This is a great trip by Reader X, it is her second time being featured so I am gonna pick on her a little bit. I just want to take the opportunity to show you how important it is to look closely at the wording on the packages. Everything in her trip looks great with the exception of 2 small issues. The Renuzit is the “Super Odor Killer” not “Super Odor Neutralizer”. Now I am not going to freak out because their is no difference in price and the names are very close, I’m sure it was an honest mistake. The second is that I encourage people not to remove coupons from one store to use at another. I know for a fact the vendors don’t care, they just want their product moved. Since you price matched them to the same store that you got the blinkie coupon from, you might as well have just picked them up at that time. Reader X, I hope you are okay with a bit of correction. I am here to help people save money, share deals and to learn as well. Everything else ROCKS, and overall you did great. Here it is in her own words:
Here is this weeks Walmart trip…not quite as big as last week, there were a lot of great local store sales on meat so I stocked up on that this week!
De Waffelbakkers pancakes 3.28, (4) Purina One cat food
2.57=10.28, Goodnites 9.47, Similac 3.48, (2) Bic Razors
.97=1.94, (8) trays Whiskas cat food=4.40, (6) Hartz nursing
bottles 1.27=7.62, Suave Professionals 2.74, Kids Crest
1.00 —- total before coupons=44.21
Price Matches:
(8)Pepsi Max (price-matched to Dominicks, a Safeway store)
originally 1.25, price matched to .89 —before price match
1.25 each=$10.00
(4)Renuzit (price-matched to Dollar General)originally .94,
price matched to .85—before price match total =$3.76
*Total before price match =57.97
*Total after price match=54.93
*Total after coupons= 12.53
Its become pretty usual for a manager to be called over
when I check out, but the cashier and the manager were both
SOO nice! The manager asked me where I got my .55cent off
blinkies for the Pepsi Max (which by the way, I found at
I pick up blinkies all the time that aren’t on sale that week, but save for the future. Guessing that probably happened…
I pick up. Blinkies so often that I can’t remember where I got each one. Why do you consider it wrong to use them at a different store? In this case Walmart still gets paid back. I can’t figure why it would be wrong.
I dont consider it wrong either. I always pick up blinkies and then wait for a sale to come up.
On the similac did you use a 5.00check they send out… b/c the ones I have say the price must be greater than the check so I have been hesitant on using them
I am sorry but that’s just crazy. I understand not removing peelies but blinkies–no. They are manufacturer coupons, correct? I don’t mean this to be ugly, but if I were “x,” I would be a little upset. Although you didn’t reveal who this person is, I think most wouldn’t like to be openly criticized about something they worked hard on and are proud enough to share it with others. Couponing takes a lot of hard work and effort we ALL make mistakes from time to time. Many of them we catch ourselves after the fact. I think this discourages others from sharing their shopping trip pics–something I really enjoy viewing. Again, I am not trying to be ugly here–just honest.
I appreciate the opinion, and here are my thoughts. Peelies are also MFG coupons, they are placed in the store by a vendor just like a blinkie machine is. I feel my job is not just to share deals but to make sure tht everything is being done properly so everyone has the opportunity to save money. I completely understand why people would do it, I am just trying to explain what I believe should be done.
Here’s a scenario: A Vendor runs a promotion that gives Store A a discounted price on a product that takes the price down to minimum profit. At Store B he runs a coupon promotion with blinkies that would also take the price down to minimum profit. If I take the peelie from Store B and use it at Store A I am now causing the vendor to lose money at Store A and there is no incentive to buy the product at Store B. The vendor is now losing at both stores. What is the likelihood he will run either promotion again?
I used to work for the company that puts up the “blinkies”. I went around to the stores that we were contracted with to install and remove the coupons. The reason why some people would consider it “wrong” would be because the stores that you find them in have paid to have them there. So that means that their advertising money is profiting another store.
Thank you for the other side of the story so to speak. I didn’t realize that stores have to pay for those blinkies. It definitly makes sense why it would be considered wrong then.
Wow thanks for posting this! (Paul, I don’t know why everyone is on your case, I agree with you).
I think your post about the blinkies Nancy should have it’s very own thread/page – everyone should read that!!
I’ve seen people snagging tons of peelies and blinkies and tearpads. Seriously people quit being so dang GREEDY.
Im surprised the super odor killer even rang up, I made the same mistake yesterday and the register beeped and wouldnt let me use BUT luckily the manager gladly ran to the air fresheners and grabbed me the correct ones :)))
I see,thanks for explaining,Nancy
I think its wrong to take 8 Blinkies. Save some for the rest of us.
Those machines have quite a bit in them. I have taken 10 blinkies before. Like Krogers will run a buy 10 sale and if there is a blinkie machine for that product, I will get 10 of them and 10 coupons from the machine. They are there to be used and as long as your not trying to get 20+ there is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
It would be so helpful if we all knew where the coupons came from! 🙂
I am going to chime in here because I know for a fact that taking blinkies from one store to another is ok. You see, I’m a rep for Smart Source (News America Marketing to be more specific). Yes, manufacturers prefer that you use coupons in the store they were installed in. But mostly they just want to increase their sales in a particular geographic area or during a particular campaign. So there is no reason to chastise anyone.
Why do I know this? ’cause I asked my boss before I ever took the job. No coupons? No me!
I have a similar question ..recently in my store there were samples of the new Downy Unstopables attatched by rubberband to Tide detergent. I really wanted to try the Downy but I never buy Tide. I took one off and threw it in my purse. Was this wrong? Could it be considered stealing?
Of course that is stealing! That is a freebie that people are getting for purchasing Tide. If they were meant for anyone to just take them and try them, they wouldn’t have attached them to a bottle that you are meant to purchase. They would have someone giving them out as free samples.
IMO, the sample was attached the Tide and therefore intended as free wyb Tide, so I would consider it stealing.
Oh, and my Safeway has blinkies for the Goodnights. $2 off.
I was in no way chastising or sentencing anyone to do hard time. The title of the post says “Another Great Haul”. She did a great job, I also said that vendors don’t care. I am really sorry if it came across as beating her up. I used “pick on her” as a friendly term.
I do think you handled it nicely. And by still posting her brag but not naming her so others didn’t think badly of her. Very respectful of you. : )
I have said this before and will say it again to Paul….. You consider this as “wrong” to take peelies and blinkies……. I wonder if you print off internet coupons with more than one computer because the “limit” is 2 per household.
No, I don’t.
taking peelies IS wrong. Actually I’ve seen some peelies lately that say “void unless removed by cashier at checkout” – granted people will only stick them on the item they are purchasing. But this is only the beginning of more changes.
My question is- how did she get 3 of the Hartz coupons for the overage on the bottles. I’m only assuming she used 3 of them.
Im assuming that the number of people sending you “haul” pictures will decrease now for fear of judgement and criticism. I really hate Walmart but like your site alot and I was very dissappointed to read your comments about her haul. Thank goodness you called her “X”. I will not be participating in your site any longer. There is no need to swat hands with a ruler when we are all working for the same goal. We get enough judgement and humiliation from our cashiers and managers Lord knows we dont need to beat up each other.
To his defense, he emailed me and asked my permission to pick on me before he did it. If I made “mistakes” Id rather know than be in the dark! To answer some questions, yes, I used 3 Hartz Coupons ( I had printed them before the min purchase amt part was added)–I DID take the blinkies from one store to use at another because the store I found them at told me I could since they hadnt been getting Pepsi Max in stock and werent sure when they were going to! I got a raincheck but spur of the moment decided to grab them at Walmart later….(I was thirsty, sorry!!) I dont think 8 is excessive, especially when 4 of those were laying on the shelf, “discarded”.
I made an honest mistake with the renuzit, they say “odor neutralizer” on the back of them. I saw that and assumed they were the same. I wasnt aware there was a difference because I dont normally buy them! All of the cat food and nursers all got donated to the animal welfare, along with 10 other boxes I bought in the last week at different stores. I live in a VERY busy area. I have 15 walmarts and hundreds of grocery stores within 40 mins of my house. Buying 8 or even 10 of something at a big chain store was by no means clearing them out, and making things impossible for others to find!
I think it’s great you stepped out to comment on this! I think you had a great trip and I think paul is a great blogger. We all make mistakes and honestly I might have made the same small mistake had I not seen this post so I appreciate you letting Paul post this and pointing it out! It’s nice to have a visual! I hope you still know you did a GREAT job. I used to refuse to step into walmart but since this blog and seeing other reader’s success there I have ventured in here and there but everytime I do I save a lot.
I wish everyone would be more supportive of eachother. I don’t think Paul’s post was overly critical. I think as couponers, we need to hold eachother accountable but also edify eachother which I think he did very tastefully. I have made a similar mistake with another coupon and product and instead of someone being nice and telling me I still did a GREAT JOB but I made 1 little goof up, I WAS BLASTED by fellow couponers. I have been couponing for YEARS now, before all the stupid HOOPLAH of that stupid show but now with the rise of all the new couponers, there’s also a rise of people who feel the need to be coupon police. So if it’s not a reader’s mistake that is being crucified it’s a blogger’s opinion.
So for all of you blasting Paul for “blasting” a reader (which he did not, obviously), aren’t you just as guilty?
I say all you negative nancy’s need to step back and drink a pina coloda and relax. This is pure ridiculousness.
Thanks, Paul for clarifying. I’ll add my opinion while everyone else is and say I don’t think you were being rude or critical at all. I appreciate the insight. I like to take advantage of coupons without abusing them. I hate that “icky” feeling when I don’t play fair.
All this started by critisism from a Guy that tells us to price match other store promotions at Walmart every day! I see little difference between Price Matching other stores adds and using a “Blinkie” Coupon in another store. Which is it Paul, are we going to shop at Walmart, or are we going to shop at the store that spent the advertising dollars to generate the add?
“We” are going to do our best to follow the policies that are created and written. I do not know what “all this critisism” is referring to. I am assuming you read the entire post(including the title) and not just the part that has obviously offended you. They were meant to be shown as very minor issues, one of which is an admitted oversight and one is a personal choice, and not as evidence in a criminal trial. You are reading WAY to much into this, but I guess that is the risk I run when I put out an opinion.
Hi! Were you guys able to buy the “Super Odor Neutralizer” (adjustable) with that dollar off coupon that features a spray bottle?
I tried several times and they didn’t let me. I just tried with any kind of adjustables, do you know if it must be specifically the kind that says “Super Odor Neutralizer”?
yes, it should be the one that say “super odor neutralizer” on them.
wow. i just stumbled upon this site today….not sure ill be back now
oh, please don’t let one post scare you. I promise you will change your mind, I think some things get lost in the translation of text.
I love this site, I don’t always go to walmart, but when I need to I have a list generated by Paul and a collection, so I don’t have to go all the time. Disregard the hateful comments and learn from the others. I make mistakes all the time with couponing and with this I can learn and be better so the stores are able to redeem the money from the coupon. If I don’t use it correctly, stores may not get paid and eventually may not take coupons at all.
I hope you continue to offer your input on “reader’s trips/hauls” and I hope the readers continue sending them in for us to see. I learn so much from you and your readers. I really appreciate it!!
WOW, just wow. Even after reading the post by the person who ACTUALLY was being “picked on” people still feel the need to blast Paul for his opinion. The poster of the trip didn’t find him as offensive, as the blinkie police. Seriously, everyone has an opinion about blinkies and peelies being used in places other than when and where they found them. Just because Paul’s opinion doesn’t match with a readers, it doesn’t justify the negative and ugly comments. Lets be adults and agree to disagree. It is so sad to see couponers that used to help each other turn on each other over an opinion of the page admin. I have 4 laptops and 1 notebook. The limit is 2 per computer usually, not 2 per household. If it is a high value limited coupon, I always just print 2 even though I have the ability to print 10. I do this as a courtesy to other couponers. However, if I wanted to print 10, I would. I bought and paid for all my computers. If you want access to more printables buy another computer. Seems silly though to me to spend $600 to print 2 more coupons. My family are “gamers” and the reason we all have our own laptop. A bonus is the ability to print more coupon. Paul, it is ok if you tell me it is wrong to print additional coupons, I won’t be angry and blast you for your opinion. Since the Extreme Couponing show has aired, our pleasant helpful couponing community has turned into a “every man for him/herself community. “
Amy, it’s ok really. I know that couponing is something people are very passionate about. I don’t expect everyone to agree on everything and it is a good reminder that written text is not always the clearest way to communicate. I don’t take anything anyone posted as offensive and I hope I have built up enough trust capitol that they can see past one post. I just want everyone to get along and sing a happy song.
Well I just have a few comments:
1) That pepsi max tastes gross and I would not buy it even if the coupon was 1.00 off 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) I could see the point of saying that why would you get a coupon from one store and then go to Wal-mart and price match the store you just got the coupon from at Wal-mart (I mean a tun of running around) you could have just got it at the first store and saved time, but I see the shopper provided a follow up comment stating that they were all out at the store where the coupon came from so that makes sence.
3) At lease Paul is a good sport and could take all the negative and positive criticism. Which is good because every one is entitled to their own opinion.
Not like that “HIP” lady from another blog who got so offended at one comment I made she literally deleted it and blocked me from her website. (I mean grow up)
Keep up the good work Paul!