Walmart is having some amazing deals on camping and outdoor gear. The Best Choice Products Plush Quilted Double Hammock w/ Spreader Bars price has been reduced to $45.99 (Was $117.99). Get the backyard ready because warm weather and grilling season will soon be here.
- Pairs perfectly with our Adjustable Hammock Stand for Hammocks 9-14ft Long, SEARCH: B071V89F8H (SOLD SEPARATELY)
- Relax on the thick, pillow-like cushioning of this hammock that’s large enough to fit 2 people
- Metal rings on each end provide stability while wooden spreader bars provide a flat bed surface
- Made with weather-resistant polyester to last and looking stylish through the season
- Bed Dimensions: 66″(L) x 56″(W) x 2.5″(Thick); Weight Capacity: 350 lbs.
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