This week you need to take a look at the Staples ad and check out the BIC round stic pens for $.01 each! I posted about them earlier HERE.
Buy 4 Bic Round Stic Pens: $0.04 (Price Match Staples ad 7/7-7/13)
Use TWO $1.50/2 Bic Stationary Products Coupon
Total: FREE + $2.96 MM!!
* It is up to your store if you need to have a $5 purchase or not. But really, to get 4 packs of pans, it will be easy to make a $5 purchase. ALSO, the coupon might give you a free pen and not the coupon, some people are reporting.
Check out the Avery dividers for only $.25!! Putting together a coupon binder?? Well you might want these!
We are ALWAYS on the lookout for deals on Sharpie markers and these are a GREAT price at Staples. Make sure to price match them at Walmart!
Just wanted to let everyone know even if you win the pen, you can unlike the page and like it again and the option for the coupons will be available.
Just a question…….can we get 4 packs of pens or do we have to go by the Staples limit of just 2? Thanks for the matchups.
I went to walmart tonight to try to do this pen deal and when I went to check out I was told that according to walmart policy that you can not price match any ad that requires a seperate purchase to get that price and after asking for the manager (cause I didn’t think the cashier was right) the manager showed me the ad match policy and she was right – it says very clearly that you cant price match any ad that requires a separate purchase to get the ad price on the item – I thought I would let you know incase you didn’t know that it said that
We do not match the price in the following types of competitor ads:
•Items that require a separate purchase to get the ad price ◦example: “Buy [item A] to get [item B] for $C”
Thank you, I do realize what the policy says. However I think it can be confusing because according to corporate they also price match Kroger mega events which require a purchase of 10 or 8 or however many to get the final price of the item. I completely agree with you and will call for some more clarification because I have not asked this year and I remember going over this last year at Back to School with these deals. I can’t remember the final outcome and why they said we could.
that’s very true – I didn’t think about Kroger – my store lets me price match kroger all the time with their 10 for 10 deals – thats weird
Pam honestly I called but didn’t hear back today. I completely agree on what it says and follow what the policy tells you. Let me see what they say when they call back. I tried pulling up my notes from last year, and couldn’t find it.
Paul ~ on the paper rewards, can you turn around and use the reward money to get another ream of paper?