There is a coupon you can sign up for by email for $6.00 off any Tena Product. This coupon FREAKS me out a bit and I can see all sorts of issues using this at Walmart. There is a pack of Tena 26ct pads for $2.86 making this a $3.14 money maker. Coupons that come via email like this really scare me, that being said it does come from the company and it expires today. All I did was sign up and it was in my email 10 seconds later, be careful when you print or it will cut off the coupon. Thanks, Passion for Savings & Money Saving Mom
Tena Pads: $2.86
$6.00 off Tena Trial via Email
Total: FREE + $3.14 Money Maker
I tried to use this yesterday at my Wal-mart and they said this was fraud…. :0(
I just called customer support for Tena and asked tham about the coupon and they did day that Walmart would not take it. They said that it could be used at other stores such as CVS or Walgreens. The agent also mailed me out 2 $3.00 for the inconvenience.
Seriously, it’s a PDF, with no print limits. Have we become so gullible? Might as well print yourself a coupon for a free computer while you’re at it. 🙂
I used this coupon yesterday on a bigger pack that was like $5.68. The coupon refused to scan, so the cashier entered it manually but didnt allow the overage to go through, because the directions on the bottom of the coupon werent clear.
Wow, hope others have better luck
@Tonya, fraud as in a bad q or fraud as in they didn’t understand that coupons can be for over an amount?
They claim it was “made” and not put out by Tena. They also said that Tena isn’t going to put out a coupon for this amount. Right now in our area we are having ALOT of trouble with printable coupons. I was made because while the cashier was asking the CSM, another cashier went to the Customer service desk and was talking and they all started looking at me. I put on my best face and went about my way.
I cannot respond to that. I was on the Tena Website when I filled it out and got an email from Tena. I can also access it by going directly to the Tena website.
Thats how I got mine…..went to the website….and then went to the email.
i would have told them if they thought it was fake to take you to a computer and u can pull it up again and they can prnt one out for themselves, or how about just having them call tena. the people at walmrt just get on my nerves sometimes. i had a big ordeal at walmart when i first started couponing where even the person that they had designated the “coupon person” didnt know what “limit one coupon per purchase meant” lol another csm ended up letting me use all my coupons like she was doing me a favor, when they were all still in the wrong lol. stand your ground is all you have to do we arent doing anything wrong by trying to use LEGIT coupons! they can get over it.
i dont know do walmart really give money back? it is too good to believe. not just for this coupon but other money maker coupons also.. do they give you money back at the cashier?
Dear Muge Celik,
Overage can be given to the costumer as cash or applied to their other items in their basket. Yes, you will get money back if you choose that path at the register after they scan your items and coupons.
Sounds like the latter. The Q is directly attached to the Tena website…how could it be a fraud? My only question is that it says “Up to” but gives no requirments or conditions for “up to”. Perhaps it is just a poorly written coupon.
Just called Tena…they said it IS a valid coupon but they have been hearing that Walmart has a problem with it. I told them that if they would take a little constructive criticism, the coupon is porely written in the “Up to” issue. The lady taking the call interpreted the coupon as to say that it would pay out the price of the item “up to” $6. I told her that the way the coupon is presented, it could also be looked at as a $6 coupon. Typically these have “Free xyz product” with the small print saying “Up to $XX”.
i dont think im even going to try with it, its like that “yes to carrots” coupon that came out ahwile ago. it was poorly written and hard to read. its not worth be being harassed at checkout. I think when companies try and do their own coupons and not go through a reputable source like bricks or smartsource, WM is leery, and i could understand why. plus the fact that alot of blogs are showing screen shots of the coupon on their pages, someone could just copy the image and print since it seems all the barcodes are the same.
I tried this coupon yesterday and the CSM told me I had to get the trail size pads, because that’s what the coupon was for. My Wal-mart doesn’t carry trial, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a trial pack of pads. They said they would take the coupon, if I found trial sizes.
This coupon says up to $6.00 so there is no overage on it 🙁 also my store won’t accept it at all what a bummer 🙁
I used mine at Publix last night for $5.19 30 ct light pads and it went thru fine but no overage since it says up to $6.
Looks like another case of a poorly written coupon. I’m not even going to try it, which is a shame because I have family that uses this product. And the fact that you could print as many as you wanted leaves the door wide open for those unethical couponers.
OK, first since it says up to $6 surely they will not give money back. Second it did come from the Tena sight, No way it can be a fraud. Third… Walmart has issues anyways. If their managers would be taught and their cashiers would be taught better about coupons there would never be any problems with Walmart. Seems I have to complain alot to the Corporate Office, but hey… I got $20 gift card the last time and the manager put a Walmart Coupon Policy at every register, per my request. We will win this batter. heehee
The part about a policy at every register is HILARIOUS! lol…
I printed one from my house and one at my moms, I first used it at wags then when at walmart a looked to see if they carried that line. I saw the 2.86 pack but was not sure about the overage, so i grabbed a pack for 5.??. and the coupon would not scan(same at wags) but they entered it manually for 6.00… I am wishing i would have atleast tried it on the cheaper pack. Good luck to everyone that tries it.
I just went to walmart to try it. The cashier asked the csm if they do the $6 or the price of the item and they gave me the $6. I always have such a hard time at that store but this time it was amazing. Thank you so much for posting this it gave me a chance to get some items that my family really needed and no money to get them. I LOVE YOUR site!
Worked here at my Walmart in SWVA and I received money back from my purchase.
also just used this at walmart no problem getting the full 6 dollers on the coupon it wouldnt scan in but manual put in for 6 dollers 😀 i work at walmart so was nervous using them because i needed the overage hahaha.. good luck to everyonel… LOVE YOUR SITE
I also work at Walmart and I nervous about using them tonight… hopefully I get the overage but if I don’t I wont be upset. I hate dealing with them about coupons…
It would not scan either for me, but three managers looked it over and gave me the full $6 value so I got overage! Rockin awesome. 🙂
In my experience, any time a printable coupon won’t scan at Walmart, it is denied, no exceptions, no matter if the coupon had blinking lights that it’s being used correctly, everytime denied denied denied.
Maria- I agree! This happens at my Walmart all the time. Even if the coupon is legit, if it doesn’t scan, they won’t give it to me 🙁
same here, I tried to use it at walmart and since it wouldn’t scan they wouldn’t take it.
I printed it and the where it says the remit address is small and light so they wouldn’t take them and they also wouldn’t even scan
I also got mine!! I got 4 packs with overage, SWEET 🙂
This does not work. They don’t scan at any Wal-Mart. Tried 2, also if they don’t scan they technically dont have to take them. These coupons aren’t fake, but the company made a boo-boo when making these. The numbers for them Bri type I. don’t air either and I personally think that they shouldn’t be used. Also, if yoh were skeptical of thus deal than why would you post it….
I ran out to Walmart to try it last night. They gave me the free Tena’s but no overage, because it said up to $6.00. I have two free Tena’s that I will donate.
Got 4 of the “no rinse wash” tubes, got the overage. The checker was a little slow on deciding to honor them, but he did. That’s right, HE. Pick you checkers well. Had a $24,73 subtotal, then after these and few other coupons, walked out with them paying me $4.27. I think I could do this every day.
Our (Southern,OH) Walmart would not take the coupon even on the $5.84 package. They also once again pulled the $1.97 razors, the $2.84 KY Jelly, the $0.97 Bic Pens, The $0.97 Vaselline & a few other items. They are also not allowing coupon usage on trial sizes, even when the coupon doesn’t state a size or restriction. They also prefer not to price match & have you use coupons, esp. when it makes the item free or too cheap. They say that they do not make a dime off of trial size/sample size/travels size items. Hmmm….
i live in Texas and if im lucky and i go to walmart in the morning they will have some of the regularly free items after coupons.
we often go up to ohio to visit and stay with family, now ive read on other blogs from people claiming to work at walmart and they say that walmart would NEVER remove somthing from the shelves just bc we are going to get it for free……i think this is a lie in the case of Central Ohio, everythime im up there every walmart i go to has REMOVED the tags where these items should be and when i ask an employee if they carry them they usually give me a weird look and say no. i dont understand this. They DO get every cent BACK for what the coupon was worth PLUS they get an .08 cent handling fee! so if they would wise up they are actually MAKING MORE MONEY then we are on these items.
i get so annoyed eveytime we go up to visit and i have learned to not even try walmarts i just stick to my weekly cvs and walgreens trips.
I too tried to use this coupon at my Walmart in NC and it wouldn’t scan so they would not honor it.
I have two regular checkers i use at walmart and luckily one of them was there yesterday when i used my coupons. i printed 4 and he pushed all four through. they would NOT scan as pp’s said. he had to manually enter the price.
Well, I almost got the larger package that would have still been a money maker, but I went back before I went to the check out and got the small package – thinking “Hey the worst that can happen is they say no to the coupon.” I’m glad I did it because they did give it to me. 🙂
However, I did have something strange happen that has ever occurred before: 5 of my 20 coupons didn’t get taken off of my receipt. Since I had a detailed list I was able to call them (I know, check receipt in store – but like I said, this has never happened before) and tell them my whole list of coupons. They got them from the register, checked them against their computer record of my receipt, bundled them up and they’re waiting in the safe for my next visit – when I’ll be credited for them. I am impressed! And they were wonderful about the whole thing. 🙂
Um…. can you print as many as you want? Not sure about this but I would like to use it!
Integrity is a big responsibility.
It says print one…I will print one, it’s honorable.
It shouldn’t be a money maker because it says up to. It is for the value of the product. It’s fraud. I like getting coupons like this so I do what I can not to be greedy or abusive.