Most of you know Tiffany and I teach coupon classes in Houston. I get a lot of people that ask if I could teach one near where they live. Well, here is your chance!
Join me Wednesday at 10:30 am CST for I Heart the Mart Radio for a live 30 minute Coupon and Price Match Class. Our classes usually run about 3 hours but Tiffany isn’t going to be in this one so I should be able to knock it out in about 30 minutes! 🙂
You can join in the show by calling and talking to me live or you we can live chat when you use the link and LOGIN with Facebook! Hopefully I can answer any questions you have or give you some ideas on how to save 40-60% every month off your grocery bill!
Listen Live 10:30 AM CST Wednesdays!
The Live Call in number is (323) 580-5731
i did have a question, I use coupons from other stores like Randall’s or heb show them to Walmart and they pricematch them then I use the coupons. that is the legitimate way to do this right?
Walmart accepts competitor coupons that have a state price. Here is a post I did that may help: