The $.75 off any Summer’s Eve External Product coupon is back…. Walmart has the Cleansing Cloths for only $.81 cents. I was trying to think of something clever and not too tacky, when I clicked on the link to the coupon I discovered there would be nothing I could say or do, that is worse than what is on their site. All I can say is WOW!
Buy Summer’s Eve Cleansing Cloths $1.56
Use $.75/1 Summer’s Eve External Product printable
Total: $.81
* P.S. If you give them your email address you can get a $2/2 coupon, making these only $.56 each.
OH NO THEY DID NOT!!!!!! I am not sure if I should laugh or cry! Or maybe both!
OMG! That is hilarious! I swear I read your blog just to see what you are going to say everyday, thanks!!
lol omg i love the hand
wow…. I too am speechless……
Ummm.. yeah. Hahahahahaha!
lmao!! im with you!! all i can saw is WOW!! lol!! some of the stuff they come up with now a days is just!!
I always thought it was something else that makes my Vagina happy ! ROFL
I love it. Finally a femine product ad that’s not all flowers and paradise. It’s funny and grabs your attention. Prompts to the advertising mind behind this.
WOW. When I went the their site I was too speechless. I just sat there going…Ohh my!
Wow! There are no words!
OMG!!!!! LOL
Oh my…did they really just do that???
LOL! WOW…..I would hate to see how they would advertise a men’s product!
wow…i’m a woman & i was freaked out by that site…that generally doesn’t happen considering i’m a nurse and have seen it all…i’m not sure if i should roll on the floor laughing or go scrub my eyes out b/c of the “talking” hand
I’ve seen that before, it is totally rediculous, they need to rethink their marketing strategy and make it more…mature? But all in all, THANK YOU FOR THE HEADS UP ON THE COUPON!
Um We are all Adults right? We all have a VAGINA or a Penis. Why do people still offended or shy about this? Seriously? Its a product that many woman use and if they see this will they now be embarrassed or ashamed that they have to purchase this? Now if I print this and go buy this will i be ashamed if another couponer runs into me?
Don’t you love it when your vagina is having a chatty day? Come on, really? I’m guessing this was a male driven marketing campagin
What a terribly tacky ad. Not tastefully done in my opinion, nothing cute. It’s not like they use a “talking” armpit to advertise deodorant or a “talking” tushie for diapers/wipes/diaper creams. What ever happened to their ads about the “not so fresh feeling” with real women? Not cool SE, not cool.
Thanks for the coupon though Paul! I can always donate this!
ok – so that was disturbing. Can’t believe they do that for advertising. Hey its memorable – but umm no.
thats HILARIOUS!! I LOVE the talking hand vagina lmao
WOW! I’m speechless too…’s like a car accident you just can’t look away! Funny….yes…..Shocking…..yes……
Holy cow! I looked through the site…. my co-worker and I haven’t laughed so hard… I’m glad they have that Vaglossery! lol too funny but a little too weird. Thanks for the Q! lol
Alrighty then, lol!!!!!
after reading all these comments i really expected something….well not sure what i expected the ad to be like. but i can say i didnt find it disturbing as some have, or funny. kinda dumb actually.
I just checked out the website. I really don’t know what to say. I don’t find it funny. I didn’t expect that kind of advertisement. Makes me not want to buy the product if that’s the mentality they have.
I’m just not sure that the page has vagina written on it enough times… *sarcasm* haha. And p.s. if your lady parts are talking.. you need more than summers eve. lol
HAIL TO THE V!! LOL! *Print..print…*
LMAO!!! I just HAD to look at the site to see what it said. Of course, I printed the coupons too (thank you), but I had a good laugh while printing. =D
Seriously?!?!?!?! A Va-jay-jay hand puppet?!?!?!
You’re right… nothing you could have said would have been worse that THAT!
LOL…I just spent 30 min. reading through the site! I thought it was clever… Why are some people still ashamend of their private parts??? The 5 ladies in my office (ages 20-57) just took a field trip on this site. We took the quiz and read the Vaglossery and everything, and there are some things we didn’t know (like all the parts of the V) and some things we learned from it! All in good fun! Thanks for the coupon! (:
Hilarious. Gotta love it when your “v” is happy!!
Now that ain’t from your mommas advertising era…..I don’t know if i should say wow, lol, or ?
Oh. My. Gosh….Should that site be rated? LOL!
Their site made me WANT to buy their product because they have a sense of humor and it’s not all hush hush as if it’s a secret and embarrassing we have a vagina. I loved the site!
I called my husband out of his office and had him look at the summers eve website! It never fails, if I havent laughed today, I can count on a knee slapper every time I visit your site!
One more thing….did anyone notice that thats a mans hand making the ummmmm..’impression’.
OMG I had to pull it up myself to see what was going on…….wow! I did however pull the coupon, thanks for the tips daily on this stuff. I really enjoy shopping on a small budget when these coupons make it possible.
More educated now. ??
That’s some hand puppet. LOLOLOL
Just WOW!!!
Thank You
I can just imagine a man looking at the Summer’s Eve presentation. Holy Cow! Even I jumped back from my screen.
lol. too dang funny!!
Whole new spin on the Vagina Monologues
It puts a whole new spin on the Vagina Monologues
holy cow that was funny!! I had to show my husband i called him into the room and he was like really you called me in here for this, he doesnt like to talk about girly parts LMAO