This idea was sent in by reader Brooke. She’s come up with a way to make sure the cashiers know she’s price matching and she avoids having to put items on the belt in a certain order or watch every item go through the checkout. And if you want to make sure you know how to price match, check out the I Heart the Mart Radio Show on Price Matching at Walmart.
I use mini Post-It notes for my price matching trips. I take them with me to the store and have my price matching list ready to go. As I find the items I’m price matching, I write the store name and the price match price on a sticky note.
Then I stick it over the barcode on the product and put it in my cart.
When I get to the checkout, I just let the cashier know that I’m price matching and that I’ve put the store name and price over the barcode. The cashier simply takes the sticky note off, scans and makes the price adjustment as each item goes through. At the end of the transaction I hand over my matching coupons and pay.
Do you have a tip on how you make your shopping at Walmart easier? Please take a picture (if possible) and submit your tip here for possible feature consideration.
I do the same thing, but I put the post-its on the items when I put them in my cart, and if I am buying more than one of the same item I only put it on one of them and stack them together on the belt with the post-it on top. I also put all the non-price match items on the check-out belt first and tell the cashier where the price matching starts. That is easy to do with the post-its on the items in the cart, and it makes it quicker for the cashier since they don’t have to check each item for a post-it. My checkout goes very quickly and the cashiers are always appreciative (so are the people in line behind me)!
They have new tv ads right now that say they will price match when you bring your ads in.
At my local walmart they don’t take your word you have to show them all the different sale papers .
No you don’t per the TV ads & there signs at the registers.
I divide my cart (visually) in two. Towards the handle are the non-PM items and the end, is the PM items. I place all the non-PM items on the belt first, then use a recycle bag as a divider when placing the PM items next. Of course I always tell the cashier where the PM items starts. This gives me plenty of time to be done loading the belt and give them the PM prices (and carefully watch the register at the same time) without wasting paper (3/4 of our groceries are usually always PM items since we shop from sale ads mostly–big stockpile covers much of our needs except meats, dairy and produce).
I usually always take the ads with me (ok, not always) but I keep them in my purse. When asked if I have the ad, I just say no and if anyone says I have to have them, I show the sign above the cash register that says no I don’t. (And I have been known to hold up the line, ask for store manager (not CSM) while also calling Corporate while in line when they give me grief. Two times of doing this, and my local stores have been trained on how to properly price match according to company policy–not personal interpretations.)
My Wal-Mart will not price match unless you have the ad with you. I tried to price match with the other stores ad on my iPhone but they said no 🙁 That means if I want to price match I will have to drive almost 10 miles just to get the ad, so why in the world would I do that just to shop at Wal-Mat! If I am going to drive that far I will just shop at that store. It’s getting to where I don’t like Wal-Mat anyway and now they give you reasons not to shop there!