This Sunday you can expect 2 inserts in your paper, the Smart Source and a Redplum. I am working on the match ups right now but here is a list of the coupons you can expect!
If you want the Houston Chronicle papers delivered to your home for $.99 a week, and up to 5 papers (Sunday only subscription) go HERE!
Did you know you can print coupons for free? You can go HERE to, Smart Source and Red Plum.
Smart Source
Aleve $1/1 D product (6/16)
Aleve $1/1 product 40ct+ (6/16)
Alka-Seltzer $1/1 product excludes plus cold products (6/16)
Alka-Seltzer $2/1 plus product 20ct+ excludes antacid (6/30)
Bayer $1/1 aspirin product 20ct+ (6/16)
Betty Crocker $.50/2 fruit snacks (5/10)
Bronkaid $1/1 product (6/16)
Brut $1/1 classic fragrance or antiperspirant/deodorant (4/16) ETS
Chock Full O’Nuts $1/1 ground coffee (4/30)
Citracal $1/1 product (6/16)
Crystal Light $.50/1 powdered tea drink mix (4/30)
Crystal Light $1/1 liquid drink mix (4/30)
Depend $1/1 product (4/26)
Depend $2/1 bed and seat protectors 8ct+ (4/26)
Depend $2/1 shields or guards for men (4/26)
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