I don’t watch horror movies, and never have, I don’t like to be freaked out and I am way to visual of a person. I was not prepared to see this horrifying display at my Walmart store clearly and cleverly displayed to scare all parents. Can you believe it is that time of year again already? I don’t know about you but this is scarier than any ghost or goblin I have ever seen!
The ornaments started creeping in like a zombie apocalypse about about three weeks ago! I have been so disturbed by it all I couldn’t even write about it until now, I have been trying to spare you the nightmares I have been going through! I just keep thinking: “I have 7 kids, 7 kids, 7 kids!”
I would estimate that about 15-20% of the store is already dedicated to Christmas. Three isles and the entire Home & Garden Center. It’s not even Halloween and a full month from Thanksgiving! What about the Pilgrims?? Don’t Forget about the Pilgrims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you ready to get bombarded with BLACK FRIDAY!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad I’ve already finished my christmas shopping for my 3 year old son. But everytime we go into walmart he gets so excited saying christmas trees christmas trees and santa claus I can’t reach when he see’s the big blown up ones on top of the shelves.It’s so funny
F U N N Y !!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t wait til Black Friday! Hope you’ll be doin updates on all the Walmart Black Friday goodies to be leaked
I can’t even bring myself to think about Christmas. Each year it seems like the stores gear up earlier and earlier for the consumer frenzy.
Im so not looking forward to Christmas just yet! AND I don’t even have kids! However I have a big family to shop for..
Hopefully they like Shampoo,Body Wash & toothpaste lmao
my nephew made comments about all the “hygene products” he got the last 2 years – but he loved the Oral B toothbrush that cost about $30 before ECB and q…
paul..your last sentence scares me…have you been eating too much halloween candy????
will never do black friday at walmart here again, my sister asked a police officer, (yes ours has to have cops patrolling the aisles) to watch a man who was acting strange behind her at the towels. the cop laughed and went on, well, needless to say, the man pushed her down and pulled another lady by the hair to get to the towels. the other lady’s brother had the guy in a headlock. terrible. anyway, the cops wouldn’t do anything because they said they didn’t see it and the managers had to ice down my sister’s arm and shoulder. never again.
I live in a pretty small town so our black friday never gets that out of hand. Just a few really rude people but hardly ever does anyone get hurt. I just love getting deals!
I only have two and I am freaking out! I need to get a ipod and a cell phone. I am hoping I can catch one or the either on sale somewhere!
It amazes me what kids get for Christmas and their birthdays. I was lucky to get socks and underwear, and a candy cane stick and an orange in my stocking! I have 3 kids ages 5, 3, and 2 they get ONE from “santa” and mommy and daddy buys the rest and its not that many, or its a handful of things I found on sale. Children do not need expensive gadgets especially when they just get damaged, broken, lost, or stolen. Kids have too much these days.
My husband works for a Walmart Distribution Center, he said they started seeing Christmas Items come through there before back to school items in August….at this point I expect there to be aisle’s dedicated to Christmas year round soon….geez….
They do it EARLIER every year!!
When I go to WalMart and I am around the Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Aisle…. I just say to other people around me shopping…..
MERRY HALLOTHANKSMAS…..covers them all….lol
My husband and I were at Wally World 2weeks ago and they had Christmas stuff out. It actually made me mad that they are shoving Christmas items down our throats already. Like Pat said in the comments, it gets earlier and earlier every year. Parents (and non parents:) have enough stress on their shoulders as it is, and seeing that before we have celebrated Halloween AND thanksgiving is a little disheartening. don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas, but give us a break Walmart!
I Agree that each year Christmas gets earlier and earlier. I also believe a lot of people have lost the true meaning of Christmas and only think about how much they are going to spend. Everyone should be thankful for what they have not getting more. My Hobby Lobby has had there Christmas stuff out for a few months now.
I work for Walmart and yes, we have had Christmas on display since the end of September.
People need to get a grip… it is not even Halloween! Stop and smell the roses and enjoy the moment uh which is Autumn and Halloween. I went to McDonald’s last night and they already had the restaurant decorated for Christmas. Really… how sad.