So Tena didn’t think that $6.00 was enough to try their products so they increased the amount to $7.00. This coupon still FREAKS ME OUT!! I will say that the coupon says “Up to” so your store will probably tell you no overage, but really who knows anymore. I found a few different options for you based on how your store treats this coupon. Click HERE to get yours
Thanks, Freebies4Mom!
Tena Pads: $2.86- $5.24
Sign up for Email get $7.00 coupon
Total:Free to as much as $4.16 overage!
amyb says
i dont get it …. i see the same $6 coupon and when i tried to sign up it said i already recieved the offer. well i did sign up a few days ago but never did recieve an email with that coupon either! ugh
Paul says
I would check your spam, the proble is I think the $6.00 one has expired.
Joan says
Did you check your spam mail ??? it could be there
livebycoupon says
Walmart’s coupon policy (as I understand it) would not accept the free product coupon (which effectively is what their free trial coupon is given the wording ‘Up to…’, print the $1 off coupon at the same site in case your Walmart does not accept the free trial coupon.
marian says
@livebycoupon it’s not a FREE product coupon.
Jen says
I tried to get the $7. coupon, but it already had me receiving the previous one. This coupon does not scan, so Walmart would not take it. However, I took it to Target and they were happy to give it to me for the listed price, but no overage.
Miri says
got mine for $7… hope It doesn’t give me any ugly moments at WM, Thank You!!
Jen says
I printed the $6.00 one and it was fuzzy and blurry but I kept it attached to the paper the way it printed and they accepted it because they were able to see the URL I printed from. Also I just printed the $7.00 one and it was VERY clear and looked a lot better, there should be no scan issues this time around.
Amber says
If anyone goes to Walmart with this one ($7 off), can you let us know if it scans?
Allison says
Where does it say limit one?
Renee says
How many are we allowed to print and use? I know it depends on whether or not my Walmart will even accept them, but just want to check 🙂 THanks!
Paul says
Limit 1
victoria says
You can get it with a different email address. And this one looks alot better bar code is a normal size and fine print can be read perfectly. Coupon is way bigger though (will stick out like a sore thumb, lol)
Michelle says
walmart refused mine because it would not scan…..oh well I’m only 27 way to young to be buying these….for myself anyways. I bet these would make a good donation though.
Randi says
i started using some of there products from free sample offers, after i had my kids and fell in love with them! i still love using them! i got with the $6 coupons and as i was looking at all the optenions at walmart some girls about my age walked by and i could hear them laughing at me and saying really omg! but ya know what they work the same as stayfree, kotex and others BUT they are free so who’s saving more $ haha then i walked by tehm in the reg personal spot and chuckled to myself ;).
jar says
Didn’t print the one that came in my email. I don’t like the looks of it. Shame they didn’t make it look like a regular coupon.
S says
Do all walmarts carry these?
Haseena says
My store didn’t carry it.
Tamera says
Has anyone had success using this coupon at Walmart? I’m curious if they’ll give the overage or if it was successful! Thanks.
starladarcy says
Used my 6/1 coupons yesterday at my Walmart with no problem at all.I had 4 6/1 coupons and used the overage to get candy!!
B says
The $7 coup will scan but it shoots back an error message saying it is too large of a quantity. The walmart I went to looked it up and said that this coupon is listed on their fraud coupon website. I am not too convinced though since they were unable to show me where it was listed on the website. I have had difficulty with this walmart in the past on coupons with overage.
Paul says
The coupon is not fraud but it does have issues scanning. I would ask about just accepting the coupon without overage because it does state up to $7
B says
I tried that approach and they said that because it was on their website as fraud they couldn’t take it. This is the west rd. location.
starladarcy says
Thought i would add that i have seen this coupon posted on coupon forums for other people to print! People are posting their emailed coupon to forums for others to print which is eventually going to make this coupon not valid!
Chickenman says
I had 4 of the $6 ones. They would not scan but I told the checker that I called Tena and they said they were having trouble with the cpn scanning at Walmarts (which I did call). He looked at it, thought about it, and took of the $6…aka overage. That with 5 other items, $24 subtotal ended with them paying me $4.27! As far as limit, it only says the standard “limit one per purchase” line…no limit on prints when you choose to send out a pdf/jpg cpn.
Haseena says
If I got the $6.00 coupon does that mean I can’t get the $7.00? the link above is for the $6.00 coupon.
Rhema says
The fine print on the coupons says the store will be reimbursed for $7. I took it to my Walmart, bought the $2.87 package. The coupon beeped and the register asked for the amount. They put the $7 in and voila…Overage! It works. I was leery about allowing for the overage, but the coupon says the store will get the full $7 back.
heather says
just printed mine i sure hope they work….. that way i can get the rest of my b1g1 hersey candy bars with the overage
Monika says
You can also go to and get a coupon or free trial from their legitimate website.
Paul says
Monika, if you follow the links from Tena, this where it takes you. You implying that I am promoting an illegitimate coupon doesn’t sit well with me.
RebeccaFer says
I’m sorry Monika implied something I know you would never do Paul. I follow your site because I know I can trust you. Ignorance is just a lack of information so now that you’ve informed Monika, hopefully she will apologize.
AmyLynn says
I used this today at my walmart. It went through but it asked for the amount. Since the coupon says UP TO $7, they would only give me the cost of the item and no overage. Which is still fine with me because it’s still FREE!
barsandstripes says
I had the same reaction. The $7 coup scanned. The cashier put in $7 but it said the qty was to large and the computer automatically adjusted down to the 2.86. Which does make if free, scannable, but not a moneymaker.
Diana says
I had the same experience with mine tonight. I love FREE stuff!!!
Ali says
Unfortunately, you got it right… “save UP to…” at WalMart means free item (no overage).
Love the site!
april says
Just to let everyone know I did this deal today and if you read the fine print on the bottom of the coupon its that the merchant will be reinbursted (?) for the full face value of the coupon. With that writing and the fact that there is no box on the coupon to write in the actual price, (for example like on the B1G1 coupons) My manger told the cashier I was entittled to ALL my overage since Walmart will be reinbursted the full $7.00
Rhema says
Well said
Jenny Bosse says
I love this coupon This is really going to work for me. I love overage I am going tom night with my husband after work. Very exciting!!!!!
Jen says
I used it today – it scanned and prompted the cashier to enter an amount. He entered the product price. So, free product, no overage for me.
Heather says
My Walmart scanned the coupons and entered the $7 … My cheapest pads were 5.24 so still a moneymaker
Ms. Hills says
I used my coupon tonight and it asked for the price of the item. I did not push the issue with the overage I was just checking to see if the coupon scanned and it did. Tomorrow I will be pushing the issue with overage. Wal- Mart has alot of money and I don’t why should they get my credit for my overage!
Paul says
well, the coupon says up to which means they can adjust the coupon. It also says 1 per customer.
april says
I just have a question……..My Walmart lets me buy more then 1 of these because its say 1 per purchase not 1 per transaction, so I do not understand where you are finding the 1 per customer. I printed my out 2 days ago and it doesnt say that, am I missing something? I just dont want to do something wrong and ruin the great coupon policy. I did buy more then 1 in my transaction because the wording said 1 per purchase. I only bought 2 but was that 1 to many?
Paul says
It is listed on the website. It is not on the coupon, but it does say it when you sign up.
shawna says
I went to my walmart in missouri and spoke with the manager about the overage before I tried using it. I was told since it said up to that I could get the product free with no overage. I went to the checkout and the cashier was worried it was a fraud coupin bc it was such a high dollar coupon and stated if its legitimate its a great coupin. she stated they get most coupons from rp, ss and so on but I told her that I went to their website and got the coupon from there. I also told her that I already taljed to the mngr abt the coupin and she said ok and it went through fine. I used the $6 off coupon and it did not have a place to write in the price. I agree with another poster her walmart is going to redeem almost every one of these at the highest value and get all the money back so it would be great if we could get the overage. I found a site where a woman sd she printed 10 and walmart took them all and she got over $30 in overage and bought groceries. Anyhow the pverage would of been great but I love free products. I believe its pretty much up to the managers and their intrepretation of the coupons on giving overage. It seems like all walmarts and overage is different. Some give overages and ok it where others don’t on the same coupins
BV says
I used it at walmart no problem (the $6 one. She just typed it in.) The cheapest we had was $5.47, so not a whole lot of overage, but it was nice just the same. These are for donations.
If you have other emails, I do not see why you cannot get more.
Paul says
They have posted Limit 1 per customer. we need to follow the rules they have set so that we don’t lose amazing offers like this one.
Beth Franzosa says
I am bummed. I tried this coupon this morning at my Walmart and eventually had a group of 6 people staring at it (checker, CSM, Store Manager, etc.). They all agreed the coupon was fraudulent because there is no space for them to write on there how much the item cost. ARRRGHHH!
I even pulled out my cell phone and showed them the email with the coupon attached in my email. They still didn’t believe it. I am so ticked! Frustrating!!
Scott says
Don’t be afraid to contact corporate and Tena about the issues.
alyssa says
My WalMart also called everyone under the sun to take a look at this coupon. When it prints from my (amazingly clear) printer, it is still really blurry and hard to read the address. It also does not acan at all. The register does not even recognize that it is a coupon. Not even an error beep- nothing. The CSM came over and said that there was some new WalMart training last weekend and they are no longer going to accept coupons that don’t scan at all. I was outraged that they would not take my coupon. I said to the Manager “Go to and register for yourself and see I didn’t make it up.” she looked at me like I was a criminal and said they can not take it. What’s worse is that my husband works there so now we are “red flagged” because we were trying to use such a “boggess” coupon (in their words). What I did is I wrote a long letter to the customer service team at Tena and explained the problem and asked politely if they could give me a manufacturers coupon for the same amount so I can actually use it. I explained that I am a couponer and I have looked on all of my coupon sites and apparently NOT ONE OF THESE COUPONS HAVE ACTUALLY SCANNED at the store. I will update if I get a response. Good luck everyone!
debra says
Wahoo, used these at my Walmart today! I admit I am guilty of Cashier profiling and I hit it right! I used 12 coupons for 10 packs at 2.86 and 2 at 5.24. Cashier had to get CM to override but I got overage for all of them. So free plus overage. I then went back to the store and returned them all for a full refund. WOW! They paid me to shop big time! I used the overage to cover diapers, toilet paper, shampoo, kids pjs and more! What a great day!
anna says
Wow! you just cheated Walmart right there! It’s people like you that give couponers a bad name.
Scott says
I hope they report you for coupon fraud; you give all couponers a bad name!
Paul says
I am going to assume this is a joke. Anyone that has read my site for more than a week knows that this is completely despicable and wrong. You need to return the money you stole and then donate your computer to the boys and girls club and never coupon again. Do not return to my site person that more than likely lives MA, Zip code 02061. I will alert the Walmarts in your area to be on the look for someone committing coupon fraud. I bet the CSM will remember you.
Melissa says
OMG no wonder my Walmart here gives us a hard time about coupons where there are people like Debra out there!! I dont live in the MA area (FL here) but our store is HORRIBLE about taking coupons. They scrutinize and question every single one. Now I know why. I would NEVER do something like this! In the past I have had to take an item or two back that I bought with a coupon (due to expiration dates or some other issue) and I have ALWAYS brought up the fact that I used a coupon to pay. I took a couple of cans of soup back to Publix the other day because when I bought them I wasn’t paying attention to the expiration date. I told cust svc that I used coupons to pay for them. She couldn’t figure out how to refund me minus the coupon so I just ended up getting more cans of soup instead of the money back – that way I still felt like the coupons were going toward my purchase and I wasn’t ripping them off. Money is tight for everyone but not worth stealing!
Gertrude says
Holy crap!!! That is just crazy! I was happy to use my ONE coupon to get a free pack of panty liners, they did adjust the coupon down to the 2.?? That they cost but I was happy as a clam to just get them for free! What she did is very unethical and gives us all a bad name, earning us all the “you people” comments at the store! What a pathetic thing to do! I’m curious though, how does that constitute coupon fraud? Is it because she used copies? Because I fought you were only supposed to print one. Just curious.
LaToya says
LOL! – this HAS to be a joke. Has to…please…please be a joke… It’s one thing to print the extra and get them for free….another to print extra and get the overage….but to get the free plus the overage and then RETURN for a refund?! Oh my land that is wicked wrong.
anne says
Wow- I am all for being frugal & using overage on things we need, but you have got to be KIDDING!! It is people that abuse coupons (Like Debra above) that ruins it for all of us. Not too smart to brag about it either….
Sonya says
I hope Debra reads this post again. That is sad that she, or anyone else, would think it is a good idea to get free product and then return it to the store for cash. Good grief – really?
Jeanne says
Wal Mart told me that since it says up to $7.00 they will only take off the amount of the product and no more.
LaToya says
I’m going to try mine this weekend and see what happens. Fine print says they will be reimbursed the price of the coupon – which is $7. And with their overage policy, I think we should be getting the full amount and then the overage.
leslie says
Debra should be banned from using coupon!!!! Sounds like show sn’t the first time she’s done it. Her Walmart should be contracted since you have to give an I’d to return. DEBRA U SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF URSELF!!!!
Jenny says
my Walmart in NE Ohio only adjusted them down to the product price. oh well. going to go back and get more then donate them to a local Nursing Home…esp now since I read Debra’s post. I hope that was a joke
Helena says
I’m pretty sure that Walmart will remember her from her transaction and she will most likely have trouble using her coupons from now on. I’m sad to hear what she did but she will have to live with the guilt.
Tammy says
Debra you suck, I tried to use this at my local store and they would not accept it they said it was fraud I shop there all the time I would never try to fraud them or do anything like that people like you make me so angry!!!
Shelly says
I guess that’s why my coupon came up as non printable but will mail my 1 coupon. 🙁 Having a bladder leakage issue sucks, let alone pay the price for these and now because of people like Debra, I see the price increasing very soon. Thanks alot thief! And thanks for teaching others to disrespect the coupon system.