Check out the clearance items that reader Karen’s husband scored at the checkout counter tonight!
From Karen: “Hubby made 2 trips to Walmart today. One with coupons for all free stuff. Final before taxes? -$.36. Second trip to get our 3 year old son a hair cut. At the checkout was a section with toys all marked clearance. Most marked $4 , 5 and 7. Register rung them up as $1 each !!!”
Although these toys were on sale and marked at $4, $5 and $7 they all rang up FOR $1 EACH!!!!! WOW!!
Thanks for sharing Karen! What we really want to know is what all he got for $.36?!
He got the John Frieze hairspray and mousse, Loreal Advanced shampoo and conditioner, Gold Bond Anti-Itch lotion, El Monterey burritos, Duncan Hines frosting packs, Bic Razors, Poise all free with overage and Nissin Chow Mein. Everything you’ve posted on your website, lol. I love your site!!!
OMG!! I bought that same lite sprite toy for $15 at target!!!! WOWWWWW! Too bad I’ve opened it and tossed the receipt already!! Dang!!!