My Walmart ad this weekend is a Beauty, really its a WalMart Beauty Ad! It has some pretty decent deals I will match up later, the real crazy partthat I have never seen before is that there are Coupons on the back page. Make sure to check yours, I am gonna go see what kind of deals I can find with them!
Thank you…. I am the worst about finding deals on this stuff -too much to look at in that aisle!
Where can you get a walmart ad? I nvr seen then
it was in the paper this weekend
Ooo, sweet! Those look like some high-value ones, too!! 😀
So sad that my Walmart pulled their coupon exchange area at the front of the store. I LOVED it! Boo hooooo hooooo
I bought three sunday papers and not one had then 🙁
Are these store coupons?!?!!?
no manufacturer
Were they in todays paper? I bought 14 Sunday papers and none of mine had this either?
Was this in the Saturday paper?
This might be a dumb question but I am new to this couponing thing ( love this site by the way) but can I buy Sunday papers on Saturday night? LOL it looks as though everyone already has theirs.
I think those ads are like some of the regional coupons, not all papers/areas have them 🙁
I wanted to share my WallyWorld experience of this past friday night and ask a few questions. BTW Paul I love your site. I have referred a couple of my friends who are wanting to learn couponing from me to it. All we really have to choose from near us is Food Lion and Wal-mart. Have to drive an hour to find anywhere that doubles coupons or anything of the like so we make due the best we can.
Now, in the past, I have had nothing but horror story experiences at my closest wal-mart when it comes to price matching or couponing, and lord forbid I try to do both!! I had my son’s 8th birthday party today and we needed a lot of things for that and I had seen so many good deal ideas for wal-mart. I had prepared prepared prepared and went with a STACK of coupons in hand and a feeling of hope that THIS trip would go well.
Firstly, I used 4 of the $8/2 CG coupons for the sponges and applicators. Shockingly there were actually (more than) 8 eligible items left in our little Wallace NC store (I got the applicator sponges for a friend who is a cosmetologist b/c she has to toss everything from one client to the next when she does make up for special events and spends a small fortune on these things). This went off without a hitch to my utter amazement. LOL. I also had 8 of the $6/2 Schick disposable coupons that I really couldn’t stand to see expire so I got 14 packs (to donate to the Marine Corps packages for the troops, we live 40 mins from Lejeune), handed the last coupon to a lady on the same aisle and told her, you can get these for free, if you’d like . There were still about 10 on the shelf before anyone starts groaning… The cashier did call a CSM to approve that one, I kindly explained to the cashier and then to the “oh not another one” attitude CSM that per Wal-Mart’s policy they apply overage to the cart purchase after she tried to tell the cashier to adjust the coupon down. She then looked like “darn, this lady knows…” I had my copy of the policy between two fingers ready to pull out of my binder. LOL.
The cashier really wasn’t paying attention to what she was scanning or didn’t care because she repeatedly skipped coupons and just put them down in the pile of ones she had scanned. I had to keep stopping her and telling her she missed one. The first three times she tried to tell me she had scanned it but I got really gutsy and looked at her screen and pointed out to her where there were more than one of a coupon and she had only scanned one of it. Why? B/C *I* pay attention!!!
I’m sure she was irked with me, but I really didn’t care. I was being polite, and all I was asking her to do was to properly perform her job.
We got everything scanned and I checked behind her and I had two of the .50c off del monte fresh fruit or vegetables coupons that she said “didn’t scan”. Again, I was paying attention. The same “confirmation” box that popped up with the razors was what was popping up. Not something saying that the coupon was invalid, just telling the cashier to verify the item, which is a glance at the rung up groceries… yeah, Del Monte bananas, two separate 2lb or so bunches that I placed far enough apart on the conveyor that they’d be rung at two different times, I know usually loose fruit items like that are rung on a universal PLU# from my hard time working in a grocers’ myself. I could have understood if she said I could only use one, b/c maybe the register would combine both instances of PLU# 4011 but she just said she couldn’t take it at all. UGH.
She called the CSM back over who tried to tell me that their policy was not to honor any printable coupon that “didn’t scan” and I politely told her that the very same pop up confirmation box came up when those were scanned that came up with the razor coupons. The coupons were perfectly valid. I even told her there is a unique id on the coupon and a website to verify it… I will wait while you do it. That was it for her. She curtly replied “I’ll do it, if it’s a write up I will take it!” All I could say to her was “Thank you for helping, and if you get written up, I will personally give your boss the $1.00 back for being a dumbass.”
My question is this, WHY on earth does Wal-mart feel that we are cheating them by properly using coupons. Not only are they getting more business; I mean, who actually goes into Wal-mart and only gets what they came for??? I know no one. Not even myself and I am a strict by-the-lister… but I also go in with DH and two kids… LOL; but they are getting reimbursed for the coupons, plus the handling costs. If I have carefully shopped and matched everything and am not trying to use anything fraudulently, why treat your customers spending money there EVERY week like criminals???
My transaction did turn out fine, and I actually saved 47% on what would have been $200 worth of groceries and party supply items, but why the attitude? I should not have to argue with a cashier, CSM and Manager to get them to actually do what they are supposed to do!
I really wish Harris Teeter would come back to our area. We sometimes travel the hour and 15 mins to the Wilmington store or Morehead city store because they LOVE their coupon customers. If a coupon gives a problem, they actually explain WHY and try to help you with it. Not just say I can’t take it! In my opinion many of the stores around here could learn a thing or two from HT!
Also, when you price match, I see you do the price match first and then the coupons at the end. When I have ever been brave (stupid) enough to try to price match and use a coupon at Wal-mart, they always tell me they “don’t know how” to make it work once it’s been price matched without re-ringing the entire order, or it’s not allowed.
Have you ever noticed that when a really good coupon is due to come out/has just come out Wal-Mart raises prices on those items? I’ve noticed this on quite a few items and I really don’t think this is an ethical business practice either.
I mean, I like Wal-Mart. It is easier with the entourage in tow to only go to one place rather than drive all over everywhere. I just hate being treated like I’m stealing by trying to save money when I go to such extreme efforts to do things the RIGHT way. I only use coupons on the products intended, I get friends to help out if I want extra printables (this has cost me babysitting, a home baked goodie, free artwork for them, etc. LOL), I carefully scrutinize all the fine print before using them just to make sure I don’t cause a problem at check out.
I am very glad for the savings I was able to get, and I don’t want to write Wal-Mart off, but there is a huge gap in the level of service they claim to provide and what most people’s actual experience is. I know a few coupon loving friends who will not even drive into a Wal-Mart parking lot. What if all the couponers quit shopping at Wal-Mart? I don’t think they want to think about that!
P.S. I’m sending an email to corporate about my experiences at this store, not that it will illicit any change, but it seems to be the only recourse customers really have is to not shop there, or whine to the big whigs. LOL.
Veronica~ We are lucky enough to have 2 walmarts in my area. The nicer newer one that always has tons of what I need is full of rude uneducated cashiers. While the older one that always seems to have the shelfs empty has the nicest cashiers and accomidating staff. The last time I went to the newer store that cashier actually told me that I was ridiculous and a disgrace to people really trying to save money. (I used 4 coupons to get the trail casacdes and bought $100 worth of groceries with no coupons) I was so shocked I email corporate and told their CSM I would NEVER come back to that store. 3 days after I sent the email I recieved a phone call from the store manager and from corporate. I was informed they were going to have a trainging on coupons and both apologized for the ladies comments. I do not want anyone to lose their jobs, but Walmart did employ her as a cashier to belittle me. I still have not returned to that Walmart and probably won’t unless mine burns down. Also a nice little surprised showed up in my mailbox about 2 weeks after the email, a $20 Walmart gift card with a typed apology from the president of Walmart. I guess thay really do care about their customers, now if they could all get staff that care.
I have never bought them on saturday but therr is a man on beamer andsage road i believe that sells them apparently…
Thanks for the info. Looks my area has WM insert! So excited!! 🙂
Here in Milwaukee you can buy the sunday paper on Saturday but they do not come with coupons so it is a waste of money. Also our papers are $2 but only $1 at the dollar store?! I get one delivered and then go and buy 5 more every week. I do not need 30 papers, we are a family of three and six of any one item is enough!
i have never seen these in my newspapers but i have walked in the store and seen them in a pile with the store greeter and i got one! hope this helps!
will walmart give you a rain check for items not in stock?
I know in my area we have a Sunday Bulldog edition of the paper that you can buy on Saturdays. It has all the coupons that a sunday paper would have. Not all papers do it but some of the bigger papers do. Hope this helps the newbies understand how some people get papers early
We actually got the beauty inserts this week too, I was pretty surprised that we did. Thanks for your feedback about contacting corporate, Megan. I hope to be so lucky. The store in Wallace is pretty terrible all around but it is the closest to home (20 minutes instead of the 45 to Jacksonville), the staff just aren’t nice or helpful, they are usually out of anything that there might be a decent deal on, and obviously don’t train their cashiers, either. The stores in Jacksonville are a little better, though quite picked over especially on the weekends because a lot of the Military wives have taken up the couponing in GROUPS now.
I just think it’s sad that any retailer would treat their customers that way for bringing them MORE business.
I didnt get one either where did you get this?
I am in GA and didn’t get this insert. I got an ad for items in the auto department, i.e. oil, tranny fluid, etc, but, no beauty insert.