Martha & Marley Spoon Meal Prep Box Special Offer! For a limited time, Try 4 Meal Kits with $80 Off and enjoy fresh ingredients and brilliant recipes delivered to your door. Savings will be applied to your first four meal kits at $20 Off each for a total savings of $80 Off. Great way to try Martha & Marley Spoon Meal Prep and test out your culinary skills.
- Decide when you want to cook and skip a week when the timing doesn’t work. You can plan up to 5 weeks ahead.
- The finest purveyors to deliver ingredients like grass-fed beef, Berkshire pork, American-caught shrimp, artisanal cheeses, and more to your door.
Decide exactly what you’d like to cook from a menu featuring 20 recipes every week. Select from categories like Health & Diet, Vegetarian & Vegan, Meat & Fish, Under 30 Minutes, and Family-Friendly!
You can view the current weekly menu here. There are 20 recipes from 5 categories every week: Health & Diet, Vegetarian & Vegan, Meat & Fish, Under 30 Minutes, and Family-Friendly.
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