Click to get a copy of the Walmart Ad Match Policy and the Walmart Coupon Policy
I was checking out the other day at Walmart and I noticed I was in the line of a cashier that gives people a little trouble about price matching. Now this woman has no idea who I am, (not that i’m important, but I spend so much time in the store it is darn near impossible to not know me) so I decide to price match something without my ads.
Just as has been reported, she asks me for the ads and just looks completely confused when I say “Sorry, I don’t have them but the price of X is Y at Kroger.”
She replies, “Well I can’t PM without an ad.”
I smile, and point to the sign right above her register that has the Walmart Ad Match Policy on it.
“According to your sign, I don’t need my ad.” I say.
What does she say? “Fine, JUST THIS ONE TIME, I will do it without an ad.”
This past month we had the opportunity to go on a 2 week road trip. We stopped at no less then 8 different Walmarts along the way. Each store had this same sign at each register, so I am guessing they are going to be in just about EVERY store. I think you should still have the policy with you, BUT make sure to take notice of the policy in case you need to point it out when you are checking out!
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