Check out these great deals on school supplies. The 2013-2014 school year is quickly approaching and now is the time to stock up on supplies for the year! Several of the big office supply stores have penny deals. Price match at Walmart and get everything you need in one place.
These 1 cent deals. say only with a $5 min. purpose! exactly how does that work with the deal. I am new at these and want to understand it fully before I go shopping. Does this mean that i can only spend up to $5 order on this stuff or do i have to spend $5 to get the cent deal. Please help. thank you!
srry. purchase also when your price matching at Walmart does that $5 min. have to be included! thanks. cant wait to hear back so i can go shopping n not miss the deal.
The 1cent is if you buy 5 dollars worth? Walmart doesn’t price match that deal?
Im alittle confused on this deal. I know that it says limit 2 per costumer so there is not way you could reach the value of $5..
It will be up to your store. Some managers require a $5 purchase ( of anything ) and some will just price match it.
The folders and glue are Office Max brand? How do you price match those at Wal-mart? New to this, but I thought the brand had to be the same as well? Thank you.
ok i have figured that out! but what wal-mart said they cant price match that because that is a in store only deal. so what do i do?
I agree about the brand deals. Some walmarts will price match store brands with store brand, but I have never tried on non-foods. Will they do that?