Grab your Red Plum from your coupon inserts this weekend because you’ll need them to get this Under $1 deal at Walmart! You’ll be able to score Knorr recipe mix packet cheap!
Buy Knorr Vegetable Mix Recipe $1.14
Use $0.50/2 Knorr Recipe, Sauce, or Gravy Mix Product, exp. 10/30/11 (RP 10/02/11)
Total: $1.78 wyb 2 $.89!
These are .40 at HEB in Central Texas
Couldn’t find this coupon. There was an advertisement for knorr in the RP but no Q. Happens alot. Same thing w/ eckridge sausage and the campbells soup Q’s I was looking for. Plus my WM is priced WAY higher than the prices you list. Oh and our HEB ad never has the same deals as your match up. Wonder why it’s so different. I know prices vary by region and even store but it’s frustrating to make a list of deals, print out coupons and not find the deals once I get to the store, then waste all the printable Q’s. On a brighter note, I love your site. Hoping to see you win the bring home the bacon contest. Good luck!