I wanted to follow up and let you know that I went to the “problem” Walmart in my area. We have 3 Walmarts in my town, 2 are super nice and coupon friendly and great to shop at. One is not friendly and a hassle. I went and did the same transaction at all 3 stores and sure enough the only one that I had a problem at was the 3rd one.
In the video I explain what the situation was.
On the way home I called corporate to explain the transaction and make sure that I was correct and not crazy. They confirmed that I was correct, and following what their corporate policy was.
They did state the the Store Manager, NOT a CSM, assistant manager OR ANYONE else has the right to not follow the policy. They should also post something that says they choose to not follow the corporate policy. Fine, I have about 10 other stores I can shop at if that is the case. But they need to let their customers know.
P.S. I HATE videos where all the person does is sit there and talk… but I didn’t have any other way to do it. Sorry!
I am in The Woodlands/Spring area and I think you are too…not sure. Can you let me know which Walmarts are the better ones here. I like hassle free couponing!
Thanks and LOVE your posts and your wife’s posts as well.
I do better at the Sawdust location. That is where I filmed the ABC News story and they are on top of it.
Wow, I’m not near you and I feel for the shoppers that have to go to that particular Mart. I guess the big question for me now is …. why have a corporate policy if any Store Manager can decide NOT to follow the policy? I would think that something like that would only happen in franchises… My husband is a retail Store Manager (not at the Mart) and he is NOT allowed to NOT follow corporate policy…. .Policies are in place for a reason and to allow people to just not follow them at their own discretion is just kinda … “willy nilly” … for lack of any other word I can come up with…..
How would ya deal with a CSM or Shift Manager in having to relay that THEY cannot make the decision to override… seems to me that a lot of customers would just say forget the hassle and go to the competitor if they can.
If there is not anything put out by the Manager(not csm or shift) then they are supposed to be following the corporate coupon policy.
Thanks for posting this! I only have 1 Wal-Mart close by and typically try to avoid it. I have a few cashiers that are coupon friendly but have had several experiences where I am treated as if I am trying to steal something!!
I just finished watching your video and something struck me as odd that I hadn’t heard before. You said that Walmart will take competitors coupons as long as the store is within their radius. What’s the radius? I live at least 26 miles from the closest Walmart and the “other” stores like Albertsons and Safeway are about 45 miles away. I’m trying to get the best out of using coupons but it seems as if the odds are against me.
Each area is different. It depends on how many stores are around. It really is an ambiguous term. for us it is 3-5 miles.
Thanks so much for all the information & effort you put into sharing it with the rest of us! You (and Tiffany) have made such a difference in so my lives like mine. Thanks again
To your comment stating you hate videos where a person just sits there and talks … You gave an awesome explanation of your trip and it was VERY informative … Thank you!
I wish I knew which Walmart you are referring to! I’m in the same area, and I’ve only recently started going to Walmart more (since Kroger’s coupon policy change). I did a couple price matches today, and it took forever, and they could NOT figure out how to ring up the 1 cent pantyliners, but they DID take my 50 cent off coupons on top of it! I guess I better get used to long check-outs.
A side note: I wonder if it would be beneficial for Walmart to keep one checkout lane for price-matchers and couponers and have a knowledgeable checker there, and less customers behind us hating us!
Sarah, if you want “HAPPY” shopping go to 242 or Sawdust.
Enough said……you know??
I went to the one at the end of woodlands parkway (I keep forgetting what street that is!) and I got a super friendly cashier that said she loved seeing how much couponers saved. At Sawdust I had some super angry cashier/shift manager combo. I think it’s so up to luck…. I have a few cashiers I like and I try to stick to them.
This was so helpful- thank you! I know you are all about the Mart but do happen to know if the must post that they have a policy different than corporate is universal? The manager of Walgreens told me he would not take my$3 for a $2.99 item and said “I don’t have to do anything for you” after I asked him to please mark it down, as it is stated in their policy. I will follow whatever policy stores use but it seems only fair to tell me the stinkin’ policy.
It just sounds like he is permanently single and for good reason
I probably should have used the word should instead of must. I have updated that in the post.
could you make a list of walmart locations and general experiences with coupons/ad matching, just so we know which ones we might have trouble with?
I would love to. The issue is that I have readers all over the country and there are thousands of Walmarts. The other reason I hesitate to do something like that is because they may change and soon, a lot of this is new to them. Most of these people are just doing what they have been taught. I know it would be helpful but I think we just need to keep at it.
Thank you so much for the video! You answered every question that I had. Thanks for all that you do for your readers 🙂
I went to a different Mart than normal today, and had a horrible experience! Listen to this….I tried using the 1 cent pantiliner Target coupon. The first CSM told me that I couldn’t use it because it clearly states on the coupon I must have one manufacturer and one Target coupon for it to work. She even went to the trouble to underline it for me! Then, when I argued, they brought up the assistant manager and she said they got in big trouble for accepting it yesterday. Their coupon policy clearly states it must say manufacturer and have a barcode! I tried telling her it was a price match. Long story short, I told her she could keep the items, but give me my coupons, because there’s another Mart that will do it! I called corporate and filed a complaint! She said I should receive a call from the manager in the next couple days.
I went to the Mart I normally go to yesterday, and the lady marked down my pantiliners, and gave me my coupons back since she said it was a price match! Jackpot!
Thank you for taking the time to do this! You’re definitely more patient than I was last time I had problems. I didn’t fight, but I did walk out (leaving everything behind). Thanks again!
Thank you for doing this. Had some coupon problem today, too, at the Mart. Actually, it’s store #2031, if anyone is interested to know. I tried using the 1 cent Target coupon for the Carefree liners. They wouldn’t accept it. I told them that it’s in the new Walmart coupon policy that they accept competitors coupon. The cashier said “not anymore.” She said that they (cashiers) have been told yesterday that they were now not to accept competitor’s coupons unless it states on the coupon that it’s a manufacturer’s coupon. Go figure! Anyway, I told her that I’m going to need my coupon back since I plan to go to Target (which is 5 minutes, by the way, from Walmart) to use it there. And I have a mind to do more business there from now on. It’s just so frustrating sometimes.
Is the video down? I want to know what happened!
Yes, sorry I edited something and you tube always erases. It is back up . Sorry!
So, heres what happened at my Mart tonight. I had the $2 off revlon beauty tool coupon from Target. First the cashier did not want to take the coupon at all, but then she noticed I got emery boards and not a beauty tool……..hello. an emery board is a beauty tool, but it did not say” tool”on the packaging.Aparently the other “tools” say tools, so she was double sure now. I gave her back the emery boards and got back my coupon……….then, I price matched the stuffing mix from cvc @.88. The cashier looked at the pix on the ad for 2 minutes b4 she said she had to get the manager to make sure it was the same item…….then I wanted to use my.50 cent manufac coupons to complete my transaction………no can do she said, cuz a price match is considered 1 transaction and only 1 transaction per item. The cashier manager came over and finally decided I could use my manuf coupons. What a hassle. Most of the other items I was gonna pricematch were the same price in the Mart. Lesson for me……unless its a big ticket item im not gonna price match until Walmart gets its act together.
Hippy, I can seriously understand your frustration.. this is taking much patience from everyone. Please dont take this as sarcastic, but I dont think your lesson is a very good one for you… only price matching in the case of big ticket items. The reason I say this is because even though you and the cashier and the CSM may all get frustrated, this will work out… again, patience seems to be the key. Tonight I saved $101.70 between price matches and coupons (PM was 68.70 and Qs were 33.00) just about everything in my cart was price matched and had a Q to go with it… for me, $101.70 IS big ticket… Again, please dont take my reply as sarcastic… not meant to be.
Thanks for the great information and the video format is fine.
Corpus Christi has Walmart, CVS, and WAGS in an area of town where the local residents are challanged – gangs, teen pregnancy, high school dropout, and very high illegal population. These stores are very hard to shop at with coupons. Coupon shoppers are actually at risk when they shop these stores. Off Duty City Police, not security guards, provide security at these stores. My point is that often local demographics can have a negative impact on coupon shoppers ability to shop in these stores. The managers in these stores have good reason not to accept multiple cooupons an often no IP Coupons at all. Times are tough and many are far too willing to put into action some of the new fraud practices currently found in countless blogs. It’s not a perfect world and fortunately local managers are empowered to implement rules which work in their stores. My successes far outweigh my failures when couponing and I continue to focus on the positive like Mr. Coupon and Paul and take my business, money, and coupons to those stores and cashiers who I know really want my business.
I went to the one in the back of the Woodlands on Tuesday and I had the worse experience. The manager was very rude to me and the cashier that was trying to stick up for me. She told me I was lying about the policy. I pulled out my phone and showed her I was not, then I walked out. I do not think I will be going back to that one any time soon.
Hey Paul
I was told at my Walmart yesterday that they no longer do rain checks! Anyone else experience this?
For the 1 cent target coupon price match……if I want to buy 10 packs, do I need 10 target coupons or just one to price match for 1 cent?
you should have 10 coupons, but they may just price match them all with 1, you feelin’ lucky?
i price matched the coke 12 pks. for 2.60 from the walgreens ad. no questions were asked, she didn’t even need to see my ad. i guess it’s a ymmv.
i price matched the coke 12 pks. for 2.60 from the walgreens ad. no questions were asked, she didn’t even need to see my ad. i guess it’s a ymmv.
i got $131.00 worth of stuff for $68!
Thanks so much for all the price-matching information! I started price matching last week and, thankfully, I found a great cashier who “gets” it.
Thank you for the video. I tried using 18 of those coupons today. Before I even grabbed any I went the register to ask, before I asked I saw right there that it said we will glady accept a competitors coupon as long as it had the price stated on the coupon, I still asked the cashier if she would take them and she said yes. So I went back and grabbed my 18, well she had to call a manager up to help her out with the transaction and the manager refused them and was very rude to me and ignored the policy that I was pointing out to her. I kept showing her the policy and she said it didn’t matter they don’t get reimbursed for them so they can’t take them. What made me mad was after I left she said to the cashier in a rude way, “Why don’t I just go to Target and use them”? A customer stopped me in the parking lot and told me that she had said that about me. I ended up calling the store manager when I got home, he apologized and is looking into it for me. If I don’t hear back from him I will have to call corporate to complain about the shift managers attitude towards me. Hopefully I can get these coupons to work, guess I will just have to hit up Target sometime before they expire.