$3/ any 2 Baby Alive refill packs. Apparently the Baby Alive dolls are actual living creatures. You can feed them these refill packs and change their diapers. It seems a bit creepy to me but I am sure some little girl is thrilled with all this. I will try to remember to look up the cost the next time I am in Walmart, which should be tonight at about 10:30. Click HERE for a direct link to the coupon!
Walmart Clearance Deals: Olay, Old Spice & more Gift Sets for $6.50
Olay and Old Spice, Venus, Gillette Body Care Essentials Gift Sets are on clearance for only $6.50. They are advertising Bonus 1 year magazine subscriptions with them. My understanding is that you can only do one magazine subscription per household. I would look at this as a great deal even without the magazine subscriptions but a definite bonus if you haven’t ordered one yet!
Walmart Price Match Deals: Walgreens & CVS
Walmart Value of the Day: $209 Westinghouse 26″ Class LED-LCD 1080p
Check out this hot Walmart Value of the Day on a Westinghouse 26″ Class LED-LCD 1080p TV for $209. The closest thing I can find is a 24″ for $229.00 on Amazon.
*HOT* Nesquik Coupon + HOT Walmart Deals!
There is also a really HOT coupon for $1/2 Nesquik drinks. These are priced at only $.98 at Walmart so only $.48 after coupon!
Buy 2 Nesquik $.98
Use $1/2 Nesquik Printable HERE
Total: $.48 each!
HOT Walmart Deals
Hot Walmart Coupon Deal: $3.00/10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones
$3.00/10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones Frozen Meals.I have told you before how many NOT Smart Ones I see buying these at Walmart. What I mean is that I see people buying these without coupons all the time. These are among the easiest coupons to find and yes, you have to buy to use the coupon, but the people I see buying these every day are buying them 5-10 at a time. This coupon is for $3.00 off 10, normally the coupon is for $1.00/5 . This makes for a killer deal on these and some needed help for those New Years Goals!
Weight Watchers Smart Ones: $1.78 x 10
$3.00/10 Smart Ones Printable Coupon (direct link)
Total: $1.48 each
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