Earlier today I had the chance to film a segment for a local news station about price matching at Walmart. I only brought a CVS ad and HEB ad to the store. I talked about how I have 3 grocery stores and 2 drug stores in my area, so 5 total places to run around to and get the good deals. WAIT, I don’t want to have to go to all of them!
I bought $75 worth of items at Walmart, and price matched each item to either CVS or HEB. My total after that was $43! I saved $30 without even using a coupon, or going to 2 other stores!
To print some coupons from home go HERE. There are a bunch of good ones.
Food & Beverage:
**Don’t forget to check all the toys in clearance for some GREAT deals! When you buy any Hasbro toy you can submit for the FREE Tombstone pizza!
Check out the Under $1 page HERE to get some cheap deals!
Does WalMart also price match with other grocery stores?
Yes they do! They will price match a store within 3 miles (in my area)!
For CVS ads – Do they give you the price after ECB? For instance, if the ad says “It’s like getting it for 2.99″…will Walmart give you the 2.99 price??
Unfortunately, they do not.
When I price match an item at Walmart, can I also use a coupon on that item?
This is so great that you are sharing this kind of info with the community. I actually didn’t know about the price matching, but learned when you first addressed it on your blog and it has definitely been an added convenience.
Can you price match store brand items from another grocery store? If yes, do I need to stick with WM’s store brand of the same item? Or can it be any brand as long as the size/count/etc. match exactly?
Hi Paul,
Question for you. Can I price match and use a manufacture coupon?
Price matching seems like a pain to be honest. Say I went to Walmart for 20 items and price matched them ALL..would’nt I be there all day showing them each individual item in an ad??
Or you can spend all day driving around to other stores.
Good point. I just get nervous EVERY time I go thru checkout with my stack of coupons…lol Just figured it would take forever thats all.
Paul, learning to price match….we live in a very small town and there is not much comp to price match. Nearest city is 2 1/2 hours away.
When price matching…I should get my inserts from other stores. Do you then take them to WM and wander around the store matching or do you do this from online somehow and then compile a list?
Give me that info PLEASE!!!
I have bought a bunch of Hasbro the last few days.
Please post the link to your shopping segment when it becomes available. I would love to see it. Thanks so much!
Hi Paul,
I am mad at Kroger for changing their coupon policy, soooo I decided to try out price matching at Walmart this weekend. It was SO VERY EASU. I want to thank you for having such a great site to help.