I have had a bunch of emails on this one last night and today so I figured I would just post it. Walgreens has the Clean and Clear Morning Burst Body Wash for $5.99 B1G1. YES Walmart will match this ad offer because it lists a specific price for the B1G1. Cool.
Now, the next question is, “can I use the BOGO free coupon” to make them both free??
This is from the Corporate policy:
Manufacturers’ coupons
- Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons
O.K. there is nothing in their policy that says you can’t use a coupon on a free item, and that is usually what you look for when you want to know if a store accepts Bogo coupons on bogo items. I know that previously before this new coupon policy, Walmarts stance was NO they don’t take them. I think this is going to depend on the cashier and manager at your store. BTW I called Walmart but they are not answering the phones yet!
These are some more coupons for clean and clear:
B1G1 Clean & Clear Body Wash, exp. 5-15-11 (SS 03/27/11)
$2/1 Clean & Clear Product printable
$1/1 Clean & Clear Product, exp. 5-15-11 (SS 03/27/11)
$2/1 Clean & Clear Product printable
** For those of you who are going to ask, you would want to price match this at Walmart because they are going to have stock where Walgreens will be sold out.
I tried to price match these this morning and the cashier was price matching them to 2.99 each. She said she was supposed to do it like that. Is this right?? I have never price matched a bogo deal before.
yes, that is how walmart does it.
I tried this today in Dallas and she rang up each one for $2.99. After the BOGO coupons, she took off $2.99. Oh well. :/
That was wrong,
I tried to purchase these this morning. After a HORRIBLE experience and the gal wanting to charge me $3.50 for 6, a manager came in and told her to just do it. She argued with me as though I was “stealing”. I remained cool and somewhat calm and held my ground. She called another manager who said not to do it. I have attempted to call Coorporate as well and they don’t open until noon.
I just called Walmart on Louetta and Sawdust. Both said they won’t honor the Walgreens ad because they don’t honor ANY ad thar says B1G1 free. Only Man coupons
I have already done it at the sawdust store. It has a specific price they will do it.
Just tried and was told that had to pick whether I wanted to use the sale or the oupin. I tried to exlplain that I was getting one free from them and one free from the manufactuer but no luck. I will be calling corporate just to verify. I was also told ” the system won’t allow them to do both”
Called corporate this is not true. You can price match and use coupons
Same thing @ my Walmart in Katy TX. I’ll keep trying……
thank you for your website is very nice and helpful!!!!!
In dallas, the price is $4.96. They rang up one at the reg price, and priced the other at $1.07 to bring the total to 5.99. Then they only took off $4.96.. oh well, guess I only paid about 50 cents per bottle, which is still good
Your math is not right, unless you also used a 1.00 off coupon
I just attempted the deal in Broussard, LA (near Lafayette). They said that I could not do it because it was like using two coupons for one item.
My Walgreens wouldn’t let me use the BOGO Free coupon on this deal. Has their policy changed? What can I do to get around this?
It is going to depend on your cashier…
i went this morning & my dh talked to the customer service manager, but when i was all said & done i still paid a dollar a bottle. still a good deal!
walgreens was all sold out & by the time they get more in, my coupon will be expired!
I went to my Wags when they opened this morning and they only had 5, so I didn’t want to clear the shelf and just got two. The cashier was slightly confused but pushed through my coupons anyway. When I went to WM this afternoon, the cashier was brand new and very confused by it! Luckily I had brought my ad, and he knew that he could do it. He called over the supervisor who put one for 5.98 and one for .01. When she scanned the coupon it only took off 4.97, but she pushed them through for 5.99 anyway! I got 6 for free!
Just finished going to Walmart at 1-45 and spring. I got either they would honor the B1G1 free add and no coupons or there price with the coupons. Ended up empty handed on this one.
Got very lucky in Ozark, Missouri this morning, I had 4 BOGO coupons, so I bought 8 bottles of Clean & Clear and 2 Nivea ($3.00, w/ $3.oo Q’s they had been out of stock for weeks!) …and checked out at the service desk because there was no line. There was no hassle at all and my total for 10 bottles of body wash was $0.00. Happy Mother’s Day to me!
They rang them up $5.99 and zero for each BOGO and then took 5.99 for each coupon. Woohoo!
Yea, these are the days you wake up at the crack of dawn and get to the store as they open! LOL!
I did this today at our Walmart in MO. Both the cashier and CSM were very friendly but confused. Although they weren’t sure how to do it, they worked with me and put one bottle through for $4, and the other for $0.97. Then they scanned the coupon for $4.97. It worked but the 3 transactions (6 bottles free) took about 20 minutes. The CSM told me she would rather have the sale then for me to go to another store!!
Paul, what is the phone # for WM Corporate that we would call if we have an issue. Thanks!
I went to the Walmart @ 249 & Spring Cypress. Before I even picked up an item, I verified at customer service that the cashiers would know to price match the bogo deal since the ad stated the price. After confirmation, I picked up 6 bottles and headed to check-out. The cashier was confused on how to do it, so he got a csm (whom I love b/c she knows the policy and coupons as well!). The bodywash was rung up as $5.98 for 1 and $0.01 for the 2nd (repeat twice). Then the bogo coupons added confusion, but the csm thought about it and realized I was correct in using them as well. $5.98 was deducted for each coupon, so I paid $0.03 for 6 bottles!
Once again… mass confusion. I had went to walgreens yesterday and someone had already cleared the shelf. I went into Walmart this morning armed with my ad and coupons. They said they could do it. They charged me 2.99 for one bottle and 3 for the other bottle. But when it came to ringing up and doing the coupon I could only take off 3$. So I guess I got them both for 2.99. Not bad…but but not great either.
Yesterday I went to 3 Walgreens 2 were sold out and the one that had it in stock told me I could not use the bogo coupon with the sale. I told her I had done it at other stores and the corporate policy does not prohibit it. She called their store manager and he said no this store does not allow it and they can make their own decision on coupons. I went to Walmart not expecting to have much luck but my cashier was nice and did the price match on 4 no problem, she rang it two for 4.96 and 2 for 0.01, then when she saw my coupons she said she didn’t know if it would take it but she would try. The register took it with no problems of course and she entered 4.96 as the amount so I got 4 for $0.02! Way to go Walmart!
I’m not sure how you guys are getting them free… is it because they match the ad and then you also have a BOGO coupon? I tried using BOGO coupons (2 for 2 items) @ my walmart and I was told I can only get 1 of the 2 for free because you don’t pay for the other one even tho’ they have to ring it up. (said they only do that for inventory) Any one know if that is correct?
My WM here in Lindon Utah rang them up at $2.99 each, and then scanned the Q, entered $5.99 as the amnt to take off and I paid $1.20 something for 6 bottles!
I tried to price match and I was told by a manager who was completely ignorant that I could price match or use the coupons, not both! Well dummy you get the money for the coupons back! Oh well, I guess I’m going walgreens hopping.
I tried to do this deal yesterday with the BOGO coupons. After awhile, Customer Service and the assistant managers couldn’t get the coupon to take off the amount with the Price Match. I left without the body wash, but it was worth a try!
i have a question where are u guys getting those bogo coupons from and where can i get or purchase them
Just tried this in Houston Tx (actually Im in Dickinson LOL but I think everyone knows Houston)
ONe Manager said yes but another said no I can only use 1 or the other so I am calling 1800 Walmart tomorrow!!!
They are supposed to price match and their policy says yes they price match a certain price which the Walgreens ad says $5.99 plus they accept a coupon so it should work??
Will let yall know if this works!
First Walmart I went to said first bottle would ring up $5.99, second bottle would be priced at $0.00. I asked about my B1G1 coupon, that was a no go. You are getting one free already. Second Walmart, I asked at service desk how this would work out, showing her the ad. She told me she would ring one up at $5.98, second one at $.01. When asked about my coupon, she said no problem. So I take 8 bottles to her. She scans every bottle at their price of $4.97, then takes my 4 coupons, and my total was $23 plus. I said you didn’t price match with the Walgreens ad which was right in front of her. She said you are already getting it free with your coupon. I know this, but I was wanting to price match with Walgreens, maybe I didn’t explain myself well enough, I liked the way you had it figured the first time. She calls a manager up who did not know what to do, he called another manager up. She don’t think you can price match a B1G1. I said yes you can, it is your policy if a specific price is shown. They pull out policy, and there it is. They even had example, if an item is B1G1 for $2.49 and price is $2 for first one, then over ride second one to .49. I said, so the first bottle of body wash would ring up at your price of $4.97 and the second one should be put in at $1.12. Then, with my coupon, I should be out $1.12 plus tax. Not free, but a good deal. No Go. You can’t price match and use a coupon. I said I don’t want to argue about this, but you can take a coupon with this, that is the whole idea of using the sale and coupon. The manager apologized several times, but just didn’t know what to do. She is going to find out, and I am supposed to call her tomorrow. To make a very long story short, I spent 15-20 minutes at service desk, and left without body wash.
what a headache. not even worth it. Don’t you all have enough Nivea to just forget about this body wash?
LOL! I think I agree with you on this one. I really wanted this kind because I’m loving the fragrance. But everyone else can get these kinks figured out at Walmart. Maybe by the next time something like this comes up, they’ll know what they’re doing. I might try it at my store because I have to go there anyway. But I’m just going to assume that it won’t work so I don’t get all flustered when they give me trouble.
lol, thanks
Just got back from the Mart… They price matched mine for $3 each (which I was fine with!). At first the CSM was having a hard time with her math and wanted to price match them at $2.49 each. I told her to do it for the $3 because I wanted to pay for what I was getting. Then I used a $2 off coupon for each making them $1 each.
Our walmart said they would price match but you could do that OR us the B1G1 coupon. I watch the lady in front of me try and the manager was rude about it. Such a pain. I don’t think it is fair that this type of stuff happens. Looks like a loophole they need to clarify.
ok, i’m a bit confused. How are you getting these so cheap. I only have a man. coupon for $2/1 clean and clear item. So if I bogo, I will still be paying 3.99, right?