Be sure to look around while you are at Walmart, I found these Fruit Crunch bars Samples just sitting there waiting for me to take one.
Free Sample for Simply U Shampoo and Conditioner
Head over to and request a free sample of Simply U Shampoo & Conditioner. Thanks freebies4mom
Free Samples
What better way to try the products then for free. While searching around for the best deal around, I have noticed quite a few free samples that are still available, some I have already posted about and some are new, check them out.
Woolite Extra Dark Care Detergent
Which samples are you going to be requesting?
**It’s BACK!** Free Schick Hydro Silk Razor on
Hurry over to to get a free Schick Hydro Silk Razor sample. These samples go quick and come back often so if you miss it don’t get discouraged just keep checking back!
There are a lot of people trying to get one so just keep clicking, it took me a few times to get through!
Free Sample Of ProForce Carpet Cleaner at Sam’s Club
Head over to Sams Club online and grab your free samples of both ProForce Carpet Cleaner and No Rinse Floor Cleaner. Click on the white dot by the handle of the bottle to order yours. Thanks, Couponsavingsista!
**You will have to be a member to order this sample.
Free Schick Hydro Silk Razor on
Hurry over to to get a free Schick Hydro Silk Razor sample. These samples go quick and come back often so if you miss it don’t get discouraged just keep checking back!
There are a lot of people trying to get one so just keep clicking, it took me a few times to get through!
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