This is a post you can forward to your husbands or it might be for the 5 guys that I know stop by here. Unless you have been in a cave, you are probably aware that Valentines Day is tomorrow. If you are the typical male you probably haven’t completed your Valentines Day plans yet.
Don’t worry, I Heart the Mart is here to help. I found some great ideas to make it a special night, and no this post will not include anything from the Health and Beauty Isles.
I saw these really beautiful roses for only $15.00 and they had a 1/2 Dozen for only $6.00. I don’t think they really thought that one through on the pricing, but regardless I can pick up a dozen roses for my beautiful wife and a 1/2 dozen for each of my gorgeous girls!
These candles will look awesome for my annual Valentines Dinner. Every year I make a special dinner for everyone and we decorate the table real fancy. When I say “fancy”, I mean red paper table cloths and heart candles! These will make a nice upgrade.
Now for my relationship/life saving advice: Guys, Read Carefully!
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is it okay to buy Lingerie from Walmart for your wife!
Would she look amazing in it, absolutely! Does she love animal prints? Maybe. But the answer is still NO!!
I suppose there could be a scenario where you could cut all the tags and stick it in a Victoria Secret box. You would have to be very clever and VERY ACCURATE!
Imagine this scene: Your lovely wife is returning her item for a correct size and the “really friendly” 20 year old tells her its from Walmart! It’s too painful to think about, please up your life insurance if you plan on being a daredevil.
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