in CHicago, and they said that I can NOT receive the Black Friday price if I put an item on layaway today and go back on Black Friday….What the heck!!! I told them that an email from corporate states that we can do this and they proceeded to tell me NO!
Laura, they have no idea. The register does it automatically if it is the same item.
I just arrived home from my Walmart, Johns Lake Rd, Clermont, FL. Items that I picked up off the shelf were not sold to me, the store manager said they were put there by mistake. Our Walmart is horrible and never honors the deals you write about on your site. I was told that if I put an item on layaway, they definitely would not do the price adjustment. The item they took from me and would not sell to me was the Stanley tool box, with 85 piece tool set. Clearly marked on the shelf at $99. and rung up $99. I did not try to put this item on layaway, I wanted to make the purchase. Last month I picked up a pair of boots for my son, they would not scan. After a 20 min wait the manager came back to the register and informed me they could not sell them, they were recalled. I asked from the time I picked them up off the shelf until the time I tried to purchase them? Seems odd. Maybe they need to clean house, hire more qualified persons, and improve their customer service. 🙁
The registers automatically adjust the price if you pay off the layaway item on BF. It does have to be the exact same item.
I spoke with Corporate this morning. She said that if I were to put something on layaway today and pick it up paid in full next Friday, you will get it for the Black Friday price. She wasn’t sure about price matching layaway items but a manager is supposed to be calling me back. As far as items that are different UPCs for Black Friday, last year my cousin picked up a movie in the regular entertainment department which rang up full price. She then price matched it to WalMart’s own ad to get it for the Black Friday price. As long as it isn’t special version, this should work.
Is it truly possible the bf stuff has different upc’s? I have a feeling layaway employees will now be told they are not allowed to price match event 1 or 2 items
I worked at Walmart for many years and the Black Friday items come in with different UPC numbers. They don’t even ring up at the register until the sale has started.
After I saw the Walmart’s Black Friday deals I noticed that the same TV that I have on layaway will be on sale. So I called corporate office and they told me that they don’t know if they can match the price but they told me that I should receive the phone call back. I got call from a local Warmart and it happened to be the one I have my TV on layaway. The manager told me that they will honor the price. But I also want the Skylanders Giants starter pack and I didn’t want to spoil my TV opportunity. So I went to different Walmart and I went to layaway with the Skylanders Giants starter pack. The manager there refused to match Black Friday’s prices for the items on layaway. So I went to the customer service and asked them : if I pay off my items on layaway on Black Friday come to you return it and buy it right back will you let me to buy back right away the items I have just returned? And they told me NO the items you return on Black Friday don’t go on the floor they stay here at customer service. I would really like it to work but it could be risky I might end up with nothing if I won’t go on Thursday shopping. Is there some written prove from a corporate office? Thank you
I went to a Walmart in Tallahassee today trying to grab some things to put in Lay-a-way that will be on sale Black Friday. I couldnt find one thing on the floor that I wanted thats going to be on sale. The 48″ Hockey Table, 7″ Dual portable DVD player, etc….the employees told me they will not out the Black Friday items on the floor until the last minute for the sale. 🙁 So much for planning and preping early. It was a really good idea though and thanks for the tip!
Since this on blog’s around the internet, I asked on the Walmart facebook wall:
“I am also confused because if you click for a description on the Ipad, for example, it says Valid Thu, Nov 22, 10pm – Fri, Nov 23, 11pm, so why can’t that deal still be honored back at lawaway versus the deletion process?”
The response:
Hi Joey- Please note that Layaway items in Event 3 that begins at 5am on Black Friday 11/23/12 will be the only items eligible and the adjustment must be made in our Layaway department on 11/23/12.
Also, please keep in mind that a LOT of items are specifically ordered for BF ONLY! That is why it is on a pallet in the middle of the aisle in shrink wrap. Don’t think that you will be able to find just anything on the floor today or before that Thursday! This is especially true of “special buy” items
I wish I could get excited about this, but I was on the Walmart Facebook page earlier, and they said that the only items available for BF price match are from event 3. Event 3 starts at 5am.
I am working on explaining all of this in a post tomorrow. Hang in there!
Hi. I love this idea so I went to Walmart about an hour ago. They said “No.” Can’t price match what you put on layaway and pay off on black friday. The items that are sold on black friday have a different upc code so only those will ring up at the bf price.
Hi Mary, that is true for some of the items but not for all of them. The special buys will be a bit harder to do. You will want to find BF items from other stores that Walmart carries. I Hope that helps.
I was just at walmart in shorewood, il and found a couple of electronics to put on layaway that are on black friday deals. they told me layaway will be closed on black friday.
Where can I find the corporate letter? Today, I went to the Walmart in the back of the woodlands, and manager Joe said that would not work?!?!
Please help me to undertsand this…. say if i put an ipad 2 on layaway today (and its already $399 in store) which is in event 2 on thursday night….do i get it on friday when i pay off my layaway for $399 plus $75 gift card??
You are supposed to and I was told yes, but the WM facebook page is contradicting what I was told by corp. I will post an update this afternoon.
Paul, any update from WalMart yet? Confirmation on this ability to put items on layaway and pay for on BF is so critical…
Thanks for all you do!!!
Okay….so here is what you need to do….
This will work for OTHER STORES Black Friday Ads.
Wal-Mart is price matching other stores items. So go ahead make a lay a way for other stores items than go on Black Friday and fight everyone rushing to get the deals from Wal-Mart than head back to lay a way and pick up your order and than you got all your Black Friday shopping done in one location and only had to fight wrestle battle ect in one location instead of a bunch of stores all day long
wal-mart deals
Question? You used the Blu-ray player as an example but the price is for Thursday…… will they still be $38 on Friday?
if they are in stock. I was just using an example. Sorry if I caused confusion.
I am new and have a question:
If I want something at best buy/target whatever and their ad starts at 12 am do I have to be at walmart at 12 am to PM? Also, layaway is not open until 9am so how would I PM it ?
I saw some of you said hours mean start time not end but then others said you must PM at the time of sale.
So the layaway is a great idea, but I know Target will do a price adjustment with just the receipt if you buy within seven days of Black Fri prices. I did it two years ago with a t.v.! Felt like a prima donna! Now, what is the Walmart price adjustment policy???? Brick and mortar tangible store, not online!! Got the info? THanks!
Just called my local Walmart in South Carolina. They said all the Black Friday items will have a different UPC code, so this information is incorrect. I was specifically asking about the Nabi 2 tablets, an item I know they carry in the store on a regular basis and have in stock now, and she said that yes, those items too would come in with a different UPC. The person I talked to asked two other managers in her store to obtain this information and she told me that one of the managers even got on the phone to corporate before providing me with an answer.
I too am looking for an answer to this as well. I am in MN and I was told the items they sell on Black Friday in my case the 60″ Sharp LED TV, are special stock that have a different UPC then the ones in stock currently. Is this so they can say they are not the same and therefore do not have to match the price?
That is true, for these type items you want to find the ones that are on sale at other stores and Walmart carries. They have to be the same model number.
I just got off the phone with walmart customer care, and when I asked about this layaway now and will they price match it on black friday, I was told that ‘s not correct. They said they will not price match the black friday price on an item that is already on layaway. It would be nice to have a little better clarification before I decide to go and put things on layaway. Love your site ! thanks for all your hard work Paul! 🙂
the registers automatically put things to the lowest price if they are on sale. You are not actually BUYING it or ringing it up until you close out a transaction.
I called 2 Walmart’s in my area and was told their computers won’t allow price adjustments for Black Friday items and even if they did the layaway deptartment will be closed on Friday.
Layaway is supposed to be open on Friday and you can price match if it is from another store. If it is on sale at Wlamart the deduction will be automatically done by the register.
I have looked into this and have had other coupon friends who called corporate and they are not doing this and not able to price match layaway items at all the layaway departments won’t be open during black friday and the black friday items have different scanning codes specifically for that day and they aren’t doing this at all so not sure where your info came from but this is not correct.
Layaway will be open at most stores, if they aren’t they are supposed to be. If it is a Walmart item it is not price matching. it is done automatically in the register. they will price match other store ads as you are not technically buying the item until you actually pay it off in layaway.
What is the Director of Communications and Community Relations name/
I can’t give out his name. If I let 200,000 readers email him it wouldn’t go well for getting info in the future.
I really truly hope you are correct on this!! If this is wrong you will loose hundreds of followers and be the laughing stock!!! No one will trust you! I went to my Walmart and they laughed at me seriously!! They said that’s ridiculous and unheard of! If possible than this would have gone on for yrs and not something new.
Mel, take the black friday out of the situation. Walmart’s layaway automatically places the item at the lower price of A)what it was when you put it in layaway or (B)the sale price of when you close out your layaway acct. You will not be able to put BF PROMO items on layaway because they have different SKU and aren’t on the floor yet.
I put on layaway an ipod, a nook, the trampoline and a barbie. None of these items where listed as special buy so I am hoping it works. When i mentioned it to the cashier she seriously laughed at me. My husband almost has lost faith in me listening to the cashiers laugh. I still put it on layaway and “hope” it works.
I just hope these items do not have a diff upc where the lower price would take effect. I did however ask them if they will price match it with their own ad and she has if i have the paper ad then yes.
The walmart facebook page said if you have an item on layaway, and want the black friday price, you have to cancel out the layaway and redo it to get that lower price. Still seems to be worth it to not have to stand in all those lines and play bumper cars with other ppl . lol
My local Walmart said that layaway will not be open, and this whole concept is not real. Is thisin print somewhere from Walmart specificly? I’m not doubting this, but I’d like to see it from Walmart.!
Layaway is supposed to be open from 9-9 on saturday. Walmart doesn’t have a “policy” it is the way their registers are set up. the bar codes have to be exact and MANY of the BF items are specially marked so it will be difficult. it should be fine for all the toys and things like that.
Question, I’m calling all the Walmart stores around me and they are all basically telling me absolutely not and that the black Friday items will be completely different items then what is usually in the store and that they wont price match it because it will be a different item? would you have any proof to show that this is indeed the policy that they should be following? it makes total sense but they are all denying it.
They will have to be the exact same UPC at Walmart which will make it hard for the big ticket items. It woll work great on all the toys. The key to getting the big items is finding the PM deals from OTHER stores that Walmart has the exact same MODEL and they will price match it.
I was interested in the Toshiba TV that Best Buy will have for $180. I noticed on the spreadsheet you had it listed that Wal-Mart carries it. I can’t find it in any store or on walmart.com with the correct model number. I assume that the model number has to be the exact same to price match.
That is correct susan. It is a little tricky and I wish they would make it easier, but the prize is worth it! we work hard for those $$
I went to Walmart today 11-16-12 to layaway the items for Black Friday Price Match. I was told that the layaway department is closed on Thanksgiving Day. A Customer Service Manager also told me that the items that were for Black Friday sale are not available for purchase in any Walmart store. She also stated that Walmart DOES NOT PRICE MATCH ON BLACK FRIDAY. I called customer service while in the store and was told that no one has heard of the Price Matching for Walmart Black Friday sale. I was told that I not informed properly. The assistant manager for loss and prevention was extremely rude, and told the CSM to walk away from me because they did not have any information. I even took a copy of the email from Paul, and was told it was not from Walmart Corporate, and therefore, a fake email.
I am a manager at a Wal-Mart and was asked about this today which led me to reading this post. What some of the last few comments were saying is correct. You will not be able to put the event merchandise on layaway prior to the sale. All of the event merchandise is currently being shrink wrapped on pallets and on trailers until thursday. These items do for the most part have different UPC numbers. There is not a sale time where the price of an item changes down and then later goes back up. Basically they send in special merchandise marked for the event. And these items will always ring at the sale price until all of the allotment is sold. So if you put something on layaway, while it may be similar to that item, it will not be the exact event merchandise so the register will see it as the normal price not adjust the price when you pay out the layaway.
The price matching is true. We do and always have price matched other Black Friday ads. It does need to be the same exact item. Layaway, however, will be closed thursday after 5pm and will not open until 9am Friday. So let’s say a black friday ad at a competitor was running their sale through 10am, then it would be possible to have something already on layaway and do a price match for it. You would need to do it before 10am. You would not have to have a layaway cancelled to do this. The system allows the cashier to do an add/delete. Anytime someone wants to price match an item already on layaway, you simply delete the item and add it back at the lower price.
Sorry for the length here but I hope this answers some people’s questions.
Hey Sean, I just updated the video and the post. I think I had finished right as you hit enter. Thanks for the comment and please chime in whenever you can.
Does anyone know where I can get information or proof to print out so that I can price match an ad on Black Friday? I want to price match a TV from either Sears or Best Buy.
Angelica, it says it right on the front page of their BF ad.
In order to avoid Wal-Mart dealing with ‘black friday’ deals, I believe the layaway department will be closed during the nighttime sales – thus why they say only the 5am deals will be honored since those are 2 day prices.
However, if they will ad match, it means we can get items from 3 or 4 OTHER stores ads and ad match them – in theory. I agree with those who are asking ahead of time though because when I asked layaway associates at my local wal-mart, they said the general manager would make the final call as to whether it will be allowed.
Ty Paul for the clarifications. That makes sense now! lol I was able to find 1 item that the store carries that will be on sale. When I asked about the other items, I was told those will be brought in just for the black friday sale.Thanx fo your hard work!
Is it safe to assume that anything marked “Special Buy” in the Walmart BF ad will be specially marked or isn’t the exact item as carried in the store currently? I noticed that’s most of the big ticket items and some toys. I am also having a hard time finding the big ticket item from other stores carried by Walmart as the exact same model.
Thank you Paul for the clarification of Walmart black friday. So much for Walmart’s Domination of the biggest shopping day of the year. My layaway yesterday was a total waste of time and money.
Paul, thanks for the helpful, detailed clarification! We appreciate all your hard work!
So what about items from other stores that we want to price match? Kmart has the Hot Wheels Terrain Twister on sale Thursday night starting at 8pm for $59. How do we know when that sale ends? If I were to go put that on layaway now could I go at 9am when walmart layaway opens and price match it and pay it off?
Yes, but on that item I don’t think you will have to go through the hassle of layaway. I might stack it in Walmart somewhere though:-)
Just a quick heads up. If you’re doing the free ship to store option at Walmart.com, make sure YOUR store is the one listed before sending the order. The site updated “my” store to one in Dallas, now I have to drive 25 miles to pick up my order. Very irritating!
I am really wanting the 50 inch Toshiba LED television advertised at Sears for 299. I saw that you have it in your list of items that Walmart carries. I was trying to find it online at a store near me. The number listed on the sears ad is 50L2200U while the 50 inch Toshiba LED television at Walmart is 50M2U. Does this mean they will not price match it? If not, how were you able to find the 50L2200U model at a Walmart? If this is the correct television and I have them ship it to the store, will I be able to pick it up on black friday (even though it is already paid with a credit card) and get a price adjustment? I would love to hear any advice you can give me on this!
That is correct, they will not. I have already tried 🙂
So The vizio 60” is at our Walmart. I was wondering if i put it On layaway it will be The sale price since its a thursday deal instead Of a black friday deal? When i talked to 7 different People including the store manager they didn’t know. So i.was wondering if someone could help me out? Please?
I had a similar question I am interested in purchasing the 32 inch tv that starts @10 pm on thanksgiving if I put it on layaway now n go at 10 to pay for my layaway will I get the sale price? Would be very helpful 😉
Not if it is not the exact same barcode. if it is a product that will have a Promo Box then you will not be able to do it.
Hi Paul, I have a question! There are a couple of things I have in my layaway at Walmart – The girl’s 16″ Next Lil’ Gem bike, Vampire Diaries season 3, Just Dance 4, and NOOK Color. Do you personally think I will have trouble getting ANY of these at the Black Friday price? I was thinking Vampire Diaries and Just Dance were questionable but I wasn’t sure. And as far as the NOOK goes I’d rather not wait in line for it, and I figured that since there is only one style of that specific 8gig NOOK, it would be the same one and would not have a different UPC… am I wrong? I would rather know as much as I can ahead of time so I don’t lose out on my products!
Is this only or walmart or can you do this at kmart too?
I am not sure how K-Mart Layaway works. I don’t have one near me.
if I put my things and way way right now and I check out on Black Friday will I have to check out my items at different times depending on what event is going on?
No, if they are eligible items then as long as the sale is still active and they have the exact same bar code then you can do it anytime that Layaway is open.
I called the local Walmart that is closest to my Aunt’s house in northern Idaho and the CS lady told me that Black Friday items cannot be put on layaway and that if there were items in layaway and paid off during their Black Friday event, there would be no reduction in prices to match Black Friday deals.
I have also read on other blogs that people are getting the same responses from various Walmart shopping centers across the country.
I am really bummed because I was all excited to go put things on layaway 🙁
if it is a Walmart item the system will automatically reduce it it. please remember that many of the hot items will be in promo boxes and have a little different bar code.
Thank you so much for the fantastic information! One thing is I noticed you mentioned that anything with a promo code is not the same as the same item that could be put in layaway. I noticed last year everything I bought had a promo code listed on it. So, if I were to put the same item in layaway now, I am understanding I will not be able to get the promo ad on the layaway items? I did love you mentioning that Walmart will price match on Black Friday which I had no idea before reading that. Do you have to have the actual ad with you, or can you show it on your phone online? What is the procedure?
*Love your awesome info!
If I buy the Seiki 32 television from Walmart online before black friday because it is not in stores. Will you be able to take the reciept for it back to walmart on black friday and get a refund of the price?
No, it won’t work like that. It has to be while the sale is going on.
If Walmart has the same item online as sears 32″ tv for 97.00 but not in the store and I order it online will Walmart price match the tv if I purchase it now and take the proof of purchasing to them on black Friday?
i asked my walmart (in Lima, OH) about price matching items on black friday that are currently in layaway if i pay them off in full and they treated me really crappy and acted like i was stupid. They said they have never heard of this and where ever i got my information from is wrong. do you have anything that i could print off and take in and show these OH SO WONDERFUL (gag) people??
If the items are in Layaway and they are the exact same barcode as what is in the BF sale you don’t have to ask anyone anything. It will automatically ring up IF you close out your account during the hours that the items is on sale.
Wait… so the item has to be $15 or more to be put on layaway, and you have to pay at least $10 (or 10%) on the item. What if the item is more than $15 right now, such as an Xbox game, but on Black Friday Best Buy is pricing the item at $7.99. Will you be able to price match and get your $2.01 back from Walmart?
it should automatically put it to the lower price when you close out the layaway ticket. The money you put down will be applied to the purchase price. You have to make sure it is the exact same bar code.
When u said should work on games, did u mean videogames??
Some videogames will work, but I was referring to board games and kids games. The games they have in stock will work for other stores that have the games on BF deals, but you may lose $5 if they make you cancel the layaway before they PM it.
SOMEONE please answer this q:
there are a couple of dvds I want. I put a nook on layaway already (my store supported everything you said :))) can I put the dvds on layaway (IF they aren’t same barcode for walmarts bf price I can still price match them to targets though right?)
someone PLEASE help.
I had a hard time at my walmart today, nothing in the ad was to be found! I wasn’t able to put anything onto layaway 🙁
Anyone else try and have this problem??
So even if the item is the same (ipad 2 16g with wifi) and the bar code is “special” it wont be at the bf price? I dont see how thats possible. Its the product that is on sale in the ad, does the ad reference a barcode? I put a Ipad 2 in layaway last friday hoping to get it out of layaway on bf, but it sounds like I’m in trouble. My store is in indianapolis and i’m under the impression that the sale starts at 8pm on thursday and thats when i was going to get my item out. Any ideas?
I am not sure about the iPads. I don’t know if apple does special packaging.
I read on another blog that the item on layaway HAD to be picked up during the time the sale was in effect-so if the items that are in event 2 aren’t eligible because the layaway dept won’t be open. Is that true?
This sounds great but it would really stink if you go to get your items out and it doesnt work.. but last year i was able to get the kindle i wanted before the sale even started… I got it right out of the electronic dept and waited till the sale began to ring it up…worked fine
Hello, Well I found out a wealth of knowledge today on how Walmart does it Black Fridays Deals here in CA. First of all, almost all of the items on Black Friday are only made for Black Friday and are NOT normally stocked in the stores any other time of year. So that is why you can’t find most of the items right now. Plus I was told that all the other items at other stores like Best Buy, Target, Kmart, etc. will be different models so that you can’t price match them at Walmart.
I went to my Walmart in CA today and was only able to put the Trampoline, Hockey Table and two convection ovens on layaway. They would not allow me to put the Shop Vacs on layaway at all. Now there was a homemade sign on the layaway counter that said no black Friday items could be put on layaway. Not what corporate said in your email. And I was still able to put the other four items on layaway. They rejected about 6 other items that I had to put on layaway.
Also, they had alot of the Black Friday items on the floor but they were wrapped in plastic and a note was on there that they were not available until Thursday night or Friday morning. So even if I wanted to pay full price today they would not let me. Plus my store would only allow us to put items that were over $15 in value on layaway even though my total bill was over $400 in value. I wanted to get the electronics but they absolutely would not allow me to get anything and there were no electronics on the floor.
However, I was told that all of the black Friday electronics items were in the warehouse but wouldn’t be put out until right before the opening of the sale. Also, they only had about 30 laptops available for $179. The did however have hundreds of the blue ray DVD players for $38 or $68 so I might be able to score one of those if I go early on Friday or Thursday night.
So the big hype is a scam in my eyes. I have been to my Walmart on Black Friday and I was really scared with so many people hitting my cart and then I was actually trapped in one area and had to leave my cart and get out. People were really awful and alot of yelling. There is no security and the Walmart employees are not trained to deal with this behavior. Also our Walmart had to close the doors to not let any more people in the store or let people out which is a huge fire hazard and a potential for disaster.
I love all the good deals and I am hoping that going on Friday later morning will get me over most of the challenges of Black Friday and while it will be still crazy maybe not so over the top. Good Luck to you all and please stay safe!
I have a question, say I put a t.v. on layaway at Walmart, it goes on sale for BF, so I go on BF to pick it up but the upc’s are different, can’t I show Walmart their own ad and have them price match it since the T.V.’s are exactly the same and model numbers are the same?
You would think, but the answer I have been given is no. It will ultimately be up to your manager.
I’ve never used layaway at walmart. The open fee, is that for each item or for the entire “cart load”?
Just go to walmart and ask for a manager. if needed, show them the layaway and black friday policies from walmart.com?
Where would I direct a mananger for the layaway black friday?
Thanks Paul for the great info
Happy Thanksgiving
The open fee is for the whole load. there is a chance you will lose the $5 if they make you delete the layaway to Price match to another store.
I just went to my Walmart and asked about the $15 Fur Real friend. They did not have it in the store, and they said that their Layaway will be closed all of Black Friday, so no go on the layaway thing. They were also cling wrapping a lot of stuff on pallets, I suspect to put it in the back so people can’t price match, check model numbers or put it on layaway.
The manager I spoke to also said they just had had a manager meeting that very morning saying that layaway will be closed and that no one can put anything on layaway now to purchase it on Black Friday.
I have a feeling this is something corporate has said can happen, but the stores can’t deliver.
I plan on getting the laptop for 179.00 tomorrow. Is there a limit to how many I can buy? All I need is two but, I’m wondering if I should bring my wife to get the second.
yes, I think so!
Hi Paul, thanks a bunch for your help.
It appears that Orlando, Florida Walmart is trying to block customers from purchasing their Layaway items at Black Friday prices. Do you think the Director of Communications and Community Relations at Walmart would be interested in knowing about it?
It’s also been noted that on the layaway receipt, item #10 states “If at the time of final payment of your layaway account, the retail price of an item in your layaway account is lower than the retail price for that item at the time you placed it in your layaway account, you will receive that lower retail price.”
So does this work if I buy something online from walmarts site? I see they have the same Toshiba 50″ that sears has for 299, but its 549 on walmarts site. Can I order it online and print the order confirmation and take it to walmart to credit the difference?
No. Search “Price adjustment” on walmart.com
It specifies you cannot do that.
This is great information that I wish I had found earlier. My wife dragged me from store to store today when she could’ve just put everything on layaway and bought it all today at discount! Despite the fact that it was a long day, it wasn’t all that bad since I remembered to charge my iPad before we left the house. I was able to watch live TV and my DVR recordings through my DISH Remote Access app while my wife fought the crowds. I’m glad I listened to one of the guys I work with at DISH about bringing my entertainment with me for this huge shopping day. I hope that next year we can both convince our wives to hit Wal-Mart early so we can still save on Black Friday without headaches!