As much as I love my MacBook and iMac, I will admit I have more problems printing coupons then others. I have noticed a big difference since the latest update of os Lion. Thanks to Mich-ael on Facebook for finding a solution. I hope that this helps you also if you are having problems not only on a Mac but on a PC as well.
This is what Mich-ael found:
We’re sorry to hear about your trouble printing. An update has been released to support printing on Safari 5.1 browser in native 64bit mode on Mac OS X Lion. You should also be able to print from your Firefox browser. If you have previously installed the Coupon Printer and cannot print coupons, please uninstall the Coupon Printer and reinstall it from this link to get the latest version. We hope this information has been helpful, please let us know if you continue to have issues printing by sending an email to Thanks for your support and cooperation
When you go to that link there is also the coupon printer update for Windows!
Hopefully that will help, I also have a few older posts that you can look through if you need more info and help.
O thank you!! I was wondering what the problem was! I going to try this in a but!
I never had problems printing from Firefox, but Chrome will not work with printing coupons from I wonder if this update will help any….
Thanks for sharing.
this still does not work for me.. i unistall reinstall and when i go to print it tells me to install?? im using firefox i never had an issue before.. if anyone can help please email me – this is so frustrating!!!
YAY! I can now print from my MAC again! Thanks for sharing!!!
Yay!! That worked!! Thanks so much!!
This Christmas our house officially became all Mac.
Unfortunately, none of these tricks worked for our computers. I even tried the open in one browser print in the other suggestion, didn’t work.
So I can now only print from SS, no Redplum, Network or What stinks is we have 4 computers in the house. I have just decided to use the newspaper coupons and get what I can get.