SAVE $2.00 Kentucky Legend: On Any Whole, Half, or Quarter Ham or Turkey Breast or Bacon.
I don’t even know if they carry this at Walmart but it’s Meat and says BACON so I am contractually obligated by my DNA to post this coupon.
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Mar 31 by Paul Ivanovsky 1 Comment
SAVE $2.00 Kentucky Legend: On Any Whole, Half, or Quarter Ham or Turkey Breast or Bacon.
I don’t even know if they carry this at Walmart but it’s Meat and says BACON so I am contractually obligated by my DNA to post this coupon.
Jan 16 by Paul Ivanovsky 7 Comments
I saw these two coupons for Hormel Products next to each other on I don’t know if Chili and Bacon go together but I can’t think of a reason why they wouldn’t. Bacon goes with everything right! My favorite way to use these bacon bits in my omelets. I know, I know back to breakfast foods again, but I type where my brain goes.
Hormel Chili: $1.24
$.55/2 Hormel Chili Coupons
Total: $.96 each
Hormel Bacon Pieces: $2.22
$.55/2 Hormel Bacon Pieces Coupons
Total: $1.94 each
Dec 24 by Paul Ivanovsky Leave a Comment
Hormel is offering a coupon for $.55 off two Real Bacon Topping products. I realize this is not a real high value coupon but it is also a product that rarely has a coupon. I love this on my salads and I use bacon pieces in my morning omelet. So while it is not a high dollar coupon it has some value to me because this is a product I am going to buy. I could really use a bacon, ham and mushroom omelet right now!
I am also 100% certain that bacon IS not only an acceptable last minute Christmas Gift, it will vault you(i’m sure you’re already there) to the coolest wife in the County!
Hormel Bacon Pieces: $2.22
$.55 off 2 Printable Coupon (77380)
Total: $1.95
Oct 26 by Paul Ivanovsky 6 Comments
This AWESOME coupon is back for $1.50 off Hormel Canadian Bacon! First many of you have not been able to find this Pizza Style Bacon in your store, I would suggest to ask and look around. At my store is was NOT by the other bacon or by the pepperoni, it was on a hang tag by the string cheese! Thanks Printable Coupons and Deals!
You can get the Pizza Style super cheap with this coupon, I use it for the kind in the picture. I make eggs every morning and have this with it. I am doing the low carb thing and this is a staple for me as it has less fat than regular bacon.
Buy 1 Hormel Pizza Canadian Style Bacon $1.80
Use the $1.50/1 coupon found here
Total: $0.30!
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