There is a new $0.75 off Wet Ones Wipes Products! You can find the canisters for $1.98. These are great for the car, a small diaper bag, purses and really great for backpacks.
Wet Ones Wipes: $1.98
$0.75 off Wet Ones Wipes Products.
Total: $1.23
Price Match at Walmart, Coupon at Walmart, Save Money at Walmart
How to Coupon and Price Match at Walmart
Aug 11 by Paul Ivanovsky 3 Comments
There is a new $0.75 off Wet Ones Wipes Products! You can find the canisters for $1.98. These are great for the car, a small diaper bag, purses and really great for backpacks.
Wet Ones Wipes: $1.98
$0.75 off Wet Ones Wipes Products.
Total: $1.23
Aug 6 by Paul Ivanovsky 2 Comments
If you haven’t already printed this Avent coupon be sure to head over HERE and do so. You can use it to score the following deal at Walmart.
Avent 2 Pack of Soothies: $3.74
Use $1.50/1 Avent Pacifier Pack printable
Total: $2.24
There are 3 Avent more coupons that you can print today. If you are using Avent products and have a baby you know how pricy these can be! I am currently looking for some places to use these, if you have seen any sales let everyone know!
Aug 2 by Paul Ivanovsky 3 Comments
Just in case you missed these great coupons.
Here is a hot $0.75 off 1 Gerber Organic Pouch Product. This makes them only $.69 after coupon. Andie LOVES these and the pouches make them so easy to eat with almost zero mess.
* I can’t tell you how good these coupons are! Last time we saw these they were $.75/4!
Gerber Organic Pouches: $1.44
Use $0.75 off 1 Gerber Organic Pouch Product
Total: $.69 each
Again, this is a super high value coupon for this product! Last time we saw these they were $.75/4!
Gerber Graduates Grabbers: $1.50
Use $0.75 off Gerber Graduates Grabbers
Jul 5 by Paul Ivanovsky 1 Comment
$2.00 off any 2 Playtex OrthoPro or Binky Pacifier. As many of you know I have 7 kids (yes they are all mine, I think. Yes, we know what causes it and yes we have a TV.) and therefore we have plenty of experience in the Binky VS Pacifier debate.
People are fairly passionate about this for some reason. Both habits are pretty gross when you think about it and equally hard to break.
It is much more difficult to get rid of a thumb like you can a pacifier, getting rid of a thumb may also cause some issues with Child Protective Services.
A thumb however is like a best friend, always there when you need it. it doesn’t get dropped or lost and is just the right size! If you are a binky believer this will be good for 4 binkies which should last you at least 3 weeks! 🙂
Playtex Binky: $4.97
$2.00 off any 2 Playtex OrthoPro or Binky Pacifier
Total: $3.97
Jul 5 by Paul Ivanovsky Leave a Comment
$1.10/2 Gerber Juice Coupon. Apple Juice is probably my kids favorite juice, if it weren’t for chocolate milk I would be able to say their favorite drink. You can also get the Gerber Splashers with this coupon which will run about $2.04 for a 32 oz bottle.
The stuff that is good for you is always a little bit more expensive, this coupon definitely helps to bring the price down!
Gerber 100% Juice: $2.26
$1.10/2 Gerber 100% juice Coupon
Total: $1.71 each
Jun 10 by Paul Ivanovsky 1 Comment
I shared this deal with you the other day based on what I was seeing online. I’ve since located this in stores and the price is near identical. This would make a nice baby shower gift if you know someone expecting. It’s hard to find practical baby gear for under $50 a pop and you sure can’t get a high chair new for under that.
Save $7/1 Fisher Price SaveSaver High Chair. We may even get an opportunity to price match this with a Babies’R’Us deal!
Fisher Price SpaceSaver High Chair: $53.94
Use $7/1 Fisher Price coupon
Total: $46.94
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