We wanted to share an important initiative happening right now on that we hope you’ll be a part of.
We know that, as ALL YOU readers, you’re great at saving money for your family. But we’re so excited that so many of you have joined our cause and are using your savings to help other families. In September, ALL YOU kicked off Couponing for Good, all about doing what you do best and sharing your extras with those in need. If you’re not familiar with Couponing for Good, the idea is simple: Use your extra coupons to purchase food, toiletries, and household supplies, then donate your finds to local charities.
If you’re already Couponing for Good or want to start, take our pledge! Let the rest of the ALL YOU community know that you’re using coupons to help others.
Every little bit makes a difference, but if you think you’ve got the best Couponing for Good story, we want to hear it. How do you harness your couponing and saving skills to help your community? Do you give extras from your stockpile to food pantries? Donate part of the cash you save by being thrifty? Visit our Daily Savings Blog and tell us what you do to help the people around you, and what you’ve achieved, and you could be featured on the site. We’re picking 10 of the best, most inspiring stories to feature on the blog, and we’re going to give these lucky winners a year’s subscription to ALL YOU to say thank you for their good work.
Be sure to add your entry soon! Our contest ends on Tuesday, November 8th and noon, EST.
We know your readers will be excited to get involved with Couponing for Good, so please share the links below so they can join the cause and start making a difference as well!
Join ALL YOU in our mission to Coupon for Good here:
Enter your story for a chance to win here:
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